Chapter 11

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Hey guys... 👋

before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Chapter 11

Let's start *********

Both went towards, the dance floor...

Sanskar look at them... they are standing so close to eachother...

Then raj keep his hands around belly, swara put her hands on his shoulders...

They started to dance slowly... and talking with eachother....

swara looking at Sanskar, at corner of her eyes... she smile smirkingly, after seeing his jealously....

Sanskar looking at both of them anger filled eyes ... clutched the glass tightly in his hand....

Sanskar went towards them angrily, while putting the glass on table....

swara look at Sanskar, he is coming towards them,,, she feels happy that, he is possessive for her also.... Or She is making herself ready for his next step...

Sanskar stop in front of them....

Separate them angrily... pull swara to him.... Possessively take her in side hug...

And Sanskar push Mr.Raj away, and give him punch 👊 on his face,,, he fell down due to the force...

Then Sanskar took swara in his arms, went out of the venue....


In room ;

Sanskar take swara in, n make her stand on her feet, swara immediately cup his face...

swara(happily) " Sanskar, i know, you also love me, that why you can't see me with any body else.... Sanskar, please accept th....."

Sanskar push her away " you just shut up.. I am not jealous n don't love... just come out of your dream world,,, i see WHAT I DONE WITH YOU,,, WHAT YOU ARE N WHAT I MADE YOU.., anyway,, i took you here because i want give you something... remember i told you that when i am back, i definitely talk to you... just a minute.... "

He goes towards the cupboard, take out one envelope....

And give it to swara....

Sanskar." come on, open it, and your all questions will be cleared after seeing my answer.... "

swara open it.....

And she become numb, her whole body is start trembling in shock....

She take some time,, then look at Sanskar with venom eyes....

Sanskar absorbing her expressions...

Then without saying anything,,,, she slaped him tightly.... Her fingers printed on his cheek.....

Before he react, she slap him again.... N left to washroom and closed the door....

Here Sanskar don't know what happened with her, why she didn't say anything....


After some time :

swara come out from the washroom and thrown the pregnancy kit in his face, which is showing positive results.....

Sanskar shock seeing the pregnancy kit, he pick it up from the floor , and see the result is positive..... He become numb, he feel like a someone thrown bomb 💣 on his head....

He is still seeing the kit... his eyes stuck on it ....

Then swara held his collar " how dare you, n who are you to take my life decision,,,, n who are you to give me DIVORCE ... i don't give you this much rights... i am not that much weak... and yeah, now i become so strong for this (pointing towards her tummy)... If you want to leave me then go ahead,, now my baby is with me... who is always beside me, with me... now i don't want you.... You do what you want...... i am tired of making you believe that I Love you,, and i know you also love me, but you don't accept your feeling.... Now i can't waste my time with you.... You just go to are no......... " saying all this with so many angry voice, so loudly....

And she stop in middle because she was feeling pain in her stomach,, she held her tummy n hissed in pain.....

Sanskar get scared... after seeing her clutching her tummy... he immediately held her,,, and take her to the bed... call the doctor...


After some time :

In front of Swasan room, Sanskar is placing here n there due to tension...

Doctor is checking swara....

Doctor come out , Sanskar immediately asked to her " doc, howz my wife, is she fine???"

Doc" yeah, Mr Sanskar both are fine i mean your wife and baby, don't give her stress and if she take stress it is leads to miscarriage because she is so young to carry a baby... take care of her... and yeah i have some doubts so u can visit my clinic tomorrow morning then i will tell you... "


Room :

Sanskar come in, see swara is sitting on bed take, resting her back on bed post..

Her both hands still wrap on her tummy protectively...

Sanskar mummers her name slowly to gain her attention " swara...!" but she ignore him.

swara said to him while looking at another side " you don't worry, i will leave from here when i feel i am fine...."

After hearing her words, Sanskar get angry 😡...

He immediately sit beside her n held her from shoulder." no you can't leave me now.... I have to stay with me till your last breath...."

swara look at his eyes and pass a painful smile " yeah, now you don't leave because i am carrying your part...." said to him tauntly.

Sanskar closed hid eyes and trying to control his anger" swara you think whatever you want, i am not give you any explanation... take rest.."


At night :

Around 3am ;

swara is sleeping peacefully and Sanskar

" swara my LOVE, that time when ypu told to me ' i am carrying your baby that y you don't leave me' i don't know what to answer with your question,, but you know, when you told about your pregnancy, a very think come in my mind that i can't leave now TWO life, that time i decided that I want you with me.... I thought if i leave you this time my baby is also suffered like me n i can't let this happen to own blood... i am leaving you because i can't give all happiness which you deserve but now I can't.... But yeah I'll try to give you a better life.... I promise... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. " and he kiss her tummy...

And sleep besides her...

To be CONTINUE *******

Next : Shower Romance 🚿🔥

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