I have a message for you in the spirit world

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We are once again flying on Appa in the sky the sky is full of clouds. Katara looks up at them wondering what it would be like to float on them to just lay on them wondering about how soft they are.

I can oblige for that, they are very soft, why do you think I like them so much or why my nickname is the "Cloud Child." But you have to have a careful hand and know how to master them clouds have a mind of their own especially because they're made out of water.

Where's Aang? He just jumped off the side of Appa into the clouds to see if he could land on them and feel how fluffy they are. Yep I was right I smile when he comes back wet. Much to Sokka's dismay.

How do you make them into solid objects, and also not get wet? My brother asks me. Years of practice, the wind is a friend of mine. I reach up for a cloud summoning the wind to pull me back as I float backwards on it as she pulls me from Appa onto one of her clouds, as I tuck my hands behind my head, as if I'm floating on water.

That's really cool. Katara tells me. Yeah no pun intended Aang smiles shaking himself as water goes everywhere. Hey? Sokka complains. Momo makes a chirping noise before leaping up above to lay on the clouds with me. She'll take good care of us Momo you won't fall.

But if you do I'll catch you. Promise? I ask a young Zuko. Farrah I promise, you can trust me. I'd climbed up a tree in their backyard and a branch had snapped. I didn't want to use my powers and float myself down that would take away the fun. I'm scared Zuko. I whimpered. Then just use your powers to get you down. What fun would that be?

You'd be safe, crawl over to that branch. It's too far. Hold your hand out Farrah, its closer than you think. You could just climb down. It's too high up, to steep. You're an airbender you get here by flying or laying on the wind and getting down from a tree is suddenly too high for you?!

I hear the irony. You're either gonna have to jump or fall. No, you come up here and get me. No he shook his head, then we'd both be stuck up there. Besides I'm terrible at climbing trees. Farrah you won't fall, but if you do I'll catch you. You said that already.

Do you trust me? In theory? Farrah come on your my best friend. Do you trust me? Well do you trust me Zuko? Of course I do with my life. You do? I smiled crawling closer. Would I lie to you? Within good reason. Point taken but not this time, you're gonna just have to trust me. I do trust you, you're my best friend.

Then jump or let yourself fall. HT: For me. MT: Only for you. We looked eyes, I subconsciously got closer to the edge. Farrah look out! The branch I was on broke, and I fell but Zuko was right there to catch me, just like he promised. I told you. He giggled at me, brushing my messy tree hair out of my face as I wrapped my arms around him.

Awe look at you guys that's so cute. Are you saving your damsel in distress Zuzu. Azula teased. Leave us alone. He growled putting me down. HT: I wish that could've lasted longer. MT: I wish that could've lasted longer.

But I come too when we happen to land in a burnt patch of land surrounded by green nature with fresh footprints leading off. I look around getting out to stand with my friends and my brother. Sadness overtakes me, I feel numb as I fall to the ground. Aang is also sad.

This is all my fault, I whisper as tears cloud my vision. Our fault. Aang reminds me placing a hand on my shoulder. Farrah Aang don't say that! Katara tells us. This wasn't your fault. Yes, it is, protecting nature is a job for the avatar, the G-Ds they must've known I wasn't going to be a good avatar and gave the job to Aang, I'm just a glitch, he's the one that's supposed to save the world.

If I'd done my job instead of frolicking with the firebenders, maybe I'd be a better avatar, maybe I wouldn't feel so hopeless or useless. I can't do anything right. I turn my head. We don't know how to do our jobs. That's why we're going to the North Pole to find you guys a teacher. Katara tells us with a small smile on her face.

We're going there to be taught waterbending, but Gyatso told us that Avatar Roku was supposed to teach us. But how Avatar Roku died hundreds of years ago? IDK. With tears in our eyes Momo comes to sit in my lap curled up, as I hug him like a teddy bear.

Meanwhile.... Uncle Iroh we need to go I'm close to closing in on the Avatar. Zuko tells him as he approaches him seeing him in a hot spring. Iroh says he wants him to relax soak away his troubles, but Zuko says his troubles won't just soak away and wants him to get out, but then he sees him as he gets out and then tells him to stay there for a few more mins and be at the ship in half an hour or he was leaving him behind.

Mother look there's Farrah. Zuko points up to me. She looks hurt. The wind carries me down gently. Farrah what's wrong what happened? My spirit, I was caught in a storm, hard to defend myself as a "ghost." I drift slowly into his arms. Iroh? His mother calls for him. Are we ready to go swimming? He asks her.

Oh hello old friend. You don't look well I'll go into the backyard and grab you some of my special healing herbs. Azula? He calls for her. Coming. Farrah what happened to you she hugs me. She'll need to remove her clothes so that they can be washed and sewn of any harm done to her. She'll need to borrow your clothes.

She's gonna look good in red and black. Come on. Oh Azula before you go too far Iroh is gathering some healing herbs go run her a bath and bring them to her to soak in. Farrah you soak in that stuff for no more than 10 mins. Yes ma'am. I bow respectively.

I got you one of my outfits and swim clothes, we were gonna go swimming when you got here, but we have to take care of you first. Ok. I nod. A short while later the bath was ready and the herbs got added as I got in and soaked away all my troubles. Can I help? Zuko asked his mother.

Would you like to me to teach you how to sew? She asked him. When they're clean and have been dried off you can help me fix them and make them good as new. Hm.... Ok. He nods. I just want to feel helpful. That's very nice of you. Hey mom isn't sewing a girl thing? Well, yes and no most people believe that it is and most of the people that do the sewing are women, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to do it too.

Where's Azula? Sitting on the other side of the bathroom door talking to her while she bathes. Oh? We can sew them though when we get back, I'm just washing them right now. I hope she's ok. You really care about her don't you? She's my best friend. Zuko you met her just last week.

His mother laughs. Really? It feels like its already been a month. Time flies when you're having fun. I'm glad you like her she was your fathers and Iroh's best friend when they were children she became my best friend when your father and I started dating, and she still is. Then why is dad so skeptical of her now?

Because she doesn't age. For as long as our family has known her she hasn't aged, she's just a spirit right now. Why? Because her body is trapped somewhere else. His mother frowned. Oh? That's sad. If she's a spirit how come she still has a physical form? IDK Zuko but we're very lucky. I'll say.

Zuko how do you feel about her? What do you mean? That question can't be answered right now because the answer may change as you get older. Uh she's my best friend and kind of my only one, she's lots of fun, and she's smart too, she's pretty funny, and well she's pretty I guess. I wish I could see what she looks like not as a spirit. Maybe someday you will.

Girls Farrah can come out now. She called up. Farrah mom says you can come out now. How do you feel? A lot better thank you. Should I change into the clothes or are we going swimming? We're gonna go swimming so change into the swim clothes.

Ok. Where is she? Zuko asks Azula. She's right behind me. Are we ready to go? I ask reaching the last step of the stairs. Sure, but let's get your hair out of the way, I'll braid it come sit. Azula pats the seat in front of her. HT: I wish I knew how to braid I could braid it for her instead. He frowns.

She's more Azula's friend then she is mine, but she's still my best friend. What's the matter Zuzu? She giggles. Don't call me that. Zuzu that's kind of a cute little name I giggle. HT: She said it but I like it when she says it. Come sit and talk with us. I smile at him. It will speed up the process, come sit in front of me. So that you can face me.

He nods smiling and sits and we talk until Azula is done. We left the short distance to a peaceful little lake. When we got there Azula and Zuko got right in followed by their parents and Iroh. I sat against a tree and watched. Come join us the water is nice and cool. Their mother encouraged. I'm gonna go explore.

Ok Farrah don't go far. I went away with a frown. I can't swim, IDK how. What's that? It's a hot spring, I hear hot springs pop up everywhere, and firebenders make it just the right temp. I rush back to the lake. Zuko?! I call to him. Guess what? I whisper. I found a hot spring just around the corner from here, lets go.

Hey mom? He questioned. There you are Farrah come join us. She encouraged again. Zuko went to the edge seeing that his father and Iroh were distracted with Azula. Farrah found a hot spring and wants me to go check it out with her. Ok, but don't be gone long try and convince her to come swim with us.

Farrah wait up. He called after me. I got into it, and then Zuko got in next to me. This should be a little warmer. Watch out. I can warm it up for us. Then he got in, and closed the distance between us. This is nice. Yeah. Hey Zuko? Hm? Are you jealous of your sister? Why would I be? It just seemed like you seemed that way when she was braiding my hair.

Maybe a little bit. That's silly why? Because your more her friend then you are mine but you're my best friend. That's silly I giggle. You're my best friend too. Why do you think I told you but not your sister? Good point. One more question. Ok? How come you complained about your sister calling you Zuzu but not me?

I don't like it when she calls me that, but I do when you do. And only you can use it. I'm so flattered. Ok I've got one for you. Shoot. I close my eyes as I relax. Why do you want to be here in the hot spring wouldn't you rather join all of us? Not that I'm complaining, since its just us.

Or rather without Azula. Hm.... Let's just relax and enjoy each other's company. Farrah if you don't tell me I'll drag you there and push you in myself. I jolt up right. No! I flinch. Please tell me. I can't swim. Is that all? That part's easy I can teach you and this lake is pretty shallow a great place to learn, we all learned to swim here when we were first learning.

Really? Yeah I'll teach you. You won't let anything bad happen to me will you? No I promise, come on let's go.

Where we were Katara came back over to Aang and I asking if we were ready to be cheered up. When Aang said no an acorn hit his head, Sokka laughed and it hit him next. How is this supposed to cheer us up? Because look around us these trees have acorns on them which means there's stuff still growing here. And stuff will continue to grow and the animals will come back.

You're right, old things go away and die out but new things bloom and blossom. I smile agreeing with her. I get the feeling you're not just talking about plants. Katara smiles at me. No just plants totally just talking about the plants. Moments later an old man approaches us.

Who are you? Sokka asks him. I saw a flying bison and thought at first that it was impossible but those markings I see. Are you the avatar? He asks us. I roll up my sleeve and show him that I am one also. You must be the Glitch avatar we've heard rumors about, we need your help in my village avatars. He tells us.

We were more than happy to help, since this was what being an avatar was all about. He leads us to his village and the people tells us about a monster that has come and attacked them for some unknown reason that they call Hei Bai that they say it is spirit monster of black and white.

They say that we are their only hope that being the avatar(s) even me the glitch that we are the bridge between their world and the spirit world that they are worried about the winter solstice that as the days go on and the solstice gets closer the human world and the spirit world get closer until there will be some kind of blurred line between our worlds.

Hey Farrah Aang can I speak with you guys for a sec? Katara asks us. You guys don't seem too sure about this. We've never been in the spirit world. We don't have anyone to teach us about this stuff. Aang reminds her. Can you even help these people? We can try I shrug. What do we have to lose? This is our job to help things.

I believe in you guys. Meanwhile Iroh has dozed off and is shortly then after captured by the spring since it jumped out at him and captured him as a couple of Earthbending soldiers come and say they have captured not only a fire nation soldier but Iroh that they know he used to be the great general and the fire lords brother and capture him as their prisoner.

Again at the village Aang and I have no idea what we're supposed to do so we stand near the entrance and try to call for the spirit, trying to talk with it trying to get it to come out and leave these people alone. Even though we are the only ones that can accomplish this Sokka thinks we shouldn't be having to face this monster alone.

Sokka and Katara wait with the village people the sun begins to set, and that's when the monster comes. Its fast and goes past us destroying more of the village as it does it doesn't seem to be interested in talking, Katara believes we'll figure out what we need to do the village people say we can not have help because we're the only two that stand a chance, they're very sure about Aang but not 100% sure about me since I'm nothing more than a glitch as people like to call me.

Aang demands it show its face, that we're just trying to do our job, but it won't listen to us. Sokka decides he's seen enough and leaves the building everyone is in to try and help us. Katara tries to stop him from leaving but he goes anyways. Sokka we don't want to fight the thing we just want to talk. I yell back at him when he throws his boomerang at it.

In retaliation the spirit takes it in his clutches and steals Sokka away as Aang and I follow it, we reach Sokka and the monster but as we reach out the spirit slips away taking Sokka with him back to the spirit world. We have failed and fall unconscious. T: I can't help anyone, I just mess everything up. Aang is the real avatar, I am nothing. Tears prick my vision as I slip into unconsciousness.

Speaking of slipping.... Zuko and some of his soldiers go back out to look for Iroh only to find that the soldiers believe he has either left without him or that there had been a landslide but land doesn't slide naturally up that Earthbenders have captured his uncle and that they needed to find him.

Meanwhile captured.... They are traveling with Iroh to face his justice as the soldiers put it as they take him to Ba sing se. Iroh says something about being tired and falls off ostrich horse they were riding as he is quickly picked back up but not before he lets himself lose a sandal as a clue that he was there in the hopes he would be found.

Aang and I wake up and try to return to the village and we do but they can't tell because we appear blue. Aang we're in the spirit world. I tell him. I recognize this form. Only when I've been like this somehow I was still able to be seen and felt and I was more person like than ghost like.

Why is now different and how? I'm not sure I shake my head. IDK how I summoned my spirit form all those years ago previously, IDK how my soul my spirit escaped while being in the iceberg. This is much different than I remember but I don't look different. Maybe it has something to do with you being a glitch? Maybe you have a 3rd kind of avatar spirit maybe it was an avatar spirit thing vs being in the spirit world.

Maybe you were able to be some kind of bridge like the monster. Our job is to be a bridge, yeah but the spirit could be seen by all. And could interact. Maybe you just blur the lines when you're in that form. Well then we're here for a reason and we can't go back without Sokka.

But the sun has risen doesn't it only show itself at night?! IDK Aang I simply do not know. I shake my head. Out in the forest Zuko finds his uncle's shoe and knows that they're going the right way. In the spirit world we find Appa and Katara tells him we'll be back soon as she also pets Momo. It's ok Aang we just need to figure out what we need to do and do it then we can go back.

A dragon comes at us and we quickly discover we can't bend in the spirit world. The dragon shows us that he is Roku's spirit guide animal like how Appa is to us, we get on it and ask it to take us to see Roku so that he can talk to us and hopefully tell us what to do.

As Iroh is moving through the mountains he is somehow able to see Aang and I in our spirit forms flying on the back of a dragon he *gasps* in wonder. IT: She did it. The soldiers stop and ask him what's wrong he says that his old joints are sore and that the shackles are too lose and need to be tighten because they're knocking against him. So they stop to tighten his shackles.

But as he does he makes the shackles heat up and uses his powers to blast himself away and rolls down the hill to safety, while the soldiers try to take back control of their riding companions. In the spirit world the dragon takes us to a temple where we see Roku's statue and it shows us when we can speak to him on the solstice but that would be too late we needed to save Sokka now and it takes back out of the temple.

Where Iroh is one solider stops him from getting away by knocking him out with a rockslide, they deem him too dangerous to carry the rest of the way and need to do something with him right now. Katara is currently on Appa looking for the rest of us with Momo but she decides it is best to go back to the village and wait since she has not found us. But Zuko sees him and notices we are near but decides going after Iroh is a better idea.

The dragon takes us back to our bodies but only Aang recovers at the moment as he carries my still unconscious body back to the village.

Come on Farrah you can do it, just get low to the ground, and sit at the edge. His mother watches us carefully. She probably didn't know I couldn't swim. That's it. I dip my foot in. It's cold, just like the iceberg I'm in. It will be for a couple of secs I promise it won't feel as cold when you get in. I can't.

You can Farrah trust me. He gives me his hand and I whimper. What do you do when you come to us on the wind? Lay down and let her carry me. Lay how? On my back and float on the breeze. Ok, well that's like floating in the water. I'll stand close to your head, you lay down there, and I'll start dragging you in.

But you're gonna have to trust me. I nod my head. There, see I've got you, I'm not gonna let go or let you go anywhere. Until you tell me to. Promise? I promise. This is just like floating on the wind. I told you. Want me to let go? Not yet! I cling to his arm. Ok I won't go.

Just close your eyes and relax. Want me to let go? No. I shake my head. Ok, ok. Wanna try to stand? I'd rather just float. But that's not swimming. This is more relaxing. We didn't do any real swimming that day, we just floated, or he stood by me and watched me float but I wouldn't let him leave me.

It started to get late. We should head back. We still need to have dinner and I'd like to fix the damage of your clothes Farrah. Yes ma'am. You can bathe again for real when we get back to the house you are our guest you should go first. While we wait for you I'll work on sewing your clothes to make them nice and new.

Thank you so much. Azula has laid out an outfit of hers for you to wear when you finish, and you can sleep in them if you'd like it will be a much do dark for you to leave for the night. You are welcome here anytime you'd like day or night. When we returned I went to that. Azula kept me company on the other side of the door, while Iroh helped to get dinner prepared and her husband worked.

Want me to show you how it's done? Zuko nods his head, she take the sewing stuff and shows him. See look here son in and out and back through, the same way you could go about teaching a beginner firebender. Yeah, I guess so. He shrugs. That's how my mother taught me. Azula when she finishes you can go next since you're already up there.

Ok. When we finish here you'll go next. Then its off to bed with all of you. Where's she gonna sleep? With Azula in her room. She can have my room momma. And where would you sleep? On the floor in uncle Iroh's room. Iroh? She turns to him. I don't mind. You are certainly quite the gentlemen. She tells her son. Thanks I think.

You will make some lucky girl very happy someday. She kisses his forehead. I'm almost done mom look. Very good prince Zuko what a fantastic sewer you are. Can I make something else momma? Something from scratch? Like what dear? Something to hold close to her while she sleeps. Like a pillow or a blanket? She questions getting out the sewing supplies.

No more like a little friend. Like the little toys you used to make for us when Azula and I were younger. Ok, what does this doll look like? I want it to look like me so that she always has something to remember me by. If you say so. But Zuko a doll isn't the same as a piece of clothing.

I know. It will be a little more difficult. That's ok. Just promise me you won't tell Azula. She'd tease me about it. His mother giggles as they start working on the doll. When it is done Azula was already in bed asleep. Farrah? Zuko whispers to me. He motions me out of her room. Come 'ere. I come over to him.

Go sleep in my room I'm spending the night with uncle Iroh. Are you sure? I question. Positive. Thank you. You're sweet. I close her door behind me as I go to his room and he follows me in. Momma showed me how to sew I fixed your clothes nice and new for you to put back on in the morning. That's really cool Zuzu thank you.

I made you a doll my mother calls it. It looks just like you. I wanted you to have something to cuddle while you sleep, and I wanted you to have something that looks like me so that you always have something to remember me by. Promise me you won't tell my sister she'd tease me. I promise. I hug him. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. He closes the bedroom door and goes to Iroh's room and sleeps in there.

I keep it there for when I come back again and spend the night we put magic herbs on the flower crown so that the flower crown never gets messed up and he keeps my things with him even now as he's traveling. So that he can give them to me again someday.

Farrah wake up. Katara says to me. What huh? You've been out for a long time. Where's Sokka? We're not sure. Aang and I tell her. With Iroh the Earthbenders want to crush his hands so that he can't bend but that's when Zuko shows up to save him. They defeat them and go on their way.

In the village Aang and I go up against the monster realizing it is the nature spirit upset that the forest has been burned and then we tell him what Katara told us about the acorns and things growing again the monster turns into a panda and it goes away all the missing people and Sokka come back alive and well after he disappears.

What happened? He asks us. We tell him he was in the spirit world for 24 hours he says he really needs to go to the bathroom the villagers ask about repaying us Sokka says supplies and money Katara scolds him but they say they want to help us on our journey. When we leave we tell them about what happened about how we need to talk to Roku on the solstice.

We are reminded that that's tomorrow which is problem number one, and worse our real problem is that the temple we need to go to is inside the fire nation. Which however makes sense considering he was the fire avatar, but not good for us since we're trying to avoid the fire nation but it feels more home to me then anywhere else ever will. This will be bittersweet to me.

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