My girlfriend turned into the moon

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The opening scene picks up where we left off with the fire nation fighting the Northern water tribe and now that its morning they have the advantage. And then it shows where Appa is and the Koi fish pond with the two fish swimming in it. Katara is upset that she lost us as if it were her fault. She has tears in her eyes as Sokka and Yue kneel beside her. Look Katara this isn't your fault and we know Zuko couldn't had gotten far. For one he's got them both. And if he wanted them dead or at least Aang he would've killed him if he had the chance if he hadn't known Farrah his whole life I'm guessing he knows if any of us get hurt at his hand purposefully she'll want nothing to do with him. And it always takes everything within me to not blame him for some kind of injury just so she'll leave him because he makes her so happy. And I can't let her be so heartbroken without him in her life. I hated seeing her so upset when she thought he was dead. She caused havoc in her spirit form heartbroken not even willing to listen to Gale. She doesn't want to hear from anybody except himself. She doesn't know he's alive. How he's kidnapping them both I'll know. But we know that she's at least ok. He makes her happy and keeps her from wasting away and hurts or kills whoever hurts her. So he can't really be that bad if she likes him and if the circumstances were different maybe we would too but we also know Aang will be ok because Zuko would never hurt him at the risk of losing Farrah forever the one Fire nation royal that actually loves her for her and not because she was supposed to be the avatar or that she's got power he loves her because she's Farrah.

All the others including his father they all said that they loved her until they grew older and had their own wives and families allowing her to befriend their children but none of them went after her tried to break her free. Zuko is the only one that chased after her. And apparently he's planning on training her with her fire powers when he has her. Promised not to use them without Zuko. But that's also another thing water shouldn't be hard for her its second nature to Aang. Earth should be hard for her fire should be hard for her. There's a lot of control when it comes to fire it seems like. But given that she's grown up with firebenders she's learned from them her whole life. And she's been afraid of it with good reason for as long as we've known them. But I get the feeling that they will be ok. How do you know all of this? Because as much as we tease for making friends with the likes of him and I'll kick his butt if he does anything to hurt her that I do listen whether anyone notices that or not. We'll find them. He promises his sister. Momo has yet to move during all of this he is told to stay there in case either of us come back. While they climb aboard Appa they fly through the tundra and meanwhile there is a clear path where someone would've walked through not recovered yet by the blizzard outside. Zuko's face is covered mostly to protect him from the cold. He would much rather be holding me in his arms but he knows I knew how the rock candy worked as an on going prank between the both of us as I stay on his back arms wrapped around him.

Even though we both are unconscious and light and he knows this since he's at least carried me just fine before lots of times we're also airbenders we're probably naturally light and speaking of light our arrows although mine are covered from my hair or clothes that our arrows are flashing. Inside our minds we are meditating not longer in a tundra but in a swamp. With few trees. We walk around and see a figure. We approach the figure but as he sits in meditation he wants us to go away but we tell him we were there to look for the ocean and moon spirits. A firefly comes and he tells us to chase after it that maybe it would help us because this baboon creature didn't seem to want to. But as we jump around we climb up a tree to catch it only to fall out of the tree once the branch disappears under us. We fall into the water Aang lays on his back I scamper out of it frightened. The firefly leaves his grasp as we chase after it once again and then Roku appears again and we are surprised to see him. Hello Farrah Aang. He greets us. On the outside Zuko treks on looking for shelter only to step on something that isn't snow and its ice he becomes alert and runs until he thrown off balance Aang flies out of his arms but I am stuck to his back still. When he gets his footing again he sees an ice cave. Shelter he exclaims. He drags us into the cave and ties Aang up he knows even if I wasn't awake right now I wouldn't go anywhere.

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