Is this some kind of truce?

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A hawk was flying in the air it had a message from Ozai to Zhao with him. He is to be the new admiral. Which is a fancy way of saying he is one promoted and two gets whatever he orders and his orders say that he wants these special archers to help him search for Aang and I. Much to Shinu's disapproval.

Zhao walks around and watches the archers practice. He is thrilled and up above is a masked soon to be secret friend. A shadow character with a blue mask on his face perching on the roof listening to the convo before disappearing. Meanwhile Aang and I and our team have made camp and Sokka is in a sleeping bag sweat on his face and he's coughing as he leans up against Appa. Katara brings him over a wet rag to help his fever calm down.

Seems he may have caught a cold or a fever or something from the storm. Just as I had when I visited Zuko. Katara takes care of him and makes me undo my wraps every few hours so she can take care of the wounds. I am very thankful for that. But she should be focused on her brother. Thank you Katara but your brother needs your attention more than I do. Seriously I place a hand on her shoulder my wounds are fine Zuko, his Dr. and Iroh took care of it themselves.

Yes, but when you were feverish you just had a fever. Sokka is coughing and delusional and well see for yourself she gestured towards him. You know what I love most about Appa? He asks us. His sense of humor. Katara and I turn to each other. Hallucinating. Ok, I'll tell him. I smile up at Appa and pet his head. Good ol' Appa.

So, how's Sokka doing? Not so good I think that storm did a number on him. She tells Aang. But didn't Farrah have a fever during the storm too? He questions. He turns to me. Yeah I did I just had a fever though I think. If I'm sick neither of us noticed it. We were more worried on how skinny I looked and my wounds. And I'm fine there.

Aang says he couldn't find the things he needed for tea but says he did find a map to a herbalist just up the mountain that might be able to cure Sokka there. Aang Sokka is no condition to travel Katara tells him as Sokka sniffles pitifully. I frown. She's right Aang. I agree with her.

But then Katara starts coughing. Awe not you too Aang pouts. It's just a cough she tells him. Yeah, but that's how Sokka started yesterday and now he thinks he's an Earthbender. Take that you rock! Sokka says flailing his arms around. And now today he's delirious and you will be too by tomorrow I cut my brother off. She's right I was just about to say that. *Ug* if only I could waterbend better than just this! I whine as a pool of water comes out of my hands swirls around and stops before going back to the ground.

You'll get it soon Farrah I believe in you I'll help you some more when Sokka is better. She yawns. As she puts a hand on my shoulder. She and I have been taking care of Sokka the last couple of days since the coughing fit. Now that she is also starting to get sick. I may too. Which is the last thing I wanted or needed. But I bet she wouldn't have a problem catching a cold cause if her boyfriend finds her he'll warm her right up. I remember Katara saying. I feel my cheeks warm up at the thought.

Farr's you ok? Aang asks me. He looks worried at me. Frowning. Not you too he pouts. Oh no Aang I shake my head I'm sick. Then why are you cheeks warm he feels my cheek. I push his hand away. Not from a fever. Fever all gone I swish my hands in that safe motion. Water comes to my hands and splashes back down. Huh? I look down. I bring my hands in and feel the water come up into them and hit them back down. Alright then. Better this time.

Anyways, I'm fine and I'm coming with you. Aang takes his glider as he tries to fly but gets hit by lightning. Guess I'm walking there. Keep an eye on them he tells Appa and Momo. I'm flying I wink at him. Gale! I cup my hand to my mouth and call for her. I giggle as she scoops me up. I feel her wind caress me and blow at me her cold chill tickling my face and near my neck as I scrunch my shoulders. H-hey. I giggle. I hear her laugh at me giving soft chuckles. But only I can hear her right now. Hehe is someone ticklish she giggles. I feel her wind brush at me again this time the back of my neck. Don't do that! I giggle putting a hand to back of my neck. You know I am silly. I stick my tongue at her.

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