A little fire never killed nobody

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There we were team Avatar arriving at a roadside stand looking for items we would need. While Momo jumped from tree to tree. I'd be floating with Gale's help but I had this suspicious bad feeling that we were being followed that we were being watched. And I didn't think it was who I wanted it to be. No matter how much trouble we'd be in. What can I say that's where my heart belongs. Sokka held a bag upside down and made little bits of crumbs fall out of it. Seems like we needed more food and probably more money as well. Katara was looking at the stand we were at trying to figure out what was around here. Try and find a menu I'm starving Sokka complained. *sigh* he only seems to only think about food doesn't he? I thought.

Look we can get something to eat here. MT: Wait I know this area! I thought. I know what day it is I exclaimed. And man do I wish I had something red and black with us right now. Why what's today? Aang asked. It's fire festival day. The royal family used to come down here and let me come down with them dressed in one of their red and black articles of clothing. I miss coming here it's a fire nation cultural celebration with firebenders and jugglers and food and.... And wanted posters of you and Aang. Wanted: Avatar and his Glitch sister. Look they even have individual posters. Wanted: Glitch avatar "princess" Farrah wanted alive or in spirit form by order of the prince himself. That doesn't sound anything like him! I scolded. But either way most of the fire nation know me because of that as that. They add the rest themselves he'd never call me "glitch" and would never let others call me glitch either including myself.

Heaven forbid that I agree with everyone. I frown shaking my head looking down at my feet kicking at the dirt. Hey don't do that to yourself. Katara places a hand on my shoulder. We gotta get out of here. For once I agree with Sokka. As much as I want to be here especially in my heart I put my hands to my chest and close my eyes taking a deep breath. We can't afford getting caught. I shake my head as tears cloud my sight and my voice cracks. I know we have to eventually learn but I made a promise and I don't break my promises. I refuse to learn from anyone that isn't MY Zuko. And yes I know what I said. And I know you don't believe that there's good in him but I do. I know all sides to him. This version of him is not the one that I know but I know he'd never hurt us because he doesn't break his promises either. And I'd prefer Aang didn't either that he didn't learn from anyone that wasn't Zuko either I know he's not a master that he's still young and still learning but masters aren't patient and they are cruel just like his father who I was once friends with before.

And for some reason he let me be around his kids. His mother never loved his father she thought she could learn but she wished that he wasn't Zuko's father and so he never treated him like he belonged to him IDK when he became so coldhearted and filled with hatred they never start that way. Zuko is the only one that's ever chased after me. I think if we were never brought up from the water he'd search for me forever going insane. Making it hard on his crew to keep following him. His uncle would want to support him but eventually he'd probably give up too. Until my spirit came back. And IDK how long that would've taken. If we were there under the water longer past the time of the comet it would be all over. It wouldn't matter anymore.

So, Sokka's right we'd stick out like a sore thumb and I don't want anyone to get hurt. Because of me or because of both of us because of who.... What we are. IDK how to categorize us IDK if we're a who or a what. Aang can be a who but I will always be a what I'm just a thing. Not worry of anyone's time. A mistake there's gotta be something wrong with me. That's the only explanation G-Ds don't make mistakes. Glitches are like a virus that need to be put out. They don't belong. And IDK where I belong I thought it was there I used to belong in the air temple my heart is with him I just IDK. I wipe my tears away. Wrapping my arms around myself. Everyone group hugged around me. Farrah we never wanted to make you feel like you don't belong. We understand that's how you feel. And for some reason we can't make you feel like anything else. Missing your friend the way that he was is the way I feel about missing my mother the only difference is that he'll come back to you because he loves you.

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