Chapter 5

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Hey guys... 👋

before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Read at your own Risk.... this story very mature,,,, it may hurt your feelings but don't forget that it's just a fiction story.

No one is here to support forced marital sex...

Skip the story if you can't handle this and yes in the end of this story everyone get the punishment and justice.


Chapter five :

Lets start *********

Morning :

Sanskar n Swara is sleeping peacefully.. Sun rays disturb their sleep..

Sanskar open his eyes,,, he feel sharp pain in his head..

Sanskar hissed in pain...
Swara also open her eyes, hearing Sanskar scream..

Swara sit on bed " what happened ??? You ok.??"

Sanskar hold his head " my head is paining like hell..."

Swara knows why his head paining " wait a min, ill just come..."

Then she give him lemon water " drink it, you feel better..."

he drink it. Then lie on bed...

Swara goes to freshnup...

She come out... see Sanskar is taking out his clothes in hurry,, while talking to phone....

Sanskar turn, look Swara wearing her accessories.. " Swara, make breakfast for me fastly, i have half hour only...(she said ok), and yeah get ready at 8, we have to go in business party,,, ill send you dress, wear that only.."

Swara isn't talk him,, she just nodes her head in yes when he asked something from her...


At night :

At 7 pm :

Sanskar comes into his room to see Swara wearing another dress.. She isn't wearing that dress, which he sent for her ..

Sanskar become angry seeing this... he shut the door in anger... n lock it...

Swara knows, now she awake his devil side again... n pray to god, to save her...

Sanskar come in front of her , hold her right shoulder, and hold her face in left hand " why are you always awakening my devil side by your act... y r u not wear that dress....???"

Swara struggles to get out of his grip,,, tears start falling down from her eyes...

Sanskar " u don't know except crying,,, you fuck my mood..." and leave her with jerk,, she was about to fall but she balanced herself...

Swara goes to infront of him and said in hard voice "that's why, i didn't wear that dress (she rip her dress from her body n pointing her finger to her body marks, is fully covered with his love bite) is ki wajah se nahi wear kia meine, suna tumne... that dress is too much reveal my skin... " scream loudly..

Swara standing, in front of him in a bra n panty... in anger, she also strips her bra..

Sanskar stunned by her action,, he is seeing her body, every inch of her body is covered with his bite marks...
Sanskar feeling ashamed fir first time, of HIMSELF.

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