chapter 6

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here's a song to listen to: Mean It - Lauv, LANY

wooyoung's pov

After thinking for a few minutes whether he should press the button send or not, Wooyoung said 'fuck it'. He threw his phone on the bed waiting for San to answer his message. He wasn't sure why he was doing all this, since they were in a fake relationship but Wooyoung. In any case, neither him or San (especially San) didn't feel anything towards each other so it would be fun to try this out since he wasn't looking for a serious relationship. Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from the bed where his phone was laying. 

hi fake boyfriend...did you sleep well?

choi san
we need to meet. mingi is going somewhere in 2 hours. meet me at my dorm.

Wooyoung swore that he felt his heart trying to break out of his chest, because of how fast it was beating. He knew that San is going to end this fake relationship with him, he probably realized that it was a dumb decision from the beginning. But Wooyoung didn't know why he was so upset about it. After spending more than an hour simply laying in bed and thinking about why San wants to meet, he put on some clothes and exited his dorm room. Yunho already left before he did, he was being awfully quiet all morning which was odd. Wooyoung was worried about his best friend but decided to talk to him after he gets back from San's room.

san's pov

San was sitting on his bed bouncing his leg out of frustration, while he was waiting for Wooyoung who was supposed to arrive in 5 minutes. Mingi has already left their room after San ordered some hangover soup for him and watched him eat it in silence. He only talked about how bad his headache was and how he will never drink like that ever again. San doubted that because his introverted best friend said the exact same sentence at least 20 more times since they became roommates. Hearing someone knock on his door, San quickly stood up and went to open it.

"Hi, gorgeous.", he met Wooyoung's eyes as soon as he opened the door for him. He was back to being his cocky, flirtatious self.

"Looks like someone is back to being his old self.", San rolled his eyes.

As they sat down on San's bed, the room went quiet. Even Wooyoung wasn't saying anything, after he stepped into San's room with a lot of confidence.

"So...", Wooyoung broke the silence, "...why did you want to meet me?"

"I wanted to discuss our fake relationship...", San started.

"I understand that you might regret your decision, Choi, and it's okay I-", before he could finish his sentence, San spoke again.

"I was thinking of having some rules. I already made up mine, but you are free to suggest yours too."

" you didn't want to break up with me?", Wooyoung asked softly.

"What do you mean break up with you, idiot, we're not even in a real relationship.", San answered slightly raising his voice.

"Oh, okay then. So what are your rules?", Wooyoung asked again.

Rule number one of their fake relationship: absolutely no kissing. Wooyoung agreed, but was slightly disappointed because San's lips were just so...beautiful. 

Rule number two of their fake relationship: no silly pet names, they are allowed to call each other just Wooyoung and San, because Jung and Choi seemed a bit cold since they are "together" now.

"So you calling me gorgeous just a few minutes ago is forbidden, you broke one of the rules.", San added, to which Wooyoung smirked.

And finally, rule number three of their fake relationship: no touching in public, holding hands is only allowed if they see Hwang Hyunjin, which was the name of the tall stranger they met last night according to Wooyoung.

"So if I can't touch you in public...does that mean I can touch you when we're alone?", Wooyoung asked flirtatiously, placing his hand on San's thigh.

"Absolutely not.", San said moving Wooyoung's hand.

"So that are all the rules. If you have some of your own, feel free to tell me.", San told Wooyoung, who was thinking about what he should suggest.

"I don't really have rules. But I do have one request.", Wooyoung announced while San was waiting for him to reveal whatever insane request he had on his mind.

"I want to take you out on a date. Fake date, I mean.", Wooyoung quickly corrected himself.

San knew it was going to be an insane idea. He wanted to reject it so bad but after making all these rules that Wooyoung eventually agreed on, he thought that he could grant him at least that one wish. 

"Okay, fine. But only one date!", San accepted Wooyoung's offer making Wooyoung smile. His smile is so bright and sincere, San thought. He was really wondering why that same smile simply wasn't there the night before.

mingi's pov

(this is going to be a short filler part to update everyone who is interested in the YunGi situation)

Nervously walking left and right, Mingi was waiting for his friend and previous project partner Yunho to arrive, after he asked him to meet in front of the university building. The campus ground was empty, no longer filled with anxious students that were rushing from one class to another. Most of them were either chilling in their dorm rooms trying to study for the upcoming exams or visiting their families. Mingi was anxious. He didn't know how to look Yunho in the eyes after last night's events. His thinking was suddenly interrupted by the sound of Yunho's voice.

"Hey Mingi!", Yunho greeted his friend with a big smile on his face.

"Hi Yunho. I wanted to talk to you about last night...", Mingi went straight to the point.

"Wow, we could have first gotten some coffee or breakfast, but you went straight to the point. Don't worry friend, I don't think of it as a big deal.", Yunho tried to comfort his friend, not knowing that the last sentence crushed Mingi's hopes.

"So you're not angry. Even after I...kissed you?", Mingi asked nervously.

"It's fine, Mingi. I saw how drunk you were! Why would I be angry, it could have happened to me too.", Yunho said as he playfully hit his friend on the shoulder.

"Oh, okay then...We're still good?", Mingi asked while his cheeks were blushing from the warmth that suddenly struck him.

"Yes, we still good buddy. Let's get some breakfast now.", Yunho answered putting one arm around Mingi's shoulder who was now blushing even more, trying so hard to hide it from Yunho.


Hi guys! A quick update about the publishing schedule: tomorrow I will probably publish two chapters and during the weekend I won't be publishing any chapter because I have to prepare for my exam on Monday but be patient because there will be a new chapter on Monday. Thank you for your understanding! :)

Anyways, I hope you liked this new chapter. Next one is going to be really cute because we're finally getting a WooSan date :') Fake date actually, but it's still gonna be very wholesome!

What is your opinion on my story so far? Any theories? 

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