Chapter 9

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Hey guys... 👋

before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Chapter Nine :

Lets start *********

swara " ahhhh Sanskar,,,, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH...." said while holding her heavy breath...

This time reality hit on Sanskar.... After hearing i love you...

He immediately come out from her.... And wear his clothes and leave the room leaving swara alone on bed n totally naked...

swara don't know what happened with him suddenly....


Sanskar came to bar area... and open the vine bottle and start drinking.....

Thinking something.... His eyes become red...

Sanskar pov :

swara.....!!!! My enemy's daughter...... My wife and my LOVE... yes,, i love her from the first site when i see her innocent face for the first time❤️.... I don't know when i fell on her more n more,,, i everyday forced her to romance with me,,, i make love with her every day coz i just want to tell her that she is mine ,, i feel peace to lost myself in her,,, she become my addition.... Her body, her soul,, her all things belongs to me only...

But i realize that, if love her truly, i won't force her to stay with me...

But swara,, give me a huge shock,, after her confession.... I was so shock after seeing her beating him, like she so professional,, then realization hit that y don't she use these self defense on me.....

When she told me she LOVE ME,, i was in huge shock,, i still can't believe her,, that she love me....

She deserves a happy life, if she stay with me, i give her only pain. 😔

But don't worry, soon i will free her from this unwanted relationship,, coz now, i realize the meaning of true love..... I LOVE YOU swara, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH... you are the only love of my life and i can't ever love any other girl in my life...


Other side in swasan room.

swara still not come out from the shock that y he left her...

swara about to getup from bed,,, she feeling so low, and stomach pain... and all things revolving around her... she hissed lil while holding her stomach ...

Then lye down again thinking this happening due to love making ....

And sleep..


Next day :

swara is waiting for him to come back home,,,he went early n didn't come back,,,, she made all his favourite dishes... and she was sitting on chair,,, looking the dishes at placed on dining table...

Then look at the time,,, its show 11:45 pm.... Then alone tear fell from her eyes......... she is also feeling so hungry, coz she didn't eat the proper food because of him from the morning ....

Time pass,,, the clock showing 12:00...

Then only, the door open,,,,, and Sanskar came in... Sanskar also see her sitting and waiting for him...

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