Chapter 10

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Hey guys... 👋

before you start reading, will telling you that my English is really bad, so please handle it while reading the book. 🙏😜😜😜

Enjoy reading...



Chapter Ten :

Lets start *********

In the washroom :

swara is standing in front of mirror,,,,looking at herself through mirror,,,, her gaze fixed on her tummy.... Alone Tear fell from her eyes,,, but she weep it away ....

Then she keep her both hands on tummy and more tears fell from her eyes....

swara pov :

Yes, i am PREGNANT, one month pregnant,,,,,,, i still can't believe that i am going to be mother soon,,,, and one more thing is m not believing that i going to be mother of sanskar baby, my dream coming true.... So fast... i still can't imagine that one day, i am sanskar wife and now going to be his baby's mother...

i got know this today,,, then decided to tell this news to sanskar,,,, but when i seen his behaviour towards me, i though its not right time to tell him, what if he don't want a baby with me, what if he hurt my baby due his anger,,, what if he again do s*x with me its not safe for my baby,,, i am the mother i have to protect my child.... (to baby) baby don't worry about your dad, ill tell him soon,, but now, your safety is my first priority... "

Pov END..


Flash back :

At night ;

swasan room :

sanskar leave her alone in bed....

swara cover her naked body from bedsheet...

swara about to getup from bed,,, she feeling so low, and stomach pain... and all things revolving around her... she hissed lil while holding her stomach ...

This the first time, after their love

Then lye down again thinking this happening due to love making ....

And sleep..

morning :

swara open her eyes, feeling so low, all the things revolving around her... she hold her head....

Then sit down taking support from bed post.

She keep her head on bed post... close her eyes...

But suddenly she feeling vomiting sensation... she rushed towards bathroom and empty her stomach...

Then she hold her tummy, feeling pain... a painful moan escape from her mouth....

Then something click in her brain... she immediately rushed back to the room... took her mobile phone, open the calendar. Look at the date..

swara to herself " my periods is still not came, what if i am pregnant.!!...."

swara become emotional,,, tears filled in her eyes,, and she take put her shivering hand on tummy....

swara " no, no,, first i have to check..."

After noon :

swara, buy online pregnancy kit...

swara rushed towards their room and hurriedly goes in the washroom...

She check it... and the result came positive...

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