Chapter 1

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Heys guys,,,

Basically its my first Riansh story... and

Here i am converting into #swasan also because i really like this book...

And yeah before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Read at your own Risk.... this story very mature,,,, it may hurt your feelings but don't forget that it's just a fiction story.

No one is here to support forced marital sex...

Skip the story if you can't handle this and yes in the end of this story everyone get the punishment and justice.

Revengeful Marriage :

Chapter one ;

Lets start ****

At temple :

Scene start from Swasan marriage..

Swara is crying...

And on the other hand Sanskar had angry expression on his face...

And Sanskar mans are around them.. And of them Pointing gun on pandit head...

Pandit is looking so scared...

They are taking phera,, or can say Sanskar is forcing Swara to take pheray..

Then pandit declared both now husband n wife.

Then then Sanskar drag out Swara from temple...

Sanskar man handed a bunch of money on pandit hands n all come behind Swasan ...


At room :

Sanskar forcefully take Swara to room... n with a jerk he push her towards bed...

She fell on bed.....

Sanskar is looking so much angry... look at her in hungry eyes...

With in a second He close the door...n remove his sherwani...

Then jump on Swara....

Lock her hands up... with his hands... looking at her eyes lusty...

Swara is crying and she can't able to keep eye contact,, so she turn face to other side...

Sanskar smile evilly and then bend towards her ear n said " now ill make your life hell..... N now ill complete my revenge... today my parents is so happy in heaven... "

Then Sanskar remove her bridal duppata and thrown it away...

She was crying on her fate...

And cursing her parents why they did this........ Her life is living hell today,,, only because of them....



Character introduction :

Swara gupta :

20 years old, only daughter to her parents,, pampered child...

Beautiful, innocent,,, she is from mafia family but she don't know anything about that,she don't know she no. 1 mafia's only daughter,, her parents take her away from their dangerous life,,, she is apple of their eyes ....

Sahil gupta :

Swara's dad... No. 1 mafia in india , Cunning man, love his wife and daughter... In past, He is Sanskar 's dad right hand but he ditch him, snatch his business and killed Sanskar parents brutally...

Sanskar Maheswari :

He is 30 years old, only son to his parents, he parents died in accident (will reveal later)... He is 15, when his parents died infront of his eyes... only that day he decided to take revenge from those who killed his parents and snatch his whole property .... From that day He is working hard to become a mafia and that much stronger to take his revenge easily from those bastard... and now he became a no. One business man in the world,, and he is also become a under world don but no one knows this....

To be CONTINUE *****

So guys how it is???

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Take care bye.. 👋👋

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