Irrational vs rational fear of storms

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We are in a dream. Ok, obviously you knew that already only instead of most of the flashbacks we're now really in a dream and most of the time they are from flashbacks but this is just a dream. And one only mostly my brother and I share only my part has one more person added. Maybe two since I wouldn't mind having Iroh with us, he's been good to me, he once loved the same way I'm told Zuko does now.

But Zuko. I might have to explain. We're flying in the clouds that's not different since we usually are doing that anyways. Only, Aang is on the head of Appa, to the right Sokka is using Aang's glider to fly beside him, and to his left Katara is on a giant Momo. That's how I start off knowing this is a dream. But my mind blocks that part out. It makes me believe that part is true.

Not even the next part that happens next because in my heart it's true. I was flying with Gale's help. Nothing unusual about that but I also had Zuko sitting on a cloud floating next to me and if Iroh was with us and he probably would've been and he was on his own cloud meditating or drinking tea or something and it didn't shock me out of my day dream.

It wasn't until Zuko and I kissed that I knew it had to be a dream. This is a dream. I stated. He frowned as everyone else seemed to disappear around us and it was just us. How can you say that? He asked me as tears fell down my face and he put his hand to my cheek his thumb wiped away my tears. Why do you say that Mi Amore? Zuko you're speaking French. And we kissed. That's why? He frowned as I turned away.

Do you think only in a dream I'd kiss you? He asks trying to meet my gaze. If I didn't love you I wouldn't kiss you. Why else do you think I chased after you all this time? My brother is the avatar. Ok, yes but I could care less about that I only care about you. That's the honest truth. Don't I feel real? He asks me. I watch him smile a little a small sad smile one that didn't seem to reach his eyes as he ran his fingers down my side as I laughed. Before he brushed my hair away.

Then he wraps his arms around me. Don't you feel my warmth? Doesn't this feel real? Of course it does. I frown. But that's the problem as soon as we have each other one of us leaves. One of us? He lifts an eyebrow. Let's see my mother and you kept us apart until she thought I was old enough to know you me or my sister. He laughs. You would've grunted at the sound of your sister. I scold. Of her name I didn't say it. He shakes his head.

It took years before you allowed my mother to know we had been friends behind her back behind my father's back my father thought I was crazy my mother thought you were an imaginary friend and that I was lonely and after some time made my older sister and her friends start letting me hang out with them more like forced. You've know my sister and I since we were born. Watching us from above. You wouldn't know that I shake my head. My mother told me the truth he mumbled burying his face in my hair his fingers playing with it.

Your hair smells like flowers. He feels me relax. Now enough of this nonsense I feel his warm breath on my ear. Come 'ere. You were always the one running away I was always chasing after you. Stay with me. Stay in my arms here with me. I love you. Zuko? Hm.... This is definitely a dream. I smile cuddling up next to him. How can I prove otherwise? You can't I lean my head on his chest. Zuzu Momo is a giant and Sokka is riding my brother's glider.

There is nothing more than what I want than to wish this was reality that you were right here next to me. I need you. He tells me. Aang Farrah we need you I heard Katara tell us. That's when I remembered that it wasn't just us. I need you too I said to him and I heard Aang tell our friends. And then the sky changes. Guys look out! I heard Aang tell our friends. Only they aren't there anymore.

I turn to Zuko again and see his cloud is dark and gloomy. Zuzu? I call. But my words don't reach his ears. Zuko?! Iroh? I turn to him. But he's not there next to us anymore. My eyes fill with tears. I reach out for him but I fade right through. And he drops through my cloud calling out my name. I look up and around me I'm suddenly with Aang on Appa and I cling to him. What happened Aang?

Suddenly it was just us on Appa. Suddenly Gyatso appears before us in lotus flower. He asks Aang and I why he disappeared. We didn't mean to Aang tells him. We're sorry. I frown. But before we can reach out for him.... He's gone in a puff of smoke and Aang and Aang and I are trapped in a dark cloud. Gyatso and Katara and Zuko come back in front of us again. We need you Aang and Farrah our friends call to us. But in addition Zuko is of course only calling my name saying he needs me.

Suddenly things get worse as we start to crash into the ocean. And then the fire lord shows up and fire surrounds us.
Aang wakes up with a startle and nudges into me and Momo was laying in my arms as he gets jostled and leaps onto Katara and Sokka and then back to me. I scream as tears flood my vision as I vigorously try to wipe them away. What happened? Sokka asks us picking up his knife and his boomerang. Did we get captured again

Nothing, it's fine we're fine everything's fine I grab Momo holding him in my arms as I lean my head on his and his little fingers holding onto my own as I feel him flinch and make cute little noises as my tears hit his head as if I'm a scared child holding onto a teddy bear. Wishing I had my Zuko doll in my arms along side my flower crown woven into my hair. He looks up at me as if concerned tilting his head to the side. I'm ok Momo I hear my voice waver and can't make my tears stop flowing. My body trembles in fear.

It's ok everybody just go back to sleep Aang says. Just a bad dream, just go back to sleep he repeats as I feel him rub my back to try and calm him down. It felt so real I mumble. It was just a nightmare Cloud Child. The smallest of smiles crosses my face as I attempt again to wipe my tears. Don't have to tell me twice Sokka complains turning back over to go back to sleep as Katara glares over at him. It was just a bad dream. I hear Aang remind me. Unless it didn't start that way. Katara speaks up.

I turn my gaze. Katara looks at us concerned reaching over to wipe my tears as I turn my head back her direction. Farrah you just screamed and you're crying. Are you guys sure you're ok? We're ok Aang tries to tell her. You guys seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. Do you want to talk about them? You can talk to me. She reminds us. It's ok I think we jus need some rest. Aang tells her. You guys want to hear about my dream? Sokka asks us before Katara glares at him again turning over to close his eyes and go back to sleep. That's ok I didn't want to talk about it anyways he grumbles.

We all turn over to go back to sleep. Meanwhile elsewhere on a ship in the same night.... Zuko also wakes up, he lets out a pained sounding scream as he reaches up to feel something wet on his face they're obviously tears. Who knew we could have the same dreams. He sits up in bed he doesn't have a shirt on but his pants are of course. As he quickly wipes his tears rubbing the back of his neck. It really did feel so real. I wish it had been he crosses his arms over himself wrapping his arms around him looking down at the floor.

There is a knock on his door. Prince Zuko is everything alright? His uncle asks him. Zuko frowns at the door before *sighing* and turning his gaze away before rising from the bed and getting up to go to the window that leads to an outside part of the ship so that he can look out at the ocean and smell the ocean air feel the wind on his face as he reaches his hand out almost like he's caressing it after all she brought us together. Zuko? Iroh calls again. Come in he softly calls.

His hands resting on the railing. You should be in bed nephew. He warns concerned. I uh.... Had a bad dream. He mutters under his breath closing his eyes breathing in the air. Would you like some Chamomile tea? Sure I guess. What's wrong? You seem to be getting a lot of nightmares lately. He says with concern. Waking up screaming in pain stains on your face from tears you shed, waking up in a cold sweat I was worried for a while you were hurt or sick. I'm fine uncle.

You are not Iroh shakes his head. You should be asleep Zuko. As should you he *sighs* clutching the railing a bit harder. Prince Zuko calm down and let go, or at least don't grab the railing so tightly you'll hurt yourself. Better me than her. Oh you mean Farrah. He nods beside him coming to his side. Who else? He asks calmly. I see you come outside when you need to calm down. The wind brought the two of you together after all.

Yet the harsh winds brought her and her brother away from their home and their family. He frowns taking a breath opening his eyes again looking out at the water then up at the sky. What are you talking about nephew? Nothing uncle it doesn't matter/ It mostly certainly does matter Zuko especially when they have emotionally hurt you or even physically other times have hurt you. Maybe mentally. I'm not crazy he clutches the railing until his knuckles turn white.

I never said you were Iroh shakes his head. I am getting you some tea and then we both are gonna sit down light the 4 candles and you and I are going to discuss every little detail of your dream. He says with monotone reaction. And I do mean every detail. ZT: No! He shutters. If you're cold close the window and come back inside. You will feel better if you talk. And I will know if you lie to me or leave anything out, it would be of your best interest to just cooperate the first time.

Fine he arches his back stretching before letting go of the window. But I want the window open I want to be able to feel Gale. Gale? That's her name he scratches his cheek. I will be back in no less than 10 mins You get the candles out light some incense clear your mind if you don't this will be a long night and I can see it already has been Iroh leaves the room as Zuko decides it best to follow the caring command of his uncle knowing that he's just trying to help.

He takes out the candles, he lights a mixture of Jasmine and lavender incense that the keeps tucked away in a drawer only he knows about. As he lights up the candles meditating waiting for Iroh to come back. This is the last thing I want to do tonight he grumbles. You will feel better if you do. He hears Iroh tell him as he opens his eyes. I didn't realize you had these scents in here prince Zuko. Iroh sits on the ground mediating with his nephew after he gives him the tea.

Thank you he says calmly. You're mission might be to find and capture the avatars and regain your name and title to prove my brother wrong but you are truly the only family I can say I have left and it is my soul purpose and my mission to take care of you and protect you. To lead you down the right path in life. Before Zuko can object he decides it's not worth the argument especially not at this time especially since he knows Iroh means well. So, Nephew drink your tea and take a deep breath. Now, I know you don't want to discuss this with anyone especially not me that is understandable but I am the only person on this ship who cares about you and won't judge you, the only one that understands the feelings you are feeling.

Zuko grunts before calming down making sure the flames don't get too high with any of his frustration. Now speak calmly and quickly mind you if you wish to go back to sleep. Only if the bad parts wouldn't had happened again. But there is nothing that can determine what kind of dream I'd have. And as he does the scene becomes lighter night turns to day and we're stopped currently.

We have to fly somewhere where we can get food since we're all out of it and we hope it's as Aang says that it will be smooth sailing in the now clear blue skies as we load up to fly out. But when we see the market place Katara wants to stop at Aang and I get worried we have this bad feeling if we stop there since we just dreamt it would appear bits and pieces of the same dream, and the only part of the dream Zuko and I shared was the part with us.

What happened in your dream? Katara asks us. But Sokka cuts her off. Did food eat people? Did Momo talk? You said some very unkind things he scolds Momo. As his ears droop coming to sit on my shoulder. I turn to the ocean while the others decide what we should do, and I rub my eyes making sure I'm seeing clearly. A ship many miles away it was tiny but it was there. And I reach for my ears as they begin to burn. I feel the heat travel to my cheeks luckily no one seemed to be paying attention to me at the moment.

On the ship Zuko watches out of the spyglass. When Iroh warns him that a storm was coming even though he doesn't believe it because the sky is perfect. It's coming from the North we should change course and go southeast. Even if there is a big storm coming like you say uncle we need to proceed forward north that's where the avatars were heading. Prince Zuko you must think about the safety of the crew.

I don't care about the other crew the only thing that matters is the avatar another crew member approaches from behind upon hearing this raising an eyebrow while Zuko turns to talk directly to him. He doesn't mean that he's just worked up. Prince Zuko go back inside. This open air is too much for you and its not doing you any good. Last night it was fine but today you are not thinking clearly. That's where you're wrong uncle.

The crew member leaves them. If I know that they headed north and if I know that there is a possibility that there is a big storm coming not only will it make it easier for me to capture them but she'll be scared and come flocking to my arms into my embrace like the birds that fly above us. He looks up. I am more than thinking clearly I know what I'm doing with her in mind. What is different that girl is always on your mind? We're going north.

Zuko turns to go back inside the interior of the ship. On land Katara is examining fruit the ship long "forgotten" as we walk around for food but then realize we don't have money anyways and Katara tells Sokka he could get a job. After she says that we overhear a fisherman and his wife talking about a storm and how it's not safe out there that a storm was coming and that the fish could wait Aang and I turn to each other shocked at the prediction.

The fisherman's wife could also sense a big storm coming and Aang and I were scared we wanted to take shelter from the storm but Sokka and the fisherman decided there was nothing to take shelter from thinking there wasn't going to be a storm to take shelter from since it was a beautiful day. It wasn't dark or cloudy, there was no wind but that's two people that have said there was going to be a storm but only one that we knew about but also Aang and I had a bad feeling because of our dream.

The fisherman told his wife that he'd pay the next person who would go out there with them double and then Sokka says that he'll go and reminds Katara that she told him to get a job. On the ship the clouds are rolling and Jee his Lieutenant is questioning his leadership. And then the words respect get brought in but to Jee he believes that it's funny hearing that word leave Zuko's mouth since he only cares about himself. Iroh is behind them with Zuko's back turned listening to what he is saying as he grows more and more frustrated.

Iroh panics signaling Jee to stop talking. And then *gasps* moving his hand to is forehead when Jee believes Zuko doesn't even respect or care about his uncle. But I guess I should expect that coming from the spoiled prince. Both of them turn to use their firebending on each other but Iroh tries to stop them. Oh wait I take that back, there is only one other person you care about and respect more than anyone else on G-Ds planet and it's that Glitch!

That little girl glitch avatar! This has more to do than just the avatar and bringing them back to your father to regain your honor it's about the girl about the glitch! The more Jee says that word you can see the angrier Zuko is getting but luckily Iroh has a grasp on both their wrists to keep them from fighting. You know some of our men tried to capture the "princess" as your mother called her but of course low and behold she out right refused to surrender. And why? You were supposed to capture her yourself!

The first time we met the avatar and his glitch sister we had them, you let them go! You sent the boy to the dungeon but kept the girl in your quarters. She leaves you love notes when she escapes I know what a man in love looks like and I've seen it in you, but you are chasing something, this thing that can't and won't love you back, she should've stayed a ghost in your past! You've but us at risk to follow the avatar but you were only supposed to be out at sea for two years.

You got banished two years ago and before then you went back and forth to home every couple of months to restock and get more supplies and then you were banished come the end of the second year and the beginning of the third. Come back with the avatar or don't come back at all, that was the mission the goal. But, it's clear there's more than that the thing you're chasing it doesn't want to be chased! She's running away from you, yet she'd turn herself in to you and only you if and only if you'll leave her friends alone.

She's nothing! She's a mistake! That's pretty much by definition what she is! Some avatar, they turned their back on the nations for 100 years. But I guess I should be thanking them not blaming them we're in control in power the war is in our favor. Lieutenant Jee that is enough! Iroh scolds him. We do not speak of women that way! Woman? Ha! She's 16, she's not a woman and sometimes she's not all woman the last single avatar was a man Roku she's not an avatar she's just an abomination, but one heck of a looker. Gorgeous little pet isn't she prince Zuko?

And she's got her hook so deep into you, she's been around since before the war. Friends with your grandfather and your father and Iroh and now you and your sister. And from what I understand you all fell in love with her. You're just the last. She'll die one way or another maybe not by my hand he laughs and certainly not by yours or your uncle's no maybe this storm maybe old age, maybe your father alone or even what's left of this war.

I said that's enough! Iroh warns them both while Zuko listens only because he's got no choice he can't hurt Jee without hurting Iroh. His hands smoke but Iroh is right. We're all tired, we've all been at sea for far too long. Iroh reminds them both. And Lieutenant Jee you're walking on thin ice, you shouldn't speak of matters you know not of. You're crossing a line and I am the only barrier between the two of you making sure neither of you kill each other! He releases them. Jee walks away smirking. I don't need your help taking control of my ship. Zuko tells his uncle before retreating back inside.

On shore the storm is coming but Sokka said he'd do this and he will that he can't back out now. But the wife agrees with Aang and I. And then she says the word tattoos. And he turns to us Sokka is below deck and doesn't hear any of it. But once he finds out Aang is the avatar and that they had heard about a "glitch" avatar he's disappointed in us that we turned our back on the world. Don't yell at them Aang and Farrah would never turn their backs on anyone in all the time I've known them both all they've done is help people! Katara defends us.

But behind her Aang and I are in shock and we're sad because he's right as we behind her back backpedal in fear and in worry. Then I guess I just imagined the last a 100 years and the war we're in then. Haven't I? Aang and Farrah are two bravest people I know it's not their fault they disappeared. But behind their backs even behind Aang's I've already go around the long way and had Gale pick me up. I knew they couldn't had been too far away from where we had stopped to land. And Gale had confirmed it, but dream Zuko was right.

He does all the chasing, and believe me I didn't want to prove the fisherman right but I was upset I had to get away. And when Katara turned around to ask Aang that. Right Aang? Where's Farrah? She asked him. But Aang frowned. What's wrong Aang? He took his glider and flew away from them. But he had no idea which way I'd gone. Farrah?! He called for me. Where are you?

Ya just keep flying! The fisherman had called after him. You are a horrible old man! Katara scolded him as she got on Appa and made him fly after Aang. But Sokka was upset they left without saying goodbye. Your friends aren't very polite ain't they? He asked Sokka. You know this one time.... But he got cut off and told to go below deck on the ship again the fisherman didn't care what he had to say.

Aang had found himself in a cave soaking wet from the rain when Katara arrived on Appa with Momo. I'm sorry for running away he told her. I looked for Farrah but I couldn't find her. He admits. It's ok, that fisherman was just out of line. Actually he wasn't about either of us. What do you mean? This is about the dreams isn't it? She asked him. You can tell me she said placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. It's a long story. I'll get a little fire going Katara tells him. I'll never forget the day the monks told me that I was the avatar, that because of that they told me that the G-Ds told them that there were two of us, that the G-Ds were the ones that first called Farrah the "glitch" avatar that she was different, had the avatar powers and would learn the elements but had different powers and a 3rd kind of avatar state.

While he started telling the story I was caught in the storm, but let Gale do her thing and I trusted her with my life. Whether she was strong enough to over come the other harsh winds of the storm or not I knew she could protect me the best she could. As I started thinking back to when I first heard I was the avatar and then when the monks told me that there had been a mistake a slight changes of plans different plans sent from the G-Ds themselves, and needed to talk with Aang. And then evidently after probably both of us.

I can't tell you how old I was I don't remember. But there were very few girl airbenders, and it was even more rare to have one with hair. They were monks it didn't make sense. They had called me gifted, called me different. I'd just gotten back from my latest adventure. Gyatso had called me into the temple said he and the monks had been talking with the G-Ds they say to error is human that G-Ds don't make mistakes but sometimes G-Ds do change their minds change their plans. But it didn't start out that way.

Farrah? Will you please come down here? He'd called for me. I landed thanking the wind for my adventure. He hugged me and told me to come inside the temple. Girls didn't have a choice they didn't get special items. Our talk would be brief. We sat down in the temple mediating, drinking tea. Now, you are aware how rare it is to have a girl airbender and we have very few of those, and you may have noticed you are the only one of only ones of us with hair. They even cover your tattoos. And you're clothing as a woman is different it covers all of you. From your wrists to your ankles.

As most women's clothing does. In this time period. Yes sir. I listen respectively waiting for my turn to speak. And you have special gifts that no other airbender has. Yes I realize. The other monks and I have been talking to the G-Ds and it seems they have big plans for you. As you know it is time for there to be another woman avatar and another airbender to be that avatar. And the G-Ds have picked you. Now they didn't seem all too certain but either way they have big plans for you. I won't let you down I promise.

Perhaps it is the only promise I ever broke. I have this feeling inside of me that I've let everyone down. All except for one person. Zuko keeps chasing me, always begs me to stay granted now he's trying to take me back "home" to the fire nation. I've spent more of my life in the fire nation than the air temple that home is wherever Zuko is. Wherever my loved ones are. He let me go, he hasn't hurt me he's kept his promise the promise to himself. Having Katara and Sokka with us now having this group of people with me that believe in me and seem to love me its started to feel more like home with them now. But I remember when Aang became the avatar like it was yesterday, the day I officially had started going as the "glitch."

It's really more Aang's story than mine but it was important for both of us. He'd been outside that day playing with the other airbenders trying to teach them the air scooter. Gyatso had called Aang and I inside. One of the other monks Tashi asked Aang about the set of toys he had picked that he had picked 4 of the avatar relics. That they had known the avatar for a long time. I thought my sister was the avatar now? He questioned. She is, kind of. I beg your pardon? I question.

You see Farrah, Aang chose relics some time ago that represented the avatar elements. We shouldn't had told either of you such things until you reached the age of 16 years but there's a storm coming and I fear war may be upon us soon. What does this make me? I'm getting the sense that Aang is the real avatar not me. Now, now Farrah. The G-Ds have spoken I told you they were not certain about you being the avatar but they have big plans for you. You will still learn all the other elements and you are the original avatar but your brother is destined to save the world.

The G-Ds they chose a cruel word. You have more powers than just a normal avatar, you also have a 3rd avatar state which you will learn as time goes by. But and we none of us would ever use the word but G-Ds call you the "glitch" avatar. We think they are wrong, but one does not argue with the G-Ds. Have I let you down? No of course not we weren't ever supposed to even tell you till you were 16 but this is different. As are you young one. But the G-Ds have spoken. I'm sorry my dear. Aang and I were crushed as is understandable. But for different reasons. We need you Farrah, Aang. Gyatso had said to us.

I come out of my thoughts Gale has lost this battle as I snap back to my surroundings. But she carries a cloud down to me as I fall from her grasp into the ocean coughing up water and then begin to drift on a cloud. I hear her whisper that an alley is close by. But I can barely lift my head to look to understand that she meant an alley in my heart. And the heart is always or almost always right. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore and grew unconscious. Luckily Jee and the other soldiers were separate from Iroh and Zuko.

Zuko had been in his room cooling off, luckily the window was open as the wind rustled. He felt a strong wind but also a softer calmer wind. Gale? He questioned. "Look outside, she's in danger!" She seemed to worry she made sure that Zuko could understand her. The wind had a secret language only I could seem to know. I hear you. Why? "That doesn't matter I have allowed you to understand me at this time but it is temp." She had told him. "call in your uncle or do it yourself but you are lucky that you have a neutral female Dr. on board young prince." "She has helped her before she needs your help look down below I will float her up to you but she is soaked from the storm."

Zuko's eyes widened in horror as he called for the Dr. on board and Gale had brought me to the service. "She will be here but only temp she must go back to her friends when she has had time to heal from the storm and only yourself the Dr. and your uncle must ever know she has been here." "I know you will take care of her. But if you are going to capture her it must be fair, she can't fight back she is currently unconscious you must help her, all of you." "Prince Zuko she needs you."

And I'd do anything for her, you know that. And I understand, I wouldn't want to capture her this way, but I will take care of her and tend to her until she is better. None of my crew shall ever know I had her. "She can't go back with you at this time anyways, her friends don't know where she is they will be worried sick and you know what would happen to her if your father shall lay eyes on her." I understand he frowns. Gale lays me on the service as he picks me up and lays me on the bed.

Take care of her before I come back. I'll rush down and grab her. And I will only get uncle when it becomes necessary. He turns to me. He seems the makeshift bandages om my wrists. Someone has hurt her, they look like binding marks. He reaches for me as I flinch at the painful touch. She's in pain he frowns. Who has done this to her? "It matters not if you will harm them or kill them for hurting her they never met her harm only to capture her but she is so thin and the binding was too tight, it cut into her skin it was an accident." But still she has bled I recognize the fabric it's of male form from the water tribe.

At least her friends are taking care of her as I can not. He frowns brushing back my hair. "You love her?" Gale questions. Even if I did it wouldn't matter, she can never love me the way I love her. "You stay beside her I will grant temp permission to the Dr. on board to hear me and I will send her down myself." Zuko was not listening he sat on the edge of the bed next to me. As I groaned in pain tossing and turning. You are safe now, no harm will come to you, not while I'm around not within the walls of my private corridors. I promise you. He lifts my hand and kisses it. Before letting it fall back to the bed.

As quickly as she was called she comes to the room we are in and knocks at the door. Who is it? Your highness? Come in Dr. Mikayla. She closes the door behind her. And there she is in the flesh. She is beautiful. She comes to the other side of the bed and feels my forehead. She's feverish. She needs proper care, while I look for my things undo the makeshift bandages they must be disinfected I fear they have not been since the first time the wraps were done. I don't wish to cause he more harm she flinched in pain at my touch already when I touched it. I promised her I wouldn't hurt her.

Very well however, we do need general Iroh here. I need his herbal help to help me make the medicine for her. Fine where is he? Mediating in his own private corridors at this time. I saw him on my way down. He stopped me to ask about you. And what did you say? That you were fine but that I would call on him when I needed him. He seemed to breathe easy hearing you were not hurt. Not physically only currently emotionally. The girl I love is in pain but it brings me the slightest bit of peace that it was not a firebender's touch. I'd murder them in cold blood if it were. Now, now.

She prepares a water bowl of herbs after crushing them up and asking him to heat it up for her. Of course he tells her without a second thought. Easy now, it should only be warm not too hot. Like the temp of a hot spring. He scratches the back of his neck and then the side of his cheek. Your highness? She asks him. Thank you Mikayla but I think Gale will summon him for me. Please remove her bandages and begin cleansing her.

Without question she does as she's told. And Gale calls for Iroh. Who is there? He asks the gentle breeze. Oh Gale it is you. What brings you here? "Farrah is on board she is unconscious she is hurt the Dr. and Zuko are tending toe her as we speak but the Dr. requests your help in making the herbal medicine for her wounds and to cure her of her fever and to not tell the rest of the crew that she is in their presence." And have mutiny if I had? He questions her. The wind seems to laugh at his words. No of course Gale we've had enough of that for today.

When Iroh arrives my bandages have already been removed and been replaced with proper bandages. I came as soon as Gale got me. Where did she come from? How did she get here? What happened to her? Please uncle she needs our help questions later. Alright nephew. Mikayla what may I help you do? He asks. I've got the herbs here most of them anyways I figured you'd have the rest. I have filled the bowl of water with separate herbs to help reduce the pain of her marks to disinfect it knowing the only time she probably had them disinfected came the first time that she got hurt.

You are taking her pain very calmly Prince Zuko. Iroh praises. I was warned to keep that way since it would not fix anything and Gale would not tell me who has hurt her. Given the marks on her wrists it happened a while ago they are even mostly healed. But she's still in pain? Her wrists are tiny as is the rest of her it was by accident that she got hurt judging by the marks but the binding was too tight. Like she had been captured.

However, not by any of our men I know Zuko would see to it personally if any of them had hurt her that he would make sure they were killed. Yes, so he has said. She *sighs* They tell him what they have heard from Gale. Of course we don't need anymore trouble. And when her friends do come looking for her? The crew would know that we had her. Then we lie to them and say we saw her and captured her but we let her tell her friends the truth. Zuko says as if it was that simple.

They see that I begin to stir. As I groan out. Dr. Mikayla would you like some tea or need my help with anything more medical? Yes, I think I will join you general Iroh. After you. He leads her out. Where are you two going? The girl will be fine all you have to do is take the rag and apply the medicine to her and take care of her just as you are. We'll be back. The door closes. Come join me in a mediation session for a few moments. Afterwards I will join the crew. It would be my pleasure.

ZT: Why do I get the feeling that this was a subtle way of getting us two alone? He *sighs* Gale seems to laugh. "I'll leave you two alone." Where am I? I rub my eyes. Don't move I here a gruff voice calmly whisper to me. A voice I know too well. I don't need to hear the answer but there is the confirmation as he speaks. In my corridors on my ship but don't worry only the Dr. and my uncle know of your presence for now.

What is this in my forehead? Please? He tells me. Stop moving. I'll take care of you. But, tell me please.... Who has hurt you? And when was the last time you ate? I'll prepare anything you want from what we have. You're much too thin it's not healthy. You're wrists are too small you need stronger bones and muscles in this small form of yours. Even if I have to feed it you myself. You have a fever Gale brought you.

I knew you were near. I was looking for your ship. I ran away. Why? Who has hurt you? Not hurt just accused.... Reminded. Farrah you're not making any sense you need your rest. He brushes my hair out of my face. Did you hear anything I said? He asks me. All of it. Enough of it rather. Zuko? I reach for his hand. You need to hear me when I say that I love you. Always have and always will. Even if we can't be together at this time. But, I didn't say we had to be enemies just that we would.

So, you've said before. He leans over to gently squeeze my hand. We could be together in secret until it is no longer secret. Like a doomed love. Let me be the last man that will ever love you. We will be enemies in front of the crowd until the time comes your friends will know it is probably mostly an act, but my men shall not except for Iroh and Dr. Mikayla. I will tell my men that I had captured you but you can tell your friends the truth.

And please tell it to me. He begs. Promise me you won't retaliate?! I grab his hand. I will not tell you unless you do. He nods his head. I promise he kisses my fingers. My makeshift wraps are gone. Mikayla wrapped your wrists properly. I refused to hurt you by doing it myself. I never want to cause you pain. Jett and his freedom fighters. I whisper. But it was an accident. And I can't remember the last time. We ran out just recently. I doubt you have fruits or vegetables. But I'm sure you have plenty of fish that's all there really is out here.

Name it we've got it. Porting on different lands has its advantages. If it's fruit you want it's what you'll have. I'll go to the kitchen and prepare you whatever you want. I'll prepare you a whole feast of food but you need your strength you need to rest. He leans over to kiss my forehead. He tries to pull away. No! I flinch. Please Zuko don't leave me. Please? I ask as tears cloud my vision. Lay down with me, hold me please, just don't leave me alone until my friends come for me. Have your chief prepare it or Iroh. Please don't leave me. I'm scared. I beg him. Sh, sh don't cry that's the last thing I want. Whatever it is you want of me I'll do it I promise.

He wipes my tears away. Gale go get my uncle and the Dr. have them prepare food for her to eat. "Yes Zuko." After she leaves to tell them he crawls into the bed next to me wrapping his arms around me. Sleep princess I'll stay by your side. No harm will come to you not while I'm around. I swear it. I swear it on my father's grave. Zuko he's not dead. To my sister's then she's as dead to me as my father is. But you want to take us back and gain your title back, to go home.

To the fire nation but not home. He shakes his head. Home is where the heart is and that's us together no matter where in the world we are. Just hold me Zuko no talk of wars please? I beg him. As I run my fingers over his hand and then through his hair. The big bad storm scaring my princess? He brushes his fingers through my hair before kissing my forehead again. I frown nodding my head. Hold me tight. I lace our fingers together.

Always and forever. Close your eyes when the food gets here I'll call for you. You need your rest the next time I capture you we'll train a little bit show you some basics even if you don't know how to firebend. You'll need to know at some point and I will be the one to show you how. Earth will be the most difficult for you and I know your friends will want to hold off on the firebending as long as they can. How is the waterbending coming along? I close my eyes and snuggle up to him. Farrah? I'm trying so hard Zuko, it's not working. I practice and I train for hours everyday, it doesn't help that I'm afraid of it. With good reason.

Mostly the fact that you can't swim or the storm outside? Yes. I kiss his hand. Oh Zuko you can have any girl in the kingdom. Why me? You're a prince. And my mother crowned you a princess. Called she introduced me at the ball as a princess. But I am not one by blood. I was her best friend like a daughter to her. I miss her. Oh Zuzu I do too. I brush my fingers at his tears. Farrah you're freezing. So warm me up. What's holding you back?

He frowns and shakes his head. Iroh and the Dr. will be here soon. We need to get some food into you. I can feel your ribs without trying. You're all skin and bones and mostly bone. I am going to make sure you eat all the food that they bring you. Until you are sure if you ate anything more you would explode. I chuckle. It's not funny. He smiles shaking his head. But by all means laugh just for the right reason. That wouldn't be fair I can't fight back I'm too weak. Whose fault is that? He teases. It's not a who its a what. It's your own fault for not eating enough. With what money for food? We're out of that too Sokka went out to go with a fisherman to go get more food.

You said reminded of and accused of. What happened? I tell him what happened and tell him about how my brother and I became the avatar. Nearly as soon as I start there is a knock at the door. Hold that thought. Who is it? Who else nephew? Come in. He sits up in the bed along the edge as we pull away from each other. We weren't sure what to bring you so we brought a little bit of everything. A little bit of everything from every food group. Milk, tea, cheese, bread, rice, noodles, fish, fruit, vegetables, sweets I know the girl has a bit of sweet tooth.

Hm.... I wish I had my bag with me. I had something for in it. Oh, it's here under the bed. He tells me. And there's a little creature sleeping in it. Oh silly Momo Zuko. His name is Momo Zuko? He asks me placing a hand on the back of his neck. I wanted to name him after you but I let Aang name him. I have something for you as well he tells me. But eat as you tell your story. I'll put a plate together for you. If that is all your highness I'll return to my corridors it was great to see you again Farrah she bows out. General she bows again, then again at Zuko.

He opens a drawer. Awe Tiny Zuko and my flower crown. You have them. Thank you, I hug him. No problem he rubs the back of his neck. Now, please eat. I will first I wanna give you these. They're jelly candy where did you find them? Jett and his crew were stealing from fire nation tribes trying to liberate earthbenders and the earth kingdom. They had blasting jelly and jelly candy. Jett was so nice at first but Sokka and I had quickly discovered something was wrong no matter how much Katara and Aang liked him. They wanted to blow up the dam and flood out all the fire nation soldiers but wanted to risk everyone in the village. As long as the fire nation people were wiped out but if he did that there would be no one left to save. He let me take as much of it as I wanted.

What's that? This is a creeping crystal it's very important that you don't put it on till after I leave. Promise me? I playfully scold. Sure whatever you want. Is it editable? It's candy and I wanted to hand it off a different way that's why there's a spear in there too. And a waterbending outfit? He questions. Katara gave it to me when we had to go into Ba Sing Sa and we reunited with our friend and kind Boomy our friends had these rings on while we had tests to go through.

Hm it's funny it's supposed to be the other way around. Iroh commented. Isn't it? What is? We asked him. The guy normally is the one that gives the woman a ring. He lifts an eyebrow sipping some of the tea. I carefully weave the flower crown into my hair. I can't believe the flowers haven't wilted. And your hair really does smell like flowers. What? I question. N-nothing he scratches his cheek. You told me that in a dream I had last night. Oh? If it weren't for the circumstances I could almost be sure this was a dream in its own.

I don't suppose it ended with me calling to you that I needed you and falling through a dark cloud did it? He rubs the back of his neck. It did. I nod. How did you know? Lucky guess he mumbles. I lay my hand over his other. He had the same dream. His uncle nods. And Aang and I had the same beginning part of the dream just probably not our part of the dream. I keep trying to convince my friends that you're really not that bad, trying to make them understand what I see in you. No offense he frowns but I'm still not sure what that is.

I've stopped seeing it in myself whatever it is that you see. I lay my hand on his cheek. Tell me the story. After you tell me yours. And after you finish your food. You are dismissed uncle. I'll leave you two alone. He nods bowing out. IDK how you two put up with me. He frowns. We love you. I frown back grabbing at his hair before letting it through my fingers. We don't put up with you we see you by what you are on the inside. Past the façade of the solider you're pretending to be. I don't see it as an act much these days.

We'll go back and forth telling parts of stories only I would like you to start. As you wish I nod at him. As I pick up the plate and tell the part of the story I've already told. As Iroh approaches Jee and the rest of the crew as he hears Jee complaining about Zuko to them. Who does he think he is? Would you like to know? He asks them. Iroh we were just.... It is ok. May I join you. You have to understand my nephew is a very complicated man you don't know things he's been through. While Iroh told it his way Zuko was about to tell me the same story.

Wait, so you guys were upset to be the avatar? You weren't excited? Aang was. I had been. More or less. However, the uncertainty of the G-Ds decision made me feel uneasy. And it didn't seem to matter because from the day Aang found out none of the other airbenders would play with him. He would play strategy games with Gyatso and I. But Tashi never liked that idea he thought we should always pretty much be training. Or rather that Aang should. But Gyatso was our guardian and he got to decide when we trained.

But the other monks they didn't care if I trained or not to the other elders didn't look at me as an avatar just the glitch. I hate that. Zuko raised his voice as I flinched. I could see the steam rising from his hands. Zuzu? I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. My outburst have often got me in trouble in the past. Not any I have seen. I shake my head. Fine, maybe not so much as often just recently or when you weren't around. I take his hand in my own.

Tell me what happened because this is new to me Gale had told me it had happened but I wish to know the story behind it. Ok he *sighs* it was around the two year mark after you left you would be in your ice prison for where you were later found almost exactly two years later before I became the banished prince. My father and the elders were talking about battle plans and war plans and I wanted to sit in and listen but I wasn't allowed in. Iroh had came out to try and calm me down. He told me that it was boring in there and that I didn't need to know what was being said. But I had to as the prince I knew I was going to be king one day and run the nation. Fight in the war that I wanted really no part in.

But he made me promise not to speak. But I think it is the only promise I ever broke there were things being said in there that I couldn't stand for so I raised my voice letting my opinions be known. But since I had spoken out there were dire consequences. Only I was right and Iroh was the only one that agreed with me. To my father to speak out was disrespect and I knew or thought I knew what I was getting myself into a fire duel I had spoke out and challenged the general I was not afraid to face him. Only because it was my father's war room, he saw it as disrespect toward him and he was to be my opponent.

It was the only time I remember ever begging for mercy in a violent situation.
He took a deep breath. Zuko I can continue my story now. I told him. My hand got warm and we both had noticed but I figured it was just the warmth of Zuko. I didn't know how to firebend, and I knew it usually came with the fuel of anger or other times passion, but for the most part it was just natural for a firebender. But other times its possible for it to come out of fear. Love is passion but I usually suppressed any anger as sadness if I ever got angry. Which I very rarely did, every emotion I've ever had let me to crying. Whether I'm happy or sad or scared, even if I do get angry both in fan fiction or dream world and in the real world.

I laugh until I cry sometimes, other times when I get scared I get so scared I cry, being sad makes me cry of course and if I get frustrated or angry I cry. But, I'm very in touch with my emotions. Besides I wasn't scared I remember Zuko telling me that when he had me he'd teach me firebending. But I ignored the feeling and picked up where I left off. Everything seemed to change when Aang found out he was the avatar. And it got worse from there. See the elders they were concerned about what was happening with us 3. That Aang needed training, and that Gyatso wanted what was best for us but the elders only wanted what was best for the rest of the world and since I was not a real avatar and he needed more training we 3 were going to be separated.

I felt myself go into the avatar state. And felt something warm on my hand as I did. Whoa hey. I felt Zuko wrap his arms around me. I remember in the avatar state the normal one before Aang and I had learned waterbending we had waterbend the ship and when Roku took us over there was lava everywhere and we had more or less firebend. Now that I wasn't more or less in control and my body was beginning to glow a white blue color Zuko had wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair.

It's ok princess you have every right to be upset. My eyes clouded with tears Aang was telling Katara the same story he had done the same thing and I could feel it. But he was angry and I had been also but then as I calmed down water whipped around. You can take your pain out on me Farr's but you're gonna get me all wet. I'm sorry Zuko. I begin to wipe my tears. Be angry be upset its ok. How could they do that to us?! Take away everything we'd ever known everything we had ever loved?!

Zuko saw a fire in my eyes he had never seen before, before they turned a blue color as blue as the pools of water. You have every right to be after the monks took your brother like that. Only that's not what happened. I told him. What do you mean? I was alone with Aang, we were discussing things in his room. We were hurt and confused. We didn't know what to do. You always go on adventures. Yes Aang. I nodded. We should go on one together. You mean run away? Its the only way. I didn't try to stop him we left a scroll in our place and grabbed Appa and left into the storm. Gyatso had walked into his room and was going to tell us that he wouldn't let them separate us. Only we didn't know because it was the last time we ever saw him before we had gone out into the storm that night.

We went into the avatar state and made an iceberg to save us from the storm. Aang doesn't remember anything after that until we were waking up in Katara and Sokka's arms when they found us a 100 years later. But when they did and when I woke up your name was the first name out of my mouth now that I was fully awake.
I had finished my story. Momo had crawled into my lap during the time I told the story as I pet him.

Farrah your hand is warm. He warned me. That's you. I shake my head. Only there was steam coming off my hands probably just residue from the partial avatar state. You ran away. He reminded me. It was not my intention but yes. We did. Only because of the other avatar state I was able to leave my body fully and become some what of a ghost. But after we left the fire nation attacked our temple we turned our backs on our people when they needed us. Our people needed us and we were not there to help.

The world needed us and we weren't there to help. Farrah? The fisherman was right about us. We turned our backs on the world. You're being too hard on yourself Farr's. If you had stayed you would've been killed just like all the other airbenders. It was meant to be this way. You don't know that. I remind him. Besides the world would be better off anyways, only my brother can save it, I ruin everything I touch. I look down at my hands. It was meant to be had Gale not brought you to my grandfather or maybe my great grandfather you would've never met the fire nation royals and we would've never met and then fallen in love.

The world needs you now, I need you. You give the people hope. What hope? Waterbending is a second nature to Aang, Earth will be difficult for us both there were very few girls that lived in the air temple, and I've been different ever since I was born. And fire is yours. What? I cry. Fire is your second nature. He looks down at my hands. You've been taught firebending ever since you were 6 years old and over the course of a 100 years. Don't use it without me around but I can teach you and train you. I won't today but the next time I have you captured I can.

Waterbending might be second nature to your brother but firebending is yours. I will continue my own story now. Like I said when I saw my father was going to be my opponent my uncle and my sister and commander Zhao as he known as now were all in the room I had tried to apologize for speaking out, out of turn tried to explain to my father that I met no disrespect that I was his loyal son but Iroh was the only one who feared for me my sister and Zhao smiled but I cried on my hands and knees trying to make my father forgive me.

He told me to fight for my honor. But I wouldn't fight against my father. And because of that I was seen as weak in my father's eyes and he told me I would learn respect and that suffering was going to be my teacher. He told me by not fighting him was shameful I believe most of soldiers believe my scar was an accident but it wasn't. And as punishment I was to go out and bring home the avatar. And now we knew who that was you and your brother. I was already looking for you when you left but I was sent after the both of you when I was banished it slowly became an obsession of mine so to speak.

Things will never go back to normal but the two of you are supposed to bring me hope that I would restore my honor. Being kidnapped against my will is not exactly honorable. And I'll never let my father get his hands on you again. But I will need one of you to bring home. And I would sacrifice myself. Not going to happen that's why I need both of you. Zuko your father knows me he doesn't know what Aang looks like. If my father sees you again he'll kill you period end of story.

After we tell each other's stories we lay in the bed together for a while. Close your eyes. Sleep. He brushes my hair back. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. But the ship gets hit and meanwhile Sokka and the fisherman are still lost at sea in the middle of the storm. On land the wife is safe but Aang is worried like Katara that they haven't came back yet. Aang flies into the storm on Appa. Zuko leaves his room when we are hit by the lightning and helps his crew to safety. Now that he has calmed down.

But he sees Appa in the air. He can't let me go until the storm is gone. It wouldn't be safe and since I'd gone missing they could only assume where I had been anyways and that I had my stuff with me and Momo that we were safe more or less they hoped not less. But he let my brother go to keep the rest of the crew safe and we had to get out of the storm so we had to sail into the eye.

Aang had rescued the fisherman and Sokka and brought them back safe. The wife demanded that he apologize to us both but I was nowhere in sight. My sister took off but she's safe with her friend she found a friend to stay with during the storm. Hopefully I won't have to go get her and that she'll be back by morning or when the storm stops even if she doesn't want to. Uncle I'm sorry Zuko apologizes. Your apology is accepted Iroh tells him. Why the change of heart? I just needed to calm down you were right. You always are.

Is that your subtle way of saying we'll talk later? If it pleases you. He doesn't need to apologize Aang tells the fisherman. How about I'll give them all fish and we'll call it even. My sister and I don't eat meat. Fish isn't meat they tell us. When Zuko and Iroh join me inside again.... You know? My brother and I decide together that our loved ones are right we should all stop dwelling on the past. Yeah, I think you're right because we don't know what are future holds but I have hope you're in it and I know I'm right because I'll keep chasing you.

But when you leave back to your friends go around the long way, I'll make sure to distract the crew and make them thing they're looking at some other thing in the opposite direction but I'll watch you to make sure you get away safe before I start chasing you again. Sounds like a deal and when I do you can put that ring on your finger. I say picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder with my new acquired items inside. But I don't think we'll have those nightmares anymore.

Do you hear that? Iroh asks. It stopped raining he continues. She was your change of heart? I'm guessing. And the 3 of us will ever know the truth behind the love "hate" relationship. Thanks for all the food and taking care of me. Where would I be without you? Still boney and skinny not that you're not still skinny just not abnormally skinny anymore. Goodbye for now. Not goodbye Zuzu but see ya later I smirk, laugh and wink. As I take to the skies. Hey guys is that one of the avatars I see. He asks his crew pointing in a random direction. He kisses my forehead as we hug and then I hug Iroh.

Safe travels. Gale take care of our girl. Full steam ahead men. Oh, ok whatever you say prince Zuko. Right men? Yes sir. Jee speaks up. I watch as Zuko puts the ring on. Hey? What is this? He exclaims. He struggles to get it off. Prince Zuko it's rock candy stop struggling. Iroh rolls his eyes as it creeps quickly up his arm and starts eating up the left side of his body. The more he struggles the faster it climbs. For the love of.... It's candy nephew. Iroh chuckles. Break it off with your free hand.

Humph he growls under his breath. Before breaking a piece off and eating it. It taste good though. Whatever. He rolls his eyes. As soon as he picks it off it starts slowly crawling back down. When I got back.... So, it looks like you're safe? Did he capture you? No he protected me I shake my head. But I think I'm done dwelling on the past and having nightmares. You two? Me two sis. Aang tells me. Your makeshift bandages are gone. Sokka points out. Yeah the Dr. that once took care of me a few years ago was on the ship he and Iroh and Mikayla took good care of me. And it turns out that for Aang waterbending is like second nature to him but it's firebending for me. I let out a little flame. As I land on Appa.

But, I will attempt IDK how I do it but I will try not to do it until I can be trained to control it. And of course we know Zuko will keep his promise. Why would he let you go? Gale brought me to him. They came to an agreement that it wasn't fair play that he doesn't want to capture me that easily but he let me go. He saw Appa and let him go as well. He didn't want to risk the lives of his crew in the storm or more likely mine. Someday, we'll see what you see in him but he's what gives you hope and makes you believe in yourself he can't be all that bad. As we learn as we hear your stories. Thanks Katara. You don't look scary thin anymore my brother admits with praise. Yeah Zuko wasn't letting us go anywhere without me eating until I was sure I'd explode I giggled. Us?

Yeah, I lift the flap. To show a sleeping Momo cuddling my tiny Zuko doll. And there's the doll and flower crown you were telling stories of. Looks like someone loves him almost as much as I do. I pet Momo's sleeping figure.

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