Before and after the first encounter

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It was a day like any other, my brother and I were at the air temple playing around with all the other airbenders and flying bison. It was a bright sunny day. My brother and I are about 4 years in difference. They say the way the story goes is that the last avatar had turned his back on the world when the world needed him the most. Supposedly, its been 100 years since then. I was born first, and it's time again for there to be another air avatar. It wouldn't be the first or the last time a girl was the avatar, but even though I have the arrows on me, and I'll be able to learn all the elements.... Something happened.

I can't exactly tell you what that something is because no one knows. Because of this I'm known as "The Glitch" I was supposed to be the next avatar, but now my younger brother is. At this time I can't remember how the rest of that day went or what happened next. But for the last several years, and maybe we've been trapped in here for the last 100 years, it doesn't really make that clear, and I've lost track. But all I know is that my body is trapped in an iceberg somewhere along with my brother and our flying bison. We're both airbenders.

We're both "avatars." My brother is supposed to be the one that saves the world and brings all the nations together, but he's only 12. And I'm 16, I'm more experienced. I was born first. But, if there is something good that's come out of being a glitch it's this.... Normally when the avatar goes into their spirit form and goes into the spirit world, their spirit can only be seen by the other spirits, that humans can't interact with us. But I can.

My spirit is like its own person, its almost like I'm really there. At some point or another when all the nations were still at one point or another friends before the fire nation attacked I was friends with the fire nation king. I think we really must've been in that iceberg for 100 years cause I also know some of his other family members. But he was the only one I knew in person. I know the now new king of the fire nation, his wife, and their kids and the children's uncle.

I've met the parents and the uncle all in my spirit form. The kids became some of my very best friends, and the truth is, is that they even know who I am, or rather who I was supposed to be. And we're still friends. I remember it like it was yesterday....


I had used my powers to enter the spirit world, to be in my spirit form. I'd been swept away by the wind to arrive at a house I knew all too well. I have pale skin, and medium length brown hair, and bright blue eyes, but to humans I look see-through like a ghost. But you can still feel me. The mother was so kind to me, as was their uncle. Their father had always been skeptical of me. But I felt like I was family. One day I was over, the princess was showing me and teaching me how to firebend.

Like this? I'd asked her. Yeah, but put a little more force into it. She'd told me. Fire isn't gentle, it's mostly for defending yourself. Come on Farrah you got this. She told me. Fire needs air to work doesn't it? She asked me. Well yeah. I'd told her. Fire just isn't easy for me, I'm afraid to burn myself or someone else. You have to have control and confidence. Leave her alone, someone's gonna get hurt! Her brother reminded us.

She came to see me anyways. Why's that? She teased, because you like her? Girl leave the boy alone. I defended. I came to see both of you. I came to play with you, and fight with your sister. She's training me. Yeah, you can go and play with her after lunch. After lunch I won't bother you. But until then she's my little plaything. But she's my friend! Your friend or your girlfriend? She teased again. Both: Leave us alone!

She just giggled and swirled fire in her palm in the shape of a heart. The brother used his own powers to rid of it. Hey?! That almost hit me. She said in mock hurt. Children, come in for lunch. Their mother called. Your uncle has tea for us to drink with our lunch. How are you Farrah dear? She'd ask me with a hug. I'm fine ma'am. What a lovely girl always so polite. Sit down and have something to eat with us.

You must be hungry after the workout my daughter put you through. Yes ma'am. Now dear, I may have asked you this before, but... Do you know where your body might be located. We'd be able to come get you. She asked sipping her tea, as I sip mine. No I shake my head. That's quite alright then. I've lost count on the years its been, if I hadn't been persevered in the ice that I'm in now, I might be a real ghost. Supposedly I've been trapped in here for a 100 years.

It would make sense why you don't age then even in your spirit form. She nodded. I'm afraid that my spirit form may be getting weaker again. You might not see me again at least for another 4 years. But, Farrah that's like 10 years from now. Her son had complained. Oh Zuzu what's the matter don't want your little girlfriend to leave? *UG!* He growled as I ducked, and he aimed fire at his sister.

You know the only person that can call me that is Farrah, and get away with it! I hate that nickname! Relax my son. She's only teasing you. His mother chuckled placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. But, she promised she'd leave us alone after lunch! And I will. It's after lunch now. Have fun love birds. *Gr* he growls after her. Calm down, before you burn the house down. Zuzu don't be such a baby, a frown doesn't suit you, you look better with a smile on your face.

Behind him, I smirk and reach out a sly smile on my face.... Like this I tease running my fingertips against his sides. Hey? He laughs. Tag you're it. I tease breaking out into a run. As we go back out to the backyard. Can't catch me. You're weaker now, I bet I could. Not a chance. Come get me Zuzu, or are you too slow? I giggled. You just keep giggling away Farrah he teased, I'll just be sure to make you be laughing for the right reasons.

Catch me if you can! Missed me! I called as he tried to throw his fire at me. I'll always miss you Farrah, you're my best friend. I could never hurt you on purpose. He shook his head with a sly smirk growing on his face. But that doesn't mean I can't and won't turn you into a giggly mess. Says you, you're worse than I am. That's so not true. I stick my tongue out at him as I climb up a tree.

Farrah, you can't stay up there forever. Is that a challenge? As soon as I ask that, my spirit starts to shimmer like its fading in and out. I fall right through a tree branch like a real ghost. But aim my air at the ground to make sure I don't get hurt. However, before I can get back up, he's by my side making sure I'm not hurt. Are you alright? Yeah, I'm fine. I tell him as I try to get back up. Good, then you're not hurt. He shrugs.

He gently pins me down the rest of the way, and begins his attack, and I'm too weak to even try and push him away. Alright, alright I giggle already in hysterics. You win, you win. That didn't take long. It's much more fun when I can go longer. When you're not this weak. Aren't you sweet? He unpins me and helps me up. I'll miss you Farrah. Everyday. Don't forget about me Zuzu. How can I ever forget you? You're my best friend.

I frown. What's the matter? You do know who I am right? And I've told you about my brother? Yeah, so? Zuzu you say you'll never hurt me and will always miss me because I'm your best friend, but my brother IS the avatar, and I should've been. The avatar the last one turned his back on the world when they needed him most, and for 100 years the nations have been at war, your nation is taking over, you're supposed to be leading the troops to try and kill us.

You may say now it could never happen, but loneliness will turn to sadness, and sadness will become anger. Whether at me for being gone, or because of any of the avatars for not being around to serve and to protect. That you and your sister both will be after the both of us. In 4 years you'll be my age now. In human years once I'm free, we could both very well be both 16 Your sister will be 18. She and her friends. You can't promise me that you or you both won't turn into our enemies because I know that's what you'll soon become, so I won't make you promise not to. And I won't hold it against you.

Once we learn and master all the elements, and we've probably fought each other just to end up becoming friends towards the end of it anyways, then we'll be friends again. By then maybe we can be something more as well. I promise no matter how old, or how young we are, or far away we are, or what happens to us because of the war, and the attack made by the fire nation that I will always love you. Right now you can't promise me such things, but maybe someday you can. Just try not to try and kill me too bad? I said with a wink and a smirk.

Cause my brother you for sure will try to kill, or at least capture, but you'll always try to at least capture me. As much as you soon will want to kill me, with all your built up anger, saying how you will never forgive me for leaving you, just remember it wasn't my choice. How can you say something so cruel? So untrue? Because I've seen it before in my dreams. That's who you and your sister become. Our enemies, your sister will always be our enemy, me and my new friends and my brother, out for the kill. But the two of us won't always be enemies it will just be a long time or what will feel like a long time before we're friends again though.

Don't go Farrah! He pleads as tears go down his face. I'm too weak Zuzu, my spirit is fading, my body is becoming too cold. The winds must take me back now, but I'll never forget you, and I'll always be your friend even if you can't always be mine. I kiss his forehead.

It turns out, not only was I right, but 4 years would feel like a very long time for us, but not compared to however long it has been that my brother and I have been in the ice. Now we are in present times. Soon, I feel that we will be saved, that we will be strong enough to break free, and not have aged from 12 and 16. In a boat out on the water there are two siblings. A boy and a girl, a human and next to him a waterbender. Not to say those with powers aren't human of course.

These children have names you know. The boy is Sokka, he is trying to catch a fish with his spear teaching his younger sister how to fish. Meanwhile as the boy struggles the girl beside him the waterbender, her name is Katara. And she's catching that fish alright, with a not so steady hand as she moves the water around, it forms a bubble as she captures the fish in her grasp in her water bubble suspended in the air. Sokka look! She exclaims. But he's not paying her any attention.

Sokka look! I caught one! She cheers in happiness. But he's still not listening to her. As he aims for the fish in front of him the dull end of the spear pops the water bubble that has now found itself over his head, and the fish flies over Katara's head and back into the water, while the "magic water" splashes all over Sokka's head. He is not pleased by this. Sokka claims that if he had magic abilities he would keep his weirdness to himself.

After arguing some more the boat starts to tip and then as they keep balance the boat goes further out into the water, as they try to keep the boat from crashing into surrounding icebergs. Once they start fighting about whose fault it was, Katara was so angry with her brother about blaming her for everything, that our iceberg began to rise out of the water. Because of her powers. They were both amazed by how she did that.

A bright blue glow emits. It's because of us. My brother opens his eyes when Katara gets close to us. Look Sokka there's someone alive in there, we've got to help them. She claims. Before he can stop her she takes his club and smacks the iceberg. There is an explosion of light. We are free. After what feels like forever we're finally free. And a ways away it appears as though it has caught someone else's sight as well. Someone on a fire nation ship looking for us, either looking for us to kill us, or rather my brother, or myself.

Did you see that uncle? There was a bright light. Oh Zuko you and your dreams, give up the ghost that girl is never coming back. But that light had to be created by something powerful. Her brother I'd try to kill, but to her I'd just like to capture, and to her I'd pretend to be evil, but when she's with me again be the friend that she once knew. I'd never hurt her. He says turning his head away. Have some jasmine tea. It will calm you down.

I don't want tea uncle Iroh, I want to find my friend. She thinks I'd hurt her, that I'd try to kill her personally. It's him I want! She said that she was growing weak, that she was surrounded by ice. That she was cold. Prince Zuko that was 4 years ago, to you both probably a lifetime ago by now. I remember that she said 4 years, and that you said it would feel like 10. You're both 16 now, that is if she is still alive.

She is uncle I know she is! Yes, perhaps, and if she is you're gonna kill her, you can't promise to anyone that you won't. None the less, troops follow that light. But prince Zuko we've gone down that road once already. I don't care! She said that she wouldn't blame me, but I have changed, I was lonely without her, she said I would be that I would become sad and that my sadness would turn to anger. But its my scar that filled in the details. My sadness turning to anger, my father abusive, my mother dying, everything crumbling around me. My sister is insane! She's more ruthless than myself.

Back where we are, my brother emerges and then faints, but I have yet to open my eyes. As I lay still on the cold ice. Katara comes to my brother's rescue catching him in her arms. Sokka don't just stand there gawking, go get the girl. Aang opens his eyes and in a happy reply asks her to go penguin sledding with him, she is very confused. But says yes. Wait, what's going on here? He wonders. That's what we'd like to know. Who are you? Who is she? Why aren't you still frozen? What are you doing here? IDK, I'm not sure. But that's my sister Farrah.

Appa? He looks around, and then to behind where we came from is a huge bison. Appa are you ok pal? He asks. Once Appa reacts to Aang he licks him. Awe, you're ok. He cheers. Farrah, Farrah wake up. He calls giving me a light shake. Wake up. Zuko. I grumble under my breath. Farrah wake up, he calls again. I rub my eyes. It's me Farrah your brother Aang, we're alive, we're free.

He hugs me. Appa licks me. Ok, ok I'm awake I giggle hugging them both. My spirit, it's in its body fully again. Before we go anywhere, they just shot a bright light out of the sky they could've signaled the fire navy. They could be spies. Well, no not, not spies exactly I whisper turning my head with tears in my eyes. As I wipe them away. But, I'm worried to tell you. You can tell us anything. Who are we gonna tell? Uh.... Sokka starts. I know I won't Katara scolds at her brother.

We're Sokka and Katara, and you just gave us your names without really giving them. Yeah I'm.... A-a-a-achoo. He sneezes flying up into the air. I'm Aang. You just sneezed and flew up into the air. You're an airbender. Yeah, both of us are. But Farrah you were saying something about the fire nation. I knew the current prince's grandfather, met him in person before the war. But the war has been going on for at least 100 years. She *gasps* So, is that how long you've been in there?

IDK, its been too long, I lost count. But we didn't age while we were frozen in that ice. During that time my spirit was able to leave my body in touchable ghost like form. I was also at one or another friends with the current king of the fire nation in my spirit form, and his wife, he was always skeptical about me. The wife was so nice. The uncle I knew when he was a boy too. He's an old man now. The children the prince and princess of the fire nation they were once my best friends his sister taught me how to fight, the other I used to play with.

What happened? My spirit grew weak, its been only 4 years since I've "seen" him, but it feels like 10. I told them what I told Zuko the last time I "saw" him. That he'd be our enemy now, try to capture us both, try to probably kill my brother, but think that he wouldn't kill me. But I warned him that he would become lonely and sad, and that both of these feelings would make him angry, that he couldn't promise me that he wouldn't hurt me, or wouldn't not try to kill me. But I know he'd at least try to capture me.

I knew that we'd be enemies for a while until we were friends again. He knew what I was, who I was supposed to be, knew about my brother, and who he is. He was brutally honest with me. I chuckled, but I told him that I wouldn't blame him for changing. He didn't want me to go, he was sad to see me have to leave, to say goodbye. I told him I knew this would indeed happen because I've dreamt it before, that I'd seen it happen.

Well, all of this nonsense is enough for me, I'm going back home, where everything makes sense. Sokka you won't tell anyone will you?! Katara asks him. Yeah, yeah secret's safe with me whatever. Do you guys wanna ride home we'd be more than happy to give you a lift. Appa is our flying bison. Sure, and this is Katara my flying sister. Come on you stick in the mud, let's go.

Now's our chance buddy. Let's go. Yip-yip Appa, come on boy yip-yip. Soon enough we're flying. On the ship Iroh decides that they need their rest. That Zuko wasn't gonna find the Avatar, and he wasn't gonna find me either. For all he knew I could've always been a ghost, not an alive spirit wanting to break free, but waiting to cross over. But, my grandfather met her in person and never captured her.

That was before the war, before your father's time, before my own, before yours and your sister's. Don't speak of her! Prince Zuko you are acting like a child. I wish I were, she'd be right here next to me. He says clutching the rail of the boat. The others met her as a spirit, and be friended her, even my father once before, even you uncle, even myself and that she witch of a sister. Prince Zuko don't speak so negatively of your older sister.

You need your sleep. I NEED to find my friend, to find the avatar. Where we are, Katara had asked Aang about if since he is an airbender as am I if we know the avatar. He tells her no, but that he knew people who knew him. You could ask my sister but she's fast asleep. I think she has the right idea. We should all get some sleep. Goodnight Aang. Night Katara. While Aang dreams about how we got there... I dream about, how I met the royal family.

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