Promise me nothing bad will happen

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It was hard to practice waterbending when every few hours I would bring harsh winds due to my emotional state in the avatar spirit world. But when I wasn't doing that I was unconscious after having my loved ones calm me down. It was almost as if I was going through a bad break up or I was a widow now. My heart was broken the love of my life gone. When the winds weren't harsh Katara fought off everyone due to the training they were getting from the master. Katara had beat everyone else Aang on the other hand was currently lazing around floating Momo up with a ball of air. You have proven that with fierce determination passion and hard work you can accomplish anything. He said to her then turned to Aang and said instead of raw talent. Which is what Aang had. And of course we wasn't taking it very seriously. A gentle breeze blew around them it seemed to whisper and call out to them.

She wanted to check up on me. But she had seen for herself that I was not doing ok. But she had to tell them the news. Had to warn someone that Zhao was coming and if that was the only thing she could tell them maybe it would save them. They wouldn't even have to know Zuko was alive as long as she could tell me but would I be able to listen or would I be too heartbroken and emotional to even think that it could be true unless he had reached out to me himself. But then that would mean he would've kidnapped us. That's the only way unless Gale told me he had reached out to her himself. But I'm still not sure I'd believe it if I didn't hear from him in the next 24 hours. If Gale visited him it was possible he knew where we were. Maybe I could just be in denial and hope he was still alive trick myself into believing my prince was still alive. But outside it was calm. Katara and Aang were meant to be sparring. But Aang wanted to make a snowman instead. Momo knocked it over leaving Pakku and Katara annoyed and disappointed in him.

Where Sokka and Yue were they were walking along a bridge Sokka trying to balance on the edge. She asked him about the South Pole wanted to know if they had any palaces but no nothing but a giant iceberg as Sokka had put it. But she felt that this was wrong even if they were just taking a walk. But she felt it was wrong because she was engaged. Sokka said she just had to meet his good friend Appa. And of course she was curious as to who or what this person was. Not that this was a person at all. They went to the stables where Appa was resting he told her that they were old buddies and they went way back. He sat on him and licked him acting like a huge dog. And then next they know they're up on Appa and he asks her if she's holding on tight. And said the magic words. As they flew through the sky. I can't believe you get to do this everyday she was so in awe. Yeah we kind of live up here Sokka exclaimed trying to act all cool. Well Farrah lives up there he pointed at the clouds. More or less he teased. Her brother calls her the cloud child and she's friends with the wind calls her Gale. You can hear her speaking if you have permission. Is it always this cold in the sky? She asked him. He said it wasn't as long as you had someone by your side. They started leaning in after she scooted over to him but then mixed with the snow there was black soot and that could only mean one thing.

Oh no! He exclaimed. At the North Pole it was all fun and games until they saw the soot mixed with the snow. Appa landed and Sokka kneeled to the ground. He was understandably worried about this kind of thing. Said this same thing happened when his village was attacked that the fire nation was here and based on how much soot there was in the snow there was a lot of them coming. On the ship Zhao and Iroh were in the lead ship driving the ships toward the North Pole Zhao thought once this was over and he tore down the last of the water tribes that people would read about him in history books glad to have general Iroh at his side to watch history be made. Iroh warned him to be careful what they wished for because history was not good to its subjects. Zhao said he spoke with experience said something about a failure at Ba Sing Se. He told Iroh to signal the captain to make the first strike instead he told Zuko who was in disguise that they would be landing soon and hoped her had a plan. Zuko told him he was working on it. He had scars scratches and bruises from the attempted assassination. If and when I'd find out he was alive and was in his grasp I'd heal him with the water powers I would've been practicing along the way.

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