Chapter 8

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Hey guys... 👋

before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Read at your own Risk.... this story very mature...


Chapter Eight :

Lets start *********

Then swara pushed him away from her,,, but due to force both of their legs slipped and both fell on the pool...

Both of them, were drenched in water...

Sanskar eyes fell on swara...

Her saree is stick to her body,,, revealing her curves....

Sanskar now can't wait,,, he wants her...

Sanskar, without wasting any time, he pulled her to him...

She fell on him...

Sanskar cup her face from right hand... his other hand is on her waist.. Tightly holding her, that she can't move away...

swara is also looking at him...

Both of them locked their eyes...

Both lost in eachother eyes... this is the first time, they at eachother passionately....

swara also lost in his deep eyes..

swara stops struggling, and she moves her hands on his face...

She cupped his face.....,, moving lil upwards on his lips...

Then he placed his lip on her... he made her lil up...

Then their kiss became a passionate one.... Both exploring their mouth...

Sanskar roaming his hands on her drenched body....

They break the kiss When they become out of breath..

Then they both join their heads, while controlling their uneven breath...

Sanskar totally forget his anger after their passionate kiss...

Then Sanskar bending on her shoulder... put his lips on her right shoulder....

swara moan his name when his lips touch on her shoulder "ahh,, Sanskar.."

Sanskar feeling so good after listening his name from her mouth....

He start kissing her shoulder,,, rolling his tongue,, lick her..

swara is out of the world after his smooth n gentle torture..

Sanskar unpin her pallu from shoulders...

Then he did Same with other side shoulder ....... He bite their,,, swara hissed in pain"ahhh Sanskar... "

Sanskar licking the area for soothe her pain... swara hands behind him, tight fist his shirt in one, another one roaming around his back...

After satisfied from her shoulders... he take her in arms... and come out from pool... n moving towards bedroom...

Sanskar make her stand beside the bed... swara breathing heavily n her eyes are lower due to shyness....

swara feeling so many things at this moment,,, first she is not believing Sanskar loving her gently , he is not taking out his anger on her....,, and she feeling the love making pleasure for the first time...

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