Let there be peace

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We were setting up camp for the night or trying to rather and we all had our jobs to take care of. Aang and I would try our best to find food, Katara would go gather firewood and Sokka was supposed to set up the tent only he had put the tarp inside of it instead of over it like Katara wanted.

Sokka you're supposed to put the tarp on top of the tent so that it doesn't rain on us! Normally yes, but it's the dry season and it's very unlikely that it will rain on us. He counter argues. Besides the tarp makes for a very good warm blanket, and if I were you I'd worry more about the firewood that kindling looks a little sad, he tells her.

So in retaliation she throws the pieces of wood at him and Sokka destroys the tent. Therefore when Aang and I got back with whatever we had found we were in great disappointment to see and hear them fighting, but them not do their jobs effects everyone not just one or the other and we should be working together not fighting, I've enough of that happen lucky that I made everyone keep the promises they made or everyone's father would've tried to kill me in my spirit state the next time they saw me with their own kids.

Which would've been very difficult to kill a spirit since it was like in the moment I would've already been dead. It didn't matter if I was the real avatar or not it was our job to bring the divided together. At least one of our jobs along many others that we weren't very good at yet. At least while hanging out with the fire nation royals that despite that they both had powers and brother and sister despised each other or rather mostly the brother in that manner but they mostly teased about us being together and arguing over me which had been for the most part entertaining.

But now more people were arguing and fighting and Aang was just a little kid so to speak there had also been arguing and fighting between the 4 nations for the last a 100 years and to think by the end of the summer it would finally end but in what way? If we couldn't stop two siblings quarrelling what business did we have making a century war stop especially since it started while we were stuck in the iceberg for that long.

Luckily someone was being the voice of reason when I couldn't. I'd dealt with this before but not over this since G-D forbid Zuko and Azula would stay in the same room for more than an hour together let alone in a confined space like a tent. But I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Listen guys harsh words won't solve your problems actions will. So why don't you just switch jobs? Aang suggested.

Sounds good to me. Katara agreed. Whatever Sokka said. See, this is easy handling feuds and making peace all in a days work for an Avatar. But then we turn to see Momo and Appa arguing over a watermelon. I got this one little brother. I smile using my airbending to split the watermelon in half giving Appa the bigger piece while my little lemur complained. Come on Momo you know that's fair since Appa has 5 stomachs. She's right little buddy Aang agreed.

You have to celebrate the little victories I remind Aang. It's just one step into the right direction to try and make most if not everyone happy. I just hope we can do the same for the war. I frown trying to be hopeful. Don't worry sis I'm sure everything will be fine. Hey, check it out there it is guys the great divide canyon. Wow I could stare at it forever! Sokka says before looking at it for a few secs before deciding that he's seen enough.

Sokka how can you not be fascinated? Katara asks him. This is the largest canyon in the world! Well great then we'll be able to see enough of it as much as we want while we're flying over it. Sokka exclaims. I'm sorry Sokka but I think we all know what will happen to us if we fly away again. We'd run into the same problem we had before but then again we might have another problem let Jet again if we walk. As much as I want to fly same as the next person.... I say doing air gymnastics before sitting criss cross on the air before laying down on it with my hands behind my head.... But, I think we all know its much safer not to do that at this moment.

And not a word out of any of you. I exclaim before using my powers to make little clouds under my feet to pull me along. Before feeling the affects of Sokka being pushed. If you're here for the canyon tour guide I was here first he tells us. Ooh a tour guide?! Katara asks. That's right and he's more than just a tour guide he's also an Earthbender. Ooh even better Aang I turn to him. And the only way across the canyon is by following the tour guide and he's taking my tribe next the man tells us.

But then he gets into an argument with Sokka after he tells him to calm down. To which the Gan Jin man says we wouldn't be so calm if the fire nation burned down your homes and made you flee. He tells us. My tribe and I have been walking 1,000s of miles to get to the capital city of Ba Sing Se. But as we were talking we saw some very poorly dressed people come up behind him and right now only one tribe was fully there.

Is that your tribe there? Katara asks him. No that is the Zhang tribe nothing but low life thieves. The two leaders of the tribes fight after telling us that they've been enemies for a century. T: You don't say I think to myself frowning upset that there's been another a 100 year feud and this one is just two groups of tribes not war. I frown as I groan hanging my arms in front of my body hunched over.

I really wish they hadn't said that. But luckily after the fighting started it quickly stopped when rocks started flying revealing the tour guide. But the Gan Jin guy was upset that the guide wouldn't take him since the rest of his tribe was not there and he couldn't guide someone who wasn't there. Well, I guess you'll just have to be guided through the canyon tomorrow the Zhang guy tells the Gan Jin.

But when the rest of the tribe of neatly clean people showed up the two head people of the tribes argued about who went first now that they were all there. Hey Farrah, Aang ready to put your peacemaking skills to the test? Katara asked us. IDK Katara Aang told her. Chores are one thing but this feud has been going on as long as the war itself I remind her.

But it doesn't stop her from stepping forward and telling everyone who we are. These are the avatars and they can help you come up with a compromise that will make everyone happy. But the solution seemed simple to share the tour guide. So that's what Aang suggested. But then they said they would rather be captured by the fire nation than travel with thieves. T: At this point I think I would much rather be captured by the fire nation than deal with a second a year feud.

I say turning my face to the side rubbing my cheek as I felt the heat crawl to them. What business do I have trying to stop war if I can't fix a feud? I frowned turning back to the group. Listen up! I raise my voice. You're all going together and Appa will fly the sick and the elderly people. They all agree with that but the only problem now was that we couldn't take food with us so we had to eat it now or get rid of it.

But as soon as we started.... Sorry Appa you'll have to do this one on your own buddy. She's right. Aang agreed with me. But Sokka was worried about us doing this asking if we were sure about getting involved and to be honest we really weren't but we never were. But Katara had all the confidence in us as avatars and we didn't want to let anyone down. Yip-yip. I told Appa as he took off through the skies. T: I hope this works, also I hope we don't run into the same problem we thought we'd have if we'd flown when we saw Jet.

But also we had our own problems he told us that canyons were built by the earth spirts being angry at farmers for not giving them big enough sacrifices. And then rocks started to fall as the tour guide protected us from the falling rocks. I guess they're still angry hope you all brought sacrifices. He warns us before we head down as he constructs a bride out of his bending.

But then the problems got worse one problem after another I guess the G-Ds were really wanting to test Aang and I on this trip today, if it's not Zuko its helping people, if it's not helping people it's fighting the bad guys, or protecting people or places or cleaning up damage or fixing feuds and evidently this long war. Once we were on the floor we were told to stay away from the walls as he destroyed the bridge.

Why did you do that? Aang asked him. These people are fleeing from the fire nation aren't they?! We have to make sure we're not being followed. T: We're gonna make things worse by being here then. Zuko seems to have some kind of tracking device or whatever since we've met in person or rather in my physical form. He always seems to be able to find me which is why we were walking in the first place the last time only for Jet to come along.

But being with these arguing tribes I'd rather be captured by Zuko or at this point be his dad's prisoner than deal with this feud with all their continuing problems. But more problems came an animal came out of nowhere and picked up the tour guide. Sokka threw his boomerang at the creature only for the creature to drop the tour guide and pick up Sokka and for Katara to use her water whip.

Which caused Katara to fall back against the wall, hopefully not hurt. And when the creature left the tour guide couldn't bend cause his hands were broken but that was strange considering we all know that later on Toph mainly if only uses her feet to use her earthbending. And then the groups started to argue again now that we were trapped in the canyon with no way out. T: Man not even Zuko and Azula argue this much. At that thought I giggled.

After helping Katara up she came over asking me personally without anyone else listening to busy arguing to hear us.... I imagine Zuko and Azula fought like this all the time, and that you'd much rather be in his grasp right now captured. She giggled nudging me. I rolled my eyes. Anyways it was never nearly this bad when they fought sure he despised her but when I would come over we made it clear that I would train with Azula to my best ability in which a spirit could and that after lunch Zuko and I would spend time together.

In other words save the best for last I imagine she giggled again. Whatever Katara, other times we all did something together. Like going to the waterfall or the two of us sneaking away to the hot spring or make treats for them to try or helping pick flowers from the garden for flower crowns. If I did something with Azula when we weren't just training he would get jealous. His mother helped to teach him how to weave the flower crowns and learn how to braid so that he could do it instead of his sister or when I got hurt and needed to take a tea bath while talking to Azula through the other side of the door he and his mom had washed my clothes and she taught him how to sew and he even made me a doll of himself after that for the nights I would stay over.

That's so cute she cooed. I know I told you the story about how he made my bracelet how we made one for each other and they're identical. He insisted when I'd stayed the night that I sleep in his room and he'd sleep in Iroh's room. He was absolutely the perfect gentleman. He really did used to the sweetest thing. There was one night I was caught in a storm and Azula was sound asleep and I'd gotten hurt like my arm was cut and bleeding hurt. Which I didn't understand and they had called a Dr. in to take care of me.

At first I had been worried that she wouldn't take care of me because I was the avatar and she was a fire nation person but she didn't care and just like how my arms are wrapped now from Jet's bindings from his crew.... They'd laid me asleep in his bed directly after the storm before she came and he held my hand and stayed with me the whole time worried about me moving and hurting myself. Storms still kind of scare me and when they did I ran to him and cuddled up close to him and told him to hold me tight. And he would.

I never made them promise things that I knew they couldn't because I knew they would keep it. Like the fact that he's trying so hard not to hurt me because I was just teasing and we were only playing but he told he'd always miss me because I'm his best friend. I didn't think he would keep his promise but he hates seeing me get hurt. Like when he tried to protect you from the fight he and Aang were having when we iced their ship. Katara reminded me. Yeah I told her. Or after you hit your head from the eel attack off the rocks and you were a little dizzy he had been teasing you about injured animals being easy to kill but I could see in his eyes that he was worried about you.

Just wait if you think he was worried then wait until he sees me now. I lifted my arms. They still hurt kind of when I use them but not as much as they did when it happened. Or before that when he promised you the water scroll he's your enemy but he wants you to learn and practice the elements and perfect them, I don't doubt by the time you guys are ready to learn firebending that he wouldn't keep his promise to teach you. He just would've never thought that he'd have to teach Aang if that happened.

I know that this not what you want to hear but it's still true enemy or not that boy cares about you and maybe even loves you. And I see the look on your face when someone mentions his name or takes bad about him. No one is going to see the way you look at him because we didn't know him before but we trust your judgement and you have all these fun little stories to tell someday I hope to hear the one about how his mom decided to give you the royal title of princess. Which works in both your favor since typically prince's can only marry princesses.

And the queen gave you that title. Gone or not she did it legally I'm assuming. She was or is or whatever the queen and whatever they say goes. It's so nice to just talk instead of listening to people argue but evidently my point is that they would argue over me and this war is about us because we weren't around. If Aang and I can't stop this feud what business do we have trying to stop a war?! I believe in you Farrah, you guys can do it. And I suppose he's really not as bad as some think because he could've just kept the necklace but he gave it back to me granted he wanted you guys.

And you would more than gladly turn yourself over to him just so that he wouldn't bother anyone else not that we're gonna let you do that. But you can do this. End this stupid feud and then a war is just the next step. You overestimate me Katara I shake my head. Zuko once underestimated me but he knew he shouldn't had. The time he captured us the first time. We know there were will be more times that he'll capture us. I really don't think he's personally able to kill someone so I don't think he'd really kill Aang but he does probably want to take him to his dad.

He'd keep me for himself though. Yeah, I agree this is nice not listening to the others fighting and just blocking them out but maybe we should try and work things out. Yeah, I guess I *sigh* You can do it I have all the faith in two. After the two tribes keep arguing worried about having no way out Aang tries again. He decides to separate the two groups instead. I'd stay with him and Katara would go with the Gan Jins and Sokka would go with the Zhang group.

When they set up the tents for the night they quickly learned that the Zhang agreed with Sokka and the Gan Jin agreed with Katara and the whole tarp business. Our plan was to go our separate ways and figure out why they hate each other so much. However, as it turns out the Gan Jin people were hiding food up their sleeve when they were gathered by the fire and made Katara think as long as everyone was doing it, that it couldn't be so bad.

Then she asked the leader why the tribes hated each other so much. The two tribes both had food and both told two very different sides of the same story the Gan Jin tribe said their sacred orb was stolen by a Zang tribe member but the Zhang said that they didn't steal it but that they were trying to help them get the orb to where it was supposed to be but tried to help the fellow man's injuries but had insisted the orb was more important he had gotten arrested because people thought he had stolen it. To the Gan Jin they thought the Zhang's were thieves but the Zhang's looked at the situation as injustice because they were just trying to help.

Aang and I and Momo were with the tour guide with Momo hanging out in my satchel as we sat around our own campfire. Lonely being impartial isn't it? He had asked us. We tried to help both the tribes and fix the problem, but it seems impossible I suppose our biggest problem is probably getting out of here. But the tour guide thought that the two problems were not unrelated.

What about you he turned to me? As I floated on the wind on my made out of cloud bed. For the last a 100 years I've always been a peacemaker. Even though our bodies were trapped as a "glitch" avatar I could leave my body and travel the wind I call Gale she took me place and I made friends with the most unlikely of people brother and sister who argued all the time this was more recent. I had gone back everyday during that time until my spirit got too cold and I returned back to our iceberg.

Except their kind of fighting was more like the sister playfully teasing and the brother getting mad or jealous that I was hanging out with his sister over him and he despises his sister. But this feud and the war is a little different. I told him. You used the word "glitch" what makes you a glitch? IDK I never asked, but there must be some reason why Aang is the avatar that is supposed save the world and that they call me the original. But I have a 3rd avatar spirit form and I don't just bend things I can make things out of them. Like my cloud bed. If Aang tried to touch a cloud it would go through him and he would be wet but she lets me use her clouds to form 3D objects.

I can do things an Avatar isn't supposed to be able to do. The monks tried to ask the G-Ds but they didn't answer either. Avatar Roku told my brother and I that those that care about me would never refer to me as the glitch but would use my name. But IDK I think all I do is mess up, and I've seen it. Do not beat yourself up my young friend no one perfect. But that's just it my brother and I we have to learn all 4 elements and have them perfect before facing off against the king so that we can stop this war. If we don't the fire nation takes over and it will be worse than it will be now.

But in the morning we had the rest of the way to go and Katara and Sokka had heard only the one side they had listened to about why they hated each other and once we reached the other side we needed everyone's help to work together to think of away out of the canyon but it seemed impossible they had started arguing again and unlike last time when Aang told us that harsh words wouldn't solve anything and that action would they took his words the wrong way pulling out their swords to duel to the death.

But after we used our airbending we discovered they all had food smuggled down here and that they had equally been terrible. And the creatures came back. Katara and Sokka didn't care about the feud anymore we just needed a way to work together to get out of this canyon. The way we got out was by using the food and the creatures to get out of the canyon and once up we were saved.

In order to get the feud to stop Aang and I decided to make up a story about how we knew the people in question because we're really 112 and 116 years old. That we had been there that day and the people in question had been brothers twins non the less and they were little kids just playing a game called redemption. That the 20 years in prison was really an out of bounds play and sat in the penalty box for 20 mins. And that there was nothing sacred about the orb or in this case the ball at all. It had all just been a game and the gates had been goals.

The tribe was happy and decided to become one and forget the past and look to the future we met back up with Appa and the people he had carried on his back as he gave Aang and I messy sloppy kisses with his tongue. We missed you too buddy I said petting him. They decided to become one tribe and go the capital together. That was some luck you guys knew those people back in the day.

You can say luck we will call it lying. Aang said as we laughed. Sokka was in shock and Katara looked at us with devilish admiration. What do you mean he asked us? I mean we made the whole thig up or Aang did and I even though I was totally confused I went along with it. You did not Katara agreed with Sokka. That is so wrong she teased us. Hey, we got a 100 year feud to stop and become friends. Now if only we could do the same thing with this war.

You know this episode was originally called the great divide the title is all but begging me to use the song, so how could I pass it up? Lol XD

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