We are the freedom fighters hear us roar

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Now that we have escaped Zuko yet again waterbending scroll and all we are now walking along a path instead of flying that probably how he managed to find us in the first place and of course Sokka is all the more frustrated at me since I can float on the wind like I'm her child and much more on the clouds and not go through them and not make myself get wet unlike Aang.

Aang more or less is also frustrated with me by this fact but he doesn't call me the cloud child for nothing and had I not been a glitch avatar this probably could never even happen but knowing that I need to complete and master all the 4 elements I'm currently technically mastering two every time that I use the clouds to my whim. As an airbender the air part of the clouds and the wind are the easy part I could do this part in my sleep but the water part was waterbending.

At least I think to some extent since clouds hold water. And to my right Momo was chasing after bugs on the trees until I don't see him anymore turns out he saw some nuts that he wanted and ended up in a cage with two other animals. Hey where did Momo go? Aang asked. There Aang! I point out landing on the ground.

In the cage with those two other animals. I'm coming Momo. No Aang I've got this. I placed a hand on his shoulder. Be careful Farrah he called up after me. I climbed up the tree with my powers like I could've done it in my sleep. I flew up there like it was an easy thing. Up we go Gale. (Yes I went there I have now decided the wind has a name and it's Gale cause Frozen II) :p

And I went up and used my powers to knock him down and into my arms as he holds his nuts into his hands and eat them which had lured him into the trap in the first place. You're ok Momo I whispered to him hugging him close to my chest like a little teddy bear. Gale take care of him for him. She caressed my cheek as if she understood me and brought Momo to the ground.

What are you doin Farr's? What are you doin Farr's? What does it look like I'm doing I laughed swinging on the branches of the tree in the backyard going higher and higher and then lower and lower like as if I were a trapeze artist in a circus. you're gonna get yourself hurt. He said with concern. No I won't I do this all the time. Despite that you could fall and hurt yourself. I know you'd never let that happen to me.

You seem to think I have that kind of control
kid. I'm older than you. I smirked. You worry too much Zuko I got this. What if something came by and knocked into you? He teased smirking. Don't you dare. I growl. Don't get in my way! He smirks lighting his hands up with fire. The branch part to my left hand got singed. I moved over.... Hey?! That could've hit me I whined in mock defense knowing he'd never hurt me intentionally.

No I wouldn't. It was a misfire on purpose. Get down! No! It's dangerous. I stick my tongue at him. Fine then on your right. He smirked again as he singed the other side. Stop that! Are you gonna come down now? I looked to my left then to my right and then up and down. The branch above me was too high and I wasn't about to try and reach to my left or right for the branch and let it snap and me fall.

Yeah, I guess I *sigh* swinging over the branch and into a ball and stuck to landing. Nice trick still dangerous. Well it still did what I wanted. You were in my way and my airbending knocked you over. Yeah but you tripped over nothing klutz he chuckled brushing my hair out of my face. And onto me. We better get up before Azula sees us like this.

Farrah? I heard my name called. What does it look like I'm doing? I asked laughing swinging from the branches to get to the other animals. You're gonna hurt yourself he said with concern. No I won't I do this all the time. You do? He questioned me. Despite that he shook his head you could fall and hurt yourself.

I know you'd never let that happen to me. I said to him. You act like I have that kind of control kid, I'm older than you I smirked. You worry too much Zuko. I laughed. What? Aang called to me from the ground. What? I asked him back shacking my head. Aang sis. He called up to me. That's what I said. I frowned coming to my senses.

This is gonna take too long. Sokka said to the others throwing his boomerang at the cages releasing the animals from their cages as they safely come to the ground and I come down to the ground again sticking the landing after doing my swinging over the branches into a ball thing again and knocking Sokka down to the ground from my airbending. Hey?! Sorry you were in my way I said helping him up.

Were you in daydream flashback mode again? Katara asked me placing a hand on my shoulder. Maybe why? I almost clearly admitted shrugging my shoulders. Cause you called your brother Zuko. She pointed out. I did? Maybe I did I shook my head. Doesn't matter. Come on let's go.

When the animals are gone Sokka gets on the ground to check out the traps and realizes that their fire nation traps. Yeah I can tell from the way they're made by the metal work. We should pack up and head out I say dusting my hands off from the ground. Before we get caught again.

And whose fault is that? Katara asks me hands on her hips with a smirk on her lips. What Katara do you think I've been somehow telling him where we're going by some kind of secret code or writings in the sky? Or maybe a ship in a bottle? Or how about mind reading? How could I tell him if I don't know where we're going either? I cross my arms lifting an eyebrow with a smirk on my own face.

I'm sure you'd find away to contact your BF somehow Sokka rolls his eyes. I smirk and fling water at him. Nice work Aang and Katara applaud. Yeah great now undo it. Sorry Sokka haven't learned that part yet. And before you ask no my ''boyfriend" didn't teach me. His sister tried but again hard to do as a "ghost." Katara?! He begged her. Fine she said letting him free. I'll teach you that part next she told me.

We started packing everything up on Appa again but Sokka and I thought that was a bad idea. Why? Aang and Katara asked us. Because teasing or serious Zuko and the rest of his crew keep finding us somehow. Lead by the flames of love the power of love and all that stuff. Katara says to me. You sound just like Azula when we were little kids.

If she saw him now she might say the same thing I bet Iroh says the same thing to Zuko now. I did used to have all the fire nation guys wrapped around my finger. Great and now you've got your prince friend. After all it sounds like had he not made that promise to you we would have never gotten away with the scroll in the first place.

What else did he say to you? Just that anytime he had me captured that he could teach me basic firebending moves and that despite that we were currently supposed to be enemies that he still wanted me to be able to learn all the elements and promised by the end of the fight I'd have the scroll one way or another and it was easy for me to escape cause he didn't tighten the handcuffs on my wrists so that he wouldn't hurt me.

He knows I love the chase tag was always one of my favorite games "growing up." This just makes him it until he captures me again. And Sokka has a point if we fly Appa is too noticeable he's got a huge arrow on his head and he's a big fluffy "monster." Sokka's just jealous he doesn't have an arrow. Aang says to Appa.

We should just walk. Sokka agrees. And that means you too he points to me. But flying is so much more fun. At least on the clouds where I can just float on her. Cause you have arrows on you too even if you have them covered by your hair and your clothes if someone sees you flying they'll know you're the avatar or the glitch or whatever you want to be called.

We will ALL walk. I'd love to see how long that lasts. I know you all want to fly but my instincts tell me that it's too dangerous and that it would be safer if we walked. Who made you the boss? Katara asked her brother. I'm a warrior and I'm the oldest I should be the leader. Actually that's not technically true I point out. I'm the oldest I'm 116. Yeah if anyone should be the leader it should be Farrah or Aang. Katara agrees with me.

Oh no Katara I never said that hanging upside down off of Appa's left horn with Aang to my right. If I was leading I might lead us right into a trap or possibly intentionally turn myself in so that no one would get hurt and I'd possibly be ok since I'm not Aang. IDK so much if they want him dead but they want us both captured and if I was "a little kid" again I'd have no problem being captured by the fire nation since that would mean Zuko would be my best friend same with Azula and not currently our enemies.

Or for that matter his dad. Since his dad and I used to be good friends too. But that was like 50 years ago or so. And of course I wouldn't be a good leader "I would be frolicking with the fire nation." Is that not what you did in the time that we were stuck in the iceberg? Aang asked me. I told you I don't frolic I float and they weren't my enemies back then. Yeah back then was still 4 years ago. Katara reminded me.

Look I'm the older sibling I'm the "original avatar" but I'm also the glitch avatar which means there's gotta be something wrong with me if they call me that. If the monks if the spirits or whoever decides who the next avatar becomes decided I wasn't gonna be good enough to be an avatar so that's why they sent the task on my brother so that he'd be a better avatar than I would have been and they're right instead of being a sitting duck in the iceberg waiting to be rescued I went and made friends with the royals of the fire nation.

And in the process somehow managed to get the guys wrapped around my finger and possibly even fall in love with me in the process until they started getting skeptical of me when I didn't age and now they're all after my blood except Iroh because he's a peace maker and just wants balance in the world. MT: And maybe fell in love with Zuko in the process.

I could easily feel my cheeks heating up at hearing myself think that and I hope it wasn't obvious to anyone including Katara. Boys are kind of clueless but Katara seems to have this motherly instinct about her. She seemed to be able to see right through me. Even before I knew how I felt 100% myself. That's why even in my thoughts I said it was possible.

In short anyone would be a much better leader than I would be and Sokka is right he's the oldest probably (I have no idea how old Katara and Sokka are supposed to be just that Aang is supposed to be 12) so maybe he should lead, I shrug. Farrah? Katara calls attempting to calm me down. You heard it she said it the best decision you've probably ever made in your life making me leader. I'm sure it is too Sokka. I grumble to myself rubbing my arm.

Sokka? Katara calls after him. Come on everyone let's go. Everyone else walked away ahead of me as I slunk to the back of the group I would much rather fly in the clouds and float on Gale's breeze but Sokka was right that would be a very bad idea especially on my part. Maybe I should've just stayed put, maybe I should've never became friends with the fire nation people.

But then I'd feel like a big part of my life would be missing. Missing all of those best moments in my life. With the royals with his parents with Iroh, with his mom, his sister and especially with Zuko. Considering that Momo's middle name is Zuko but my heart knows he's Zuko Jr. And in my heart I want him here. That I want nothing more than to be best friends again, to throw my arms around him and let him hold me in them.

To have all of those old memories back before my body got too cold and had to return back to the iceberg with my brother. The only good thing about being a glitch. Having this extra avatar state. Going out of my body and being able to leave it and be in my spirit form but still being able to be seen and felt but still getting hurt the ability to drown if he'd ever let that happen.

I want nothing more than to be in his arms right now. You ok Farrah? Aang asked me. Y-yeah Aang just thinking. The next thing I heard was Katara tell her brother he might feel different if he'd ever been kissed. But I didn't think any of us ever had been kissed. Except maybe when Azula made Zuko and I play house or dress up with her or have tea parties with her and her friends. But we were little kids playing make believe that doesn't count.

Except maybe in my dreams not that I'd ever admit that. See what I did there? Kind of? Some of you may be saying that it's impossible for me to have dreamt all of this even if I did add the "Gale" part but in my dreams even I do break forth wall and I did have one single night where I dreamt of all 3 Aladdin movies and it included Jack and Peter esc.... esc.... I should know I've written about them in my computerized dream journal in my word docs. And if something is continued more than one night of dreams my dreams tell me to be continued its only happened once even though it was a lot shorter than any of the dreams I wrote.... Anyways....

So we walked along and Sokka was in front while I carried the back. At least for a while until my thoughts caught up to me and I rushed ahead. While everyone complained that they were tired walking Sokka said it would be safer to keep away from the fire nation but then we came face to face with them anyways. And me in the grasp of one. *Ug* let me go! No way glitch you're not going anywhere! The solider told me.

The prince is asking for your return for your capture. If that's true then where is he now? Not here, he all split up in different areas to come after you and your brother. But he especially asked for you. Of course he did. Fine, then let me go and make him come get me himself and oh tell him this is not how you play this game. If he wants me he'll have to capture me himself that's the "deal."

Sorry your "heinous" but that's not how this works, we're not messengers we're delivery. And your just the pick up the prince ordered. And the king has ordered for you as well. Who would be to defy the law of a royal. Well then for your information his mother gave me that royal title so you have to let me go. Our group doesn't take orders from a glitch take it up with prince Zuko yourself or better yet right to commander Zhao himself. Either prince or commander or the king himself you will be the king's personal prisoner.

Nice try. I smirk but I'm not alone for one and for another we play this game by my rules and my rules alone in this game of capture the avatars. I tell the guard as I fling water at him. Besides you know how his heinous feels about damaged goods. He'd kill you himself and it will be off with your heads. Which is why he only likes to capture me himself. Luckily the rest of the group followed soon after that and before we could get captured or hurt the guards all got knocked out and scared off by swords or hooks.

There was this boy about close to Katara and I's age dressed in brown and red similar to the fire nation with a dry leaf wheat tip in his mouth Katara looked up at him in awe Aang in shock and Sokka and I in confusion. He wasn't fire nation since he just came out of the trees and scared them off but there was something about him that I didn't trust and I'd much rather take my chances with my "love hate" relationship with the prince.

Sometimes its better to follow instincts but this time Sokka's had ran us right into the fire nation traps. And this guy wasn't alone. His group of misfits and children helped us to take the soldiers and to Sokka's dismay faster than he tried to help us take them. You gotta be faster the leader told him. They more or less reminded me of Peter and his lost boys. (Considering Zuko's actor is the leader of the lost boys in Hook also in the wiki it says something about some creature from Star Wars hideout that made them make Jet's hideout.)

Hey he greets us coming up to Katara. Hi she says back to him. Wow you just took out like an army of those guys nearly single handed. Aang says amazed. An army there were like only 20?! Sokka said defended. Yeah, no offense but I had it taken care of. Sure you did. He smiles at me. Allow me to introduce myself my name is Jet this is my group of freedom fighters this is Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke, and Pipsqueak.

To Aang that's a funny name. And it doesn't help that he's not tiny he's huge as he looms over my brother, unhappy with the idea that he thinks his name is funny. I nudge him. Hey come on be polite. But when he says he thinks its hilarious Pipsqueak gets closer and looms farther down. But then he laughs and pats him on the back. I *sigh* a *sigh* of relief when he doesn't pummel him.

Now that the camp was empty Jet wanted to raid it and in doing so they find blasting jelly and jelly candy. Which they don't want to get mixed up. Awe I coo. I rub the side of the box with a hand and a *sigh* uh Jet thanks for the help. Are you kidding you helped us we've been waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning you guys were just the distraction we needed. Well we were just following instincts. You'll get yourselves killed that way Jet warns us.

So, you're saying you'd rather follow your heart? I ask him frowning and *sighing* sadly leaning my head on the jelly candy box. Because that's not very easy sometimes either. Your friend ok? He asks Katara. She lost a *cough* friend *cough* to the fire nation. I frown at the box and rub my hand against. Zuko. I mumble. Sitting on my knees hands in my lap. This is all my fault I mumble to myself.

What did she say? Jet asked her. So cool, must be some good memories in that box from her friend. I knock my head against the box, I miss the real you I mumbled only loud enough I could hear. She must really miss her friend. He looks to me and then back to Katara. Best friend. She frowns at me. He changed within the last 4 years. Changed? He's not dead? He questions. Might as well be I grumble. Stop grumbling in sadness.

Trust me if you miss him he'll find you you'll see him so much you'll want nothing to do with him. If you could get a loved one back you should cherish it. He's not gone in the way you think Jet just lost in their world. I lift my head, but he made our own batch once. With his sister and mother. His sister also gone but not dead but I fear she isn't coming back she's too far in to come back. Which is disappointing considering she taught me everything I know more or less.

I felt like I belonged when I was with them, I felt like a part of the family with them, I was treated like a princess. He always thought of new ways to make me happy. Knew him ever since he was little kid. Used to be the sweetest thing but if you knew him now you'd never believe me. He's good still on inside somewhere. But it's all my fault, I left and I had too if I hadn't maybe he would still be my friend and wouldn't be lost to the fire nation.

If he is really your friend and he truly loves you the friendship will succeed. He'll come back he won't be gone for too long. I pray he comes back to you the way you remembered him as. You just have to keep having hope. That's just it Jet it gets harder with each passing day that he's not himself. No matter where I go there's something that reminds me of him when he was still my friend when he was still his real self the one I knew growing up or in my case "growing up."

He's the only person his family were the only family that made me feel like a real person that wasn't worthless or useless like I had a place in this world that I meant something to someone that I was important that I was loved. That I wasn't just a mistake. No matter who or what I am he didn't care, it didn't matter. Jet? Katara asks him. I don't suppose you'd let her keep some of that to take back to her friend the next time we see him?

You're my guests my comrades help yourself to whatever you can carry. But in the meantime we should take whatever is here back to the hideout. You guys have a hideout? Aang asks Jet. You wanna see it? Of course we do but before we do we should properly introduce ourselves. Katara tells him. (Because he apparently knows their names even though team avatar didn't give them)

I'm Katara that lump of sadness at the moment she points to me leaning my back against the box.... Is Farrah the Original avatar Aang her younger brother also an avatar Momo Appa and my older brother Sokka. Nice to meet you guys. Follow me. Here we are. He tells us. Where? There's nothing here?! Sokka asks him skeptical. Take this Sokka. He tells him giving him a rope as he screams going up to the tree hideout.

Aang? He asks him, handing him a rope too. No thanks I'll get up my own way. Farrah? No thanks. I shake my head. I shove the candy in my bag in the same pouch that the candy creepy crystal ring was so that Momo wouldn't eat anything. In you go Momo hang on tight. He hides himself in the satchel and I grab onto the lowest branch I can reach before parkouring my way up with my little climbing techniques.

Then he has Katara grab onto him as she blushes as she clings to him as he takes her hand holding her close as they go up after us. When they get up I meet them at the landing and look up at Aang zipping around on a zipline. I shutter and look back down. Not your thing? He asks me. No don't like fast things. BTW it's beautiful up here.

Yeah Katara nods her head at me agreeing. Yeah it's beautiful and the best part is the fire nation kind find us up here. They would sure like to find you Jet. Smellerbee says landing next to us. Why are the fire nation after you? Katara asks. Because I've been causing them a bit of trouble.... I laugh at that. You too? I smile. There's a smile. He nods at me smiling at me back.

I love causing trouble for the fire nation. I figure if I cause enough of it I'll get my friend back and he'll back to his senses and leave the fire nation find away out. Each time I fall upon him I try to make him the remember the good old days. The good memories of our friendship. We now more or less have a love hate kind of relationship. Well there's still love in that relationship. He nods at me.

You think? I ask him. He smiles and nods. He'll come back to you back to his old self I'm sure of it. With all due respect Jet you don't know my friend I shake my head. MT: In fact you'd hate him if you did. I *sigh* putting my hands on my cheeks leaning over. You love him don't you? He asks me. IDK I'm not sure. He was 12 when I left him. Why did you leave? My spirit was getting too cold it had to go back to my body.

Your the glitch? He asks me. I nod my head. I see, you have different powers than the average avatar. You're special. He used to think so too. I'm sure he still does if he's this much on your mind. Anyways, what kind of trouble have you been causing the fire nation? I ask him. They've been taking over that near by earth kingdom and we've been ambushing them and cutting off their supplies and doing anything we can to mess with them.

I nudge him so that he'll high five with me. Messing with the fire nation is my favorite past time. I like you already avatar. I think we're gonna be good friends. One day we're gonna drive them out of the town for good and save the town. That's so brave. Katara encourages. Yeah, so brave for a guy that lives in a tree. Sokka says sarcastically. Don't mind my brother. Katara tells him. No its ok he probably just had a rough day.

So, you all live here? Yeah. Pipsqueak his home got burned down by the fire nation. The Duke? We found him stealing our food pretty sure he never really had a real home. And you Jet? Katara asks him. The fire nation killed my parents when I was only 8 years old. From that day on I changed that day. Sokka and I lost our mother to fire nation too. She was killed by them.

I'm so sorry Katara. He tells her. What about your friend Farrah what was his family like? His father used to be my friend when he was younger I knew his father before that before the storm about 100 years ago maybe before that even. Aang and I were stuck in time in an iceberg for 100 years. But I knew maybe his father's father maybe even before that before we were stuck before the war came. I knew his mother and his brother. The boys in the family they fell in love with me but they were skeptical of me as they grew older and had their own children and I didn't.

How could I? I was a spirit. But despite that their fathers always let me be friends with their kids. The only one that never ended up hating me in the end was the boys uncle. The women were always my friends when I met them. He had an older sister they were my best friends her and her brother. When I left soon after the wind whispered to me that his mother died and that his sister went insane but they never did get along. His father burned him he now has a scare on his face. His uncle used to fight in the war but he now just wants balance.

He wants to make peace. He tries to make sure my friend has a cool head he's lost with him. But not as far gone as his nephew. He hates the war as much as the rest of us. His nephew has probably also given up hope on the war and having everything go back again. When the night comes we sit in the hideout and have dinner a great grand meal we haven't had in however long we can think.

Jet thinks of this as a win and is glad with what they're doing. They are all beginning to celebrate but aside from the fact that we are all sharing this sweet moment there's still something I don't like about him. Something I don't trust about him. Now the fire nation thinks that they don't have to worry about some kids hanging out in the trees. Maybe they're right. Everyone boos.... Or maybe they're dead wrong! And everyone cheers.

Nice speech Katara tells Jet. Thanks and that was some nice bending I saw you and Aang doing out there today you too Farrah. Yeah well we are the avatars and the glitch I point to myself like we've been telling you. I think that's really cool. Thanks Aang nods at him. But Katara and I could still use some help. I might be the original but I'm still just a glitch. I just mess everything up. It's hard following your heart, when it's leading you into a possible trap at every corner.

No one said love was easy. He shakes his head at me. He tells Aang Katara and I that he could use our help with their struggle. I'm afraid I won't be much help. I shake my head. Aang is a fast learner, I've been learning things for 100s of years and I still fail and I need to have everything perfect by the end of the summer or it's game over. I'll lose everything to fire nation if they win. Maybe even my best friend for good. I frown.

That's too bad we're leaving tonight Sokka tells Jet. Awe Sokka but I had a very special mission for you tomorrow morning. Mission? What mission? In the morning that follows before the sun is completely up Sokka joins Jet and his team as they hide in the trees looking out for anyone coming that's a fire nation person while Sokka takes his knife and uses it to hear vibrations.

But it's just one and an old man just crossing their path. Jet and his gang attack but Sokka feels that this is wrong. Do you like destroying towns and destroying families?! He asks the old man. No please let me go have mercy! The old man begs. Does the fire nation let people go? Does the fire nation have mercy on anyone? ST: Despite that Zuko is currently our enemy Farrah knows him better than we do and I trust her judgement in love with the prince or not and he's never hurt her even when he captures her.

Jet he's just an old man! He's not hurting anyone. He's fire nation don't forget that the fire nation killed your mother don't forget why you fight! It doesn't seem right! It's what needs to be done. They take his stuff and go back to the hideout. Aang and Momo are playing on the zipline. Gale has whispered to me that something was wrong that something bad happened.

It's disappointing what she tells me she has witnessed. Hey Sokka you ok? I ask him. I will be once we leave. He tells me. Gale told me what happened. Sounds like not all members of the fire nation are so bad are they? I ask him nudging my shoulder at him. You're fire nation friend that helped us escape and get you guys in to see Roku was nice. He remembered his place with the avatar.

He treated me like royalty. He was my friend. Personal servant when I came to visit. After Zuko's mother proclaimed me a princess. Gale says she's dead but a part of me feels like that's not true. And I almost never question the wind. She's the one that brought me to the fire nation. Farrah? Yeah? IDK Zuko like you do all I know is that he's currently our enemy but after this morning maybe what you're telling us is true.

And you shouldn't beat yourself up about being a "glitch" whoever started off calling you that is wrong because there's nothing actually wrong with you. You followed your heart and let "Gale" guide you. It sounds like you questioned her if that was a good idea or not and your trusted her. If you say Zuko will be our friend in the end at some point then I trust your judgment even if it might be clouded by bias or the possibility of love. He shrugs as I gently punch his arm trying not to cause him harm. He grabs it and smirks rubbing it.

That didn't hurt. I roll my eyes. That's probably the smartest thing you ever did. Did what? Befriend Zuko. If it weren't for you and your previous friendship with him that possibility might be slim to none. But I do think he does have a soft spot for you. Jet said that the fire nation don't let people go that they don't show mercy but when Zuko captures you in his grasp his gentle about it he doesn't hold you tight he doesn't want his guards to hurt you or tie your bonds too tight.

He wants you to himself do with as he pleases. Maybe he's just putting on a show for the fire nation guards if it was just you both I don't doubt your friend would go back to being your friend again. I can see in his eyes that he loves you. Or at the very least he cares about you. He didn't put your handcuffs on tight you were easily able to slip through them. He promised you the waterbending scroll when we left, he was worried about you getting hurt when we attacked his ship the first time.

I noticed that when we saved the earthbenders you didn't have your bracelet but after the pirates you did same with my sister's necklace from our mother. He gave it back to her, granted he wanted her cooperation in finding Aang but he gave it back. If it was just you again maybe he'd hug you and take care of you, you were saying something about how when he captures you that he'd try and teach you the basic fire moves just like his sister did when you were a spirit. That he wanted you to be able to learn all the elements.

You seem to have some pretty good memories with him but more or less my point is that he shows you mercy. Not when I'm busy laughing. I chuckle. But yeah maybe not all fire nation people are so bad. His uncle you said just wants peace and balance. That's what you and Aang want. And you'll need to learn firebending at some point. And I think the only real thing Jet has said that I agree with is when it comes to you and your relationship with Zuko.

Maybe if the circumstances were different behind closed doors and when he succeeds in capturing you again which we know he will whether we want him to capture you guys or not that he'd be a friend to you with no one around to hear it. That you might just like him more than a friend even if you're not sure because like Jet said he must mean a lot to you if he's on your mind this much. And I'm sorry we keep teasing him about being your boyfriend. He rubs his hand behind his head. We'll just have to take your word for it when you tell us he used to be a nice guy.

And you don't frolic you actually did something good. You said Roku told you when you talked to him that everyone that your basically important to would never call you a glitch. And you're important to us and evidently to Zuko and Iroh they haven't actually called you the glitch they call you by name. I think the only time he did he was teasing hard to tell but I'm sure you know he was. He even saved you fish that one time when you got the bag.

You're important to him you mean a lot to them both it seems like. In some part of him some part of his cold dark evil in this moment heart that he never stopped being your friend and never stopped caring about you. You're just meeting Jet we can't say the same thing about him especially after this morning. This has been the longest talk we've ever had. And that sounded very brotherly. Well you and Aang are family to us now. We've all we've got. So, you're basically a sister to me too and Aang a brother to me.

I'm sorry I didn't trust you guys before and that I thought you were spies for the fire nation. It's ok Sokka. I know you mean well and you just wanted to look out for and protect your sister. And Zuko is a good guy somewhere inside himself and you're really just going to have to take my word for it. But if he does ever actually end up hurting you for real tell me and I'll kick his butt. He smiles as we laugh.

Sokka thank you for the effort but Zuko would burn you to a crisp. But I would never let him hurt you guys. Too bad. He's always kept his promises and I never made him make one he couldn't keep. He promised me before I left back to the iceberg that he'd never hurt me that he'd always miss me because I'm his best friend and he was so heartbroken like a kid that got their favorite toy taken from them sad.... When I warned him that he'd try to capture me and that we wouldn't always be friends. He thought it was cruel of me to say. That no matter what happened he'd never hurt me.

And evidently when I left I told him I'd always love him but that he couldn't keep that promise no matter how much he tried. But he has so far. But I think it might end up impossible. Aw look at you two bonding. Has Jet come back? Katara asks Sokka. But when Sokka tells her and Aang we're leaving and what Jet has done this morning she wants to hear it from Jet. Hear his side of the story.

But when they do Jet tells Sokka that he was an assassin coming to kill Jet that he had a knife on him that had a compartment for poison that he saved Jet's life but Sokka says he never saw the knife and I believe him. He asks us to stay that the fire nation was gonna burn down the forest and that Jet wanted Katara and Aang's help to use their waterbending to fill the reservoir that if we didn't it would be too late.

When Katara asked about me he shrugged at her and told her that he said I said that I didn't think I'd be able to help them. That I don't give myself enough credit but he needed help and he needed it now. That he couldn't wait for me to make up my mind. That I needed more courage in myself had to believe in myself if I stood a chance at the fire nation. Yeah I agree with you there.

She told Sokka what Jet said but Sokka said he was smooth but that he didn't think we should trust him and there was a part of me that didn't trust Jet either. But Katara said that he believed in me that I had to start believing in myself. But Sokka didn't want to help and I knew I couldn't I've tried I've trained for a 100 years and nothing. Hard to do however as a spirit but you get the idea.

I'm not very good at waterbending and I have a 24/7 waterbending teacher at my service and I need to master the elements by the end of the summer if I thought water was hard now I knew Earth would be my hardest. I knew with Zuko now that I wasn't a spirit if I trained with fire I might just get it. But I couldn't get water down just yet not enough to help so I decided to help Sokka pack things instead and we got ready to leave.

In the morning I follow Sokka out of our sleeping areas since neither of us seemed to exactly trust him and it was a good thing we did because we over heard Jet and his guys talking about filling the thing he wanted Aang and Katara to fill with water that they wanted to take out the dam but only once we filled the top part with water to wipe out the town, only problem was that their were people that weren't fire nation.

But to Jet that was just a risk that we were gonna have to risk. But Sokka and I got discovered as we listened in. We were very disappointed in him there were mothers fathers children families down in the town that were earthbenders that were living in the town and if we flooded it and took out the dam the town would be flooded and people would die and as an avatar it was my job to protect those people not to hurt them.

You lied to Aang and Katara about the forest fires. Sokka scolded Jet. They don't understand war like we do. Jet reminded Sokka. We wanted to go run off and warn our friends but Jet's guys captured us instead. Jet knew that's what we would rather do. He wanted them to take us on a long walk. I'd rather be captured by the prince at least he'd show me mercy! I growl.

Hurt one of the avatars? Who said I'm going to hurt you? And you know it's funny I thought I'd heard wrong but tell me Farrah did I hear correctly?! What are you talking about?! I heard the fire nation guys call you "heinous!" Are you a royal? Are you a fire nation spy?! No! Why does everyone keep thinking that?! You know that makes you worse than the fire nation! Because you're supposed to be the avatar protect people you're supposed to stop the war.

That's all I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to make you understand. Cheer up guys we're gonna have a big victory against the fire nation today. I'm an avatar that's my job to protect people to protect everyone it doesn't matter what kind of bender they are or if they aren't! What part of that makes me worse than the fire nation?! Because that makes you a traitor! Making friends with the enemy! How can anyone trust you?!

You can't protect anyone even if you wanted to you're not THE Avatar you're just a glitch! You can't do anything right. And you don't believe in yourself. How can you expect others to believe in you when you don't believe in yourself?! I frown at him cause he's right. Now tell me this.... Let me see if I understand this.... I'm guessing that this friend of yours IS the fire nation prince. Isn't he? Or rather wasn't he? My advice is still all the same still. My eyes go wide. I'm done with them take them away don't let them out of your sight.

Shortly after Jet told Katara and Aang that Sokka apologized and that he sent him on some kind of mission with his guys and was having them bend the water out of the geysers and into the river which would fill up the part he wanted them to fill and once it was at the top he wanted his guys to take out the dam so that they could flood the town. But they still thought they helping get rid of the forest fires.

A little while later they got done doing their job and when they were done they were supposed to go back to the hideout but Katara decided since they were done early they would just meet up with Jet wherever he was which was not good, for Jet. Where we were.... You know what he said isn't true right? Sokka whispered at me. No he's right Sokka I am a traitor I am just a glitch and I can't do anything right. You were right not to trust me and think I was a fire nation spy even though I'm not I might as well be since I've been their friend for over a 100 years.

No Farrah I was wrong you're not a spy, and I do trust you. You were right to make friends with the fire nation. And above all you are not a traitor to anyone. Jet is the traitor. He doesn't care who gets hurt as long as fire nation people get hurt in the process. He's tricking our friends into killing people by playing with their kindness. If I could bend better I would've been doing that too, I would've been helping and I would've felt terrible for it. But I can't even the basic waterbending down yet.

That's not your fault! I practice and I practice and I'm only at the same level as Katara maybe less. She doesn't think she's a very good waterbender either. But she doesn't have to perfect and learn all 4 elements by the end of the summer. So what we've got months to get you guys to that level you'll get it in time. And what if I don't?! Then it will be game over the fire lord wins and the war will be over and not in the good way. And I could lose Zuko forever.

I'm not gonna let that happen we won't let that happen. But Jet and Katara are right you have to have more belief in yourself! We all believe in you. Me, Katara, your brother Appa, Momo, and especially including Zuko. He's currently our enemy but he wanted to teach you basic fire moves when he captures you he wanted you to have the scroll so that you could learn waterbending despite he's our enemy currently he wants you to still learn all the 4 elements.

You're a great airbender and you're not a glitch because there's nothing wrong with you, you're just different. Look I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong about you. You're a great avatar you and Aang both, and you shouldn't beat yourself up. And I'm stubborn so I hardly ever apologize but that's all I've been doing with you during these last several hours while we've been here.

Can you break free? No I shake my head at least not yet. They're too tight. They hurt, they'll probably leave a mark. Which I don't like but if Zuko saw them he'd be worried the next time I saw them. Then I'll know a little bit about how he feels. You mean that he cares about you? That he likes you? That in his heart he's still really your friend? Something like that. Come on move along! Smellerbee tells us as we get pulled after them being dragged to wherever they're taking us.

Hey Sokka Farrah listen Jet is a great leader we do what he says and things always turn out just fine. Sokka nudges his head at me and we look at the sneer traps covered in leaves. Well if that's how Jet leads then he's got a lot to learn. We turn to sprint off toward the traps and leap over them as they chase us but they end up caught in the trap dangling a few feet in the air. And the binds on our wrists get cut off. Ouch! I rub my wrists. No, no, no.

They were so tight it cut me. Ow that hurts. I can barely feel my wrists good thing I didn't try to bend myself out of that. Ow. I rub my wrists. He'll get Katara to heal that for you if she can but for now. He bites off pieces of his sleeves and ties them into makeshift bandages and ties them loosely to my writs to temp stop the bleeding. Thanks. No problem.

We run away from Smellerbee and Pipsqueak. Where Katara and Aang are they see the rest of Jet's crew getting ready to use the blasting jelly to blow up the dam. And Katara was sure Jet wouldn't do that. But then he comes and comes clean before Aang can take off with his glider. But Jet why?! She asks him. Because you would too if you just stopped to think they killed your mother we can't let them get away with killing more people!

But this isn't the way. I need you to understand me Katara, I thought your siblings would understand.... What did you do to Farrah and Sokka? Katara asks him as tears fall down her face Jet steps up to her to calm her down and tell her everything would be ok trying to wipe her tears away but she uses her bending to push him away.

And when Aang wants to stop the others from blowing up the dam he gets out his glider and tries to fly but Jet gets to it before he does. And they begin a battle of bending and swords. That Aang didn't want to fight Jet but if he wanted his glider back Jet said he'd have to. After fighting a while Katara stops the fight and takes the water out of the river and attacks Jet with it and gets enough water on him to freeze him neck to toe.

Why Jet? I trusted you! You're sick! You lied to me and I trusted you! Then they are startled by a birdcall and Jet answers back. What are you doing? She asks him. You're too late! Jet tells her. With the glider damaged it can't get off the ground and Aang knows we're their last hope. But Longshot fires his flaming arrow and down the dam goes and the village gets flooded.

Sokka and Farrah didn't make it in time! Aang says with concern and worry. Jet you monster! Katara screams at him. This was a victory Katara just remember that. The fire nation are gone and the valley is safe. Safe from you! Sokka tells Jet as we come up over the hill while I hover above him with Momo on my shoulder. Luckily Sokka and I had gotten to the village and got everyone out in time. So no one got hurt or died.

We learned the villagers of your plan just in time! Sokka tells Jet. We went to the village but the people thought we were spies and were skeptical to trust us but then the old man that you attacked vogued for us and the people saw Farrah in action she revealed her arrows to the people as proof that she was an avatar. She helped me get everyone above ground to safety. She saved people she protected people. She's a great avatar not a glitch she's different not wrong, she's not damaged there's nothing wrong with her she needs a little help in the confidence area a little bit.

Sokka you fool! We could've freed the valley! Who would be freed?! Everyone would be dead! Sokka warned him. Your a traitor both of you. Especially Farrah she's friends with the fire nation. And it's the best choice she ever made! Sokka puts an arm around me. Some of them are her friends and she'll get her friend back no matter how long he's our enemy no matter how long we fight him and run away from him and he chases us around because he was her friend first and eventually they'll need to learn firebending from someone.

You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people Jet Sokka tells him. We walk off toward Appa and load everything back up. The rest of us climb on. Katara help me free me! He begs her. Goodbye Jet she tells him upset. Yip, yip. Sokka says as we ride off. I thought you were going to the dam? Katara asks Sokka. Why did you go to the town? Let me guess your instincts. She cuts him off before he speaks.

Yeah sometimes they're right. He shrugs. Sokka you know you're going the wrong way? Aang asks him. And sometimes they're wrong he turns around. Also Katara you may notice that Farrah's wearing my sleeves on her wrists think you can heal her? I can try but I don't really know how to do the healing part yet. What happened?

The binds on us were too tight when they captured. Are you ok Sokka? I'm fine they might just be tight on you cause you're skin and bones your wrists are so tiny and delicate from you being so skinny that they probably just felt that way to you. You need to eat more. Eat what more? The last feast we had before this was with the fangirls on Kyoshi island and then here with Jet we don't exactly have a lot of food here with us.

She's got a point. Katara shrugs. She undoes the makeshift bandages and sees the blood has stopped bleeding for the most part. They cut you deep huh? This may sting. I should at the least disinfect it even if I can't heal them. I've got some first aid kit stuff in the bag I'll wrap your wrists with the wrap I brought. I probably have some medicine in there somewhere too. Something to clean the cuts and try and help make them heal. When I learn how to make things heal with my bending I can heal them like magic but IDK how to do that yet.

It's ok Katara. Thank you. Your welcome. She nods her head at me. You were right all along about Jet Sokka and I'm sorry we didn't listen to you from the beginning. She turns to him. Awe it's ok he shrugs sometimes I don't think I should listen to me either but hey we all make mistakes. Nobodies perfect. He shrugs at her. And if anything having us not trust Jet brought us together to work with each other and understand each other a little bit better. Yeah, I've noticed. Katara smiles. I was wrong about her and I trust her. And it may come as a surprise to you but I am capable of apologizing when I'm wrong.

Wish we could've been there to see that. Aang tells him. You're gonna be ok sis. I nod my head at him. I'll be fine Aang. I hiss in pain at the sting. Sorry. No, it's ok if we don't do this it can get infected. I just I've never had someone care about me so much to help me. Except the fire nation royals at least at one time or another. You'll get your friend back. If we should trust anything Jet said it was his advice. That's what he told us too he somehow put together that Zuko was the friend I was talking about. Well hopefully we'll never see Jet ever again.

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