Feeling insecure

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Standing on a beach like setting grass being lapped up by the water the water was hitting against the rocks at our feet a sword made of whale bone is sitting in the ground. Aang puts his hand on it. He pulls it up out of the ground while Sokka slides down a dirt slope. Aang was very excited to see that there was a sword made of whale bone. Yep, pretty cool Aang I put a hand on his shoulder. Supposedly they're very rare. Here let me see that Sokka takes it from him.

It was his turn to go into flashback. A younger Sokka was with the Southern Water Tribe. Soldiers carried these same kinds of weapons with them when they were packing up their things to leave for a long journey. Now Sokka holds it in his own hands. This is a water tribe weapon. He tells us. Then turns back to us. Try to find anything else. He tells us. So we do. We search through bushes and tall grass in the wooden kind of area.

Then Katara shows up she asks if we lost anything. No, we found something. Aang exclaims. Aside from the weapon we'd found it turns out there was also a spearhead covered in ash on the ground laying under some fallen leaves. It's burned. Sokka told us and it seemed the same was true for the rest of the forest or at least the tree burn and scorch marks. Sokka seemed to know there was a battle that happened.

The water tribe ambushed some firebenders. There was a dark spot on a patch of dirt on a hill slope. The firebenders fought back..... Of course they did I cut him off when have you ever known a firebender not to fight back? I asked him. Well, not if your "princess Farrah avatar of everything true love of the prince himself." He teases but with more of a serious normal Sokka voice like he was talking through a plan. Anyways as I was sayin the waterbenders drove down the hill.

Sokka leads us away from our spot to follow him as he jumps over some rocks to a sandy beach. Then what happened? Aang asked him. IDK the trail just stops here. He tells us. Wait look over there! Katara exclaims pointing at ship in the distance just beyond the rocks. It's one of our ships Sokka tells us they were so happy to see another watertribe ship. It feels like its been so long since they had but if had been really too long we'd be out of time. They run towards the ship happily. Aang and I running behind them.

Is that dad's ship? Katara asked him. No, but it's from his fleet dad was here! Sokka gleefully tells her. While they were all happy over here Iroh and said prince were calmly and quietly sipping tea. See prince Zuko isn't this nice having some peace and quiet drinking tea. Good for your mental well being. He tells him. And he was calm until the ship was moved roughly and the tea Iroh poured him splashed on his face and hair.

They ran up to see what the commotion was when they saw the other firebenders in fight stance against a large beast that had leaped onto the deck of the ship with a girl on its back. The animal Nyla with the girl June on its back a whip in hand slowing the beast. She said she was there for a stowaway. There are no stowaways on my ship! Zuko scolded her. The only one I'd ever want is the Avatar but then that wouldn't be a stowaway. He remembered to choose his words carefully he didn't care if she went after Aang or not HE wouldn't be the one that was hurting him.

He'd be able to keep his promise. But as for me he couldn't let me get hurt or be captured by anyone except for him. Zhao was already after the both of us. And he'd already made that mistake once. He'd seen his clothes they were covered in blood. He knew he hadn't hurt me himself but that Zhao had. He knew he'd cut me deep literally. My wrists had been cut only a little from tight bonds and hadn't fully healed and then he'd hurt me again Zuko would kill him himself if he could and he wanted to he really REALLY wanted to.

He wanted to hurt, no he wanted to KILL anyone that ever hurt me. Except Jett and his freedom fighters because I'd asked him not to. And he mostly did whatever I asked. At some point we'd need a firebender teacher and he is the only one I want and will let Aang have. I promised Zuko I wouldn't use my fire powers without him around to help me but that would be a little more said than done. Because I have no idea how to control it. All I know is when I'm upset or angry I feel my hands get warm see them turn a little red. Especially if I think about him because fire is also passion or it can be but that doesn't make it any less dangerous.

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