You don't know it yet but you're in danger

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Now that we weren't sick anymore we still had the problem that I was too weak to remember that my wrists had been cut again. I'm sure Zuko might have blood on his clothes from that day. Unless they just soaked throw my clothes but I would think he would've noticed if I was bleeding. I know he saw that I'd been hurt at all.

But now Katara was trying to use waterbending to help me. Whether that's disinfect or whatever but water is supposed to have healing powers or whatever. We were by a lake and it was sunny out. We all got excited when a giant fish creature jumped up out of the lake and back down.

Look! She pointed out. And we'd all turned. A giant fish had popped out of the water. Had it been one of the elephant eels I would've tried to surf on it. Because that turned out so well the first time. But Sokka wanted it for food. He said the fish was taunting us as it looked like jumped in front of us in slow motion. As he went looking for the fishing pole. Only.... Where's the fishing line?

Oops sorry I didn't think you needed it. Aang told him. He had put a red flower on it and it looked all tangled up but as much as Sokka thought it was tangled up Aang said it wasn't tangled he had made it a necklace for Katara. It's to replace the one that's gone until you get it back. He told her. Thank you Aang I love it. She told him. And I smiled at that. It reminded me of when Zuko and I made friendship bracelets for each other.

Great Aang maybe instead of saving the world you can go into a jewelry making business. He said it sarcastically but Aang didn't catch it. I had rolled my eyes at that. I don't see why I can't do both or let my sister be the one to save the world and give her, her purpose back. Make her glitch part go away if she has her purpose back. Awe Aang I shake my head tears in my eyes as I hug him.

I could never ask you to do that even if you didn't want the job because I don't think you can just switch. But I would do it. I wouldn't give up my extra powers though. But if I could just be the avatar that saves the world then Zuko and everyone would only be after me instead of you. And you wouldn't get hurt and Zuko would never hurt me he wouldn't hurt you anyways because that would hurt me emotionally.

I just want you to have your purpose again Cloud Child. And I would do anything to give it back to you. And I appreciate and love you for it little brother. Without the part that was supposed harm the fish Sokka was disappointed that he thought the fish was taunting him. Stop taunting me! He yelled at the fish. I watched as he ran into the water to try and get it with his knife.

I sat by the water holding my hands out playing with the water making bubbles small medium large as I move them around like I'm juggling. And then eat them. And then I try again and make another big bubble but I got it all over me. Which was frustrating to me. A part of me wanted to work with fire more (which is funny considering I much prefer water over fire and I'm terrified of fire) but I could feel the frustration and I feel my hands feel warm.

I dip my hands forward to scoop up the water. And try and get tiny fish because that's all I can see in the water. Sokka was probably chasing away all the giant fish that he was trying to kill for us to eat. For some reason I'm having a hard time with the water. Fire seemed to come so easy to me. I was frozen in a block of water with my brother for a 100 years. Then yet again I was ghosting around those years hanging out with the fire nation.

Maybe that's why its so hard for me. The water trapped me for so long and the fire freed me. When Katara asked how she looked she was happy. Homemade jewelry always made me happy. I know that I told this story once before when we were riding the giant eels. I remember telling the girls the story about the bracelet. We made beads we drilled holes and used fire to make them.

Again it was something we made for each other one of the last gifts we gave each other as kids. My favorite thing minus the doll and crown of flowers. When its gone I miss it. It breaks my heart. I long for it when I don't have it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was out in the garden picking out rocks and looking for pieces of metal broken or otherwise. Hey? Whatcha doin? I heard Zuko ask me.

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