How can this be?!

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It's the early morning the night before we'd landed and made camp for the night. Sokka was still in his sleeping bag, I lay sleeping peacefully on a cloud in the air. Like the wind is caressing me like a child. My brother used to call me that, the cloud child. Whether because my head was always in the clouds or because I liked to sleep on the air and form the clouds to my whim into a sleeping like area.

Katara is packing the luggage back up and Aang is checking the reins on Appa. He's excited to go back home again after a 100 years, but Katara tries to pick her words carefully not to try and upset him, that it has still been a 100 years since we've been home and that a lot can change in that time, but Aang said he needed to see it for himself, and that he couldn't wait to go back. But what would we find when we did? I believe we'd be very disappointed.

Farrah wake up. He calls nudging my foot that was hanging just slightly off the cloud I was asleep on. I rub my eyes of sleep and use my powers for a soft easy landing to stick the landing onto Appa sitting criss cross hovering right above. Aang flies down to wake Sokka but he refuses to get up. And since he does he turns to me then to a stick, and back at Sokka and smirks using the same trick he used to do to me when I wouldn't wake up.

Sokka get up there's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag he smirks running the tip of the stick over the sleeping bag. Sokka screams in fear trying to get the snake off of him as Katara giggles at his antics and I roll my eyes. Knock it off, that's not nice. I remind him playfully scolding him. Great you're awake air temple here we come.

Meanwhile the fire nation ship docks and comes to a stop. Uncle I want these repairs done as soon as they possibly can be. I can't risk so much time being lost that I'd lose his trail. You mean her trail? The avatar(s) at least be honest with yourself prince Zuko you want to find the girl again the avatar is just an added bonus. Don't say that name too loud if people were to get word that either one is alive everyone will go after them and I won't let anyone get in the way! ZT: I can't let anyone else find her I mean them I also don't want anyone to hurt her.

Get in the way of what prince Zuko? A new figure asks him coming to greet his comrades at the dock. Captain Zhao. It's commander now. General Iroh he bows in respects of him. Retired general. The firelord's brother and son are always more than welcome here. What brings you to my harbor? Our ship has taken a bit of damage we're here for repairs. Ah, so I see. Mind telling me what happened?

Well go ahead uncle tell him what happened. Of course.... Did we like crash or something? Yes of course that's right we crashed into an earth kingdom ship. You must tell me all the details over a drink. He encourages. We can't we have to go. Prince Zuko show commander Zhao your respect. Iroh reminds him resting a hand on his shoulder. We would be most delighted to join you for a drink. As the two go off Zuko angrily retreats after them growling at his uncle's comment for always thinking about wanting tea.

Meanwhile Sokka is complaining that he's hungry as he goes searching through his bag to try and find food to see it gone. When he asks what happened to it Aang admits that he ended up using it as firewood last night. There Aang look over there! I point out at the mountains in front of us. You're right Farrah it's the Patola Mountains. We're almost there. Aang Farrah before we get there I wanna talk to you about the airbenders.

You see I just want you to be prepared for what you'll find when we get there that the fire nation are ruthless. They killed my mother and they could've done the same to your people too. I'm sure everything will be ok Katara after all the only way the fire nation or anyone for that matter could get to the air temple is on the back of a giant flying bison, and us airbenders only have those. Right Appa?

IDK Aang Katara could be right it's been a 100 years since the last time we were home. As we begin to reach the temple it's just as we remembered it to be. Wow it's beautiful Katara comments. It's home. I shrug. MT: Home is where the heart is the fire nation royal home is more home in my heart then where I grew up. I think turning away sadly.

Where the guys were they were inside Zhao's tent Zuko was at the table listening to the "war plan" about his father taking over the earth kingdom and Iroh was standing in back next to the array of weapons. If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly he's a fool! Zuko commented. Ah I see that two years at sea has done nothing to calm the temper of your tongue.... As Zhao had put it. Then asked if he'd made any progress on looking for the avatar.

And at hearing this Iroh knocked over the rack of weapons. Zuko lied through his teeth and told them he hadn't had any progress. As you probably haven't considering the avatar DIED a 100 years ago. At this Zuko has this forlorn look on his face as he turns his head away refusing to listen. Along with all the other airbenders. Every.... Last.... One. Zhao smiles evilly at him. Zuko doesn't exactly care about the other airbenders but he does care about me. He slowly clutches his fists with a sneer on his face.

After all the avatar or both of them are the only person or people who can defeat the fire lord and end the war, save the world. If you have any ounce of loyalty you'll tell me anything you've found out. I told you I've found nothing, so there's nothing to tell! ZT: I wish my loyalty could start and end with Farrah. He thinks taking a deep long big breath before he can explode. ZT: I guess in my heart the very broken and cold heart that I now have.... That a part of me is still loyal to her even if I knew where they were I'd never tell him where she was. He and his soldiers didn't promise anything to her, she wouldn't let me promise anything to her just in case I did at some point hurt her.

I haven't found anything! There is nothing to report! ZT: But I'd never tell you anyways! Come on uncle we're leaving. But before they can go anywhere a bunch of soldiers came into the room and announced that they had interrogated his crew and said that he had captured the avatar but had let us go. That's not true! If I had an avatar or the avatar it would've been that "glitch" avatar or whatever and they would've been of no use to me!

I still haven't made any progress with finding the avatar! He's dead probably just like you said originally! Then go ahead Zhao whispers into his ear, tell me what REALLY happened to your ship. Back with us we arrive at the front steps of the air temple and approach a door with some symbols on the front. Aang is really excited to be home, but all Sokka can think about is food.

Sokka you are one of the first outsiders to see an airbender temple and all you can think about is food?! Katara scolds him. Look over here is where we used to play airball and over here is where flying bison used to sleep. Then he looks down sad. What's wrong? Katara asks us. Since we have frowns on our faces. It's just that this place used to be filled with monks and lemurs and bison but now it's all weeds.

Sokka and Katara give us looks of sympathy. Then Sokka asks us how we play airball and Aang and I's faces light right up as does Katara's. Outside Aang forms a ball of a air and we stand by goals and poles. We'll show you watch this. We start doing tricks with the ball of air and it reminded me kind of like soccer and pinball with the poles in the middle. When was the last time you played any form of airball Farr's?

It was hard to do without the poles but in my spirit form my first one of the times I'd visited the now fire lord and his brother, and then again when I tried to teach the prince and princess but without the poles it turned quickly into what humans call soccer. Ok Sokka you wanna try? I ask him. Sure I'll give it a shot. I jump up on a new airball that I make myself and ride it around until Aang aims air at me knocking me over.

Hey?! I giggle. Let's play. Them two play a bit until Sokka gets hit with the ball and Aang calls game he lands into a pile of snow and Katara is over by him. Trying to make them feel better is making me feel miserable. He complains. But this is gonna make them feel miserable look its a fire nation helmet. Katara points out. Aang Farrah there's something you guys need to see. She calls for us, and we come.

But then she sees us approaching and knocks a bunch of snow onto Sokka and the helmet. She didn't want to upset us. What is it we ask her in excitement? Uh just this waterbending move I've been working on. Cool, but enough practicing Aang tells her we've got the rest of the air temple to see. As Aang and I move along Sokka warns Katara that she can't just pretend that the fire nation wasn't here. I can for their sake if they found out they'd be devastated.

Aang and I come up to a statue saying that we have someone we want them to meet. As we both bow respectively in front of the statue. Who is this? They ask us this is we tell him his name was Gyatso and that he was the greatest airbender in the world. This time it was kind of both of our own flashback....

We are back in old times Gyatso and I are in the kitchen making cakes and pies while Aang is sitting on the balcony watching us with a distant kind of look on his face. When the fruit cakes are ready he takes a wooden oar like object to pull them out of the oven and then with his airbending he teaches me how to spin it like a mini tornado kind of like when chefs make pizza dough and spin it. He goes on to say that the secret was in the gooey center.

Aang is everything alright? I asked him. I can tell that my fruit cakes aren't the only thing on your mind. Gyatso tells him. We put the cake on the table and sit next to him. It's just that we've had a couple of long confusing days. Farrah was born first and has the blue arrows on her as do I she was supposed to be the next avatar but then I was born and the monks..... I think they maybe made a mistake.

No, no there's no mistake there if anything the G-Ds would've made the mistake but G-Ds don't make mistakes to error is human. She is a "glitch" avatar where it is possibly time for there to be another girl avatar and she'll be able to learn and master all the elements but you are the one that is meant to save the world the only mistake the monks made was telling either of you before you turned 16 years of age. And when your time comes and you are old enough you'll be able to visit the airbender sanctuary and inside someone will be there ready to reveal themselves to you, and guide you on your journey.

Who? When the time comes you will know. Now aren't you here to help me with my cakes? We turn to each other and smile nodding our heads forgetting our worries at least for a little bit. Then lemurs come in and start eating the fruit cakes, and the kitchen is a mess now but we laugh anyways.

The next time I'd had or made one of those fruit cakes I was in the backyard with Zuko and Azula we were picking berries and things from bushes and trees. I'd weaved us a little basket thanks to my airbending skills. What are we doing with all these berries and fruits? Zuko asked me. I shook my head giggling. Let your girlfriend do her thing Azula teased. She's not my girlfriend! He yelled at her.

Zuko calm down his mother playfully scolded him. As she giggled at us. It's a surprise I remind him. You'll love it trust me. We can't wait to see what you come up with his mother nods at me. And not to mention what we have left over Iroh can turn into tea. She's not wrong his mother giggles at me. Need some help? Azula asks me when I'm too short to reach something.

Thank you but I've got it. I use my airbending powers to make the fruit I can't reach come to me. I think that's enough the other ingredients should be in the house. If not we can run to the market and buy some. If you told me what we were making I could've told you what we had. Zuko reminds me shrugging at me. What fun would that be? Do you want to spoil the surprise?

I guess not I like your surprises. Most of them are editable. You're a very good cook for a "ghost." Thank you Zuzu. Hey look at that I got a good response out of giving you a compliment. He teases. It wasn't about me it was about one of my skills. I smirk patting his head. Iroh? I call. Yes? He questions. Whatever we don't use could please use to make us tea?

That is my specialty my friend of course. I'd told his mother and Iroh what we were making and they were sure to have everything I'd need. If you were gonna be so impatient for the snack you shouldn't had volunteered to help me pick the fruit. I question Zuko. But I like helping you do things. It's a lot of fun. And you like her Azula teases. He growls at her. Zuko think about what it is you're going to do before you regret it. I remind him.

After I make the fruit cake I'm ready to pour it and cook it. Want some help? Azula asks again. You'll need a firebender to throw fire on the coals in the oven to make it cook if you don't use a match. Why can't I do that part? Zuko growls at her. Because I'm more experienced. She reminds him. Iroh comes down and uses his own firebending skills on the oven while the siblings fight. Thank you Iroh I giggle.

Please take the rest of the fruit and make it into tea. That shouldn't take me but a moment. Be right back. Awe look it's in the oven already looks like neither of us got to help. Azula playfully frowns at her younger brother. During the time we wait for the cake to bake Azula takes me back to the backyard and we train like we usually do. While Zuko complained that she was gonna ware me out and that I wasn't gonna want to play with him when we were done.

She smirked as he frowned. I frowned and stopped what I was doing. I came over to him and hugged him. Behind our back Azula had one of her teasing smirks on her lips with one of her many hearts with an arrow shot through the middle out of fire. As she aimed it over our heads and into the bark of a tree. I watched her pass behind us as she sketched our names into the tree. Aw Zuzu that's not true I'll always have time for you. You're my best friend.

You're my best friend too and I miss you everyday when your gone. I miss you when I'm away too, hopefully someday we'll meet in person. Children Farrah's snack is ready for us to take out of the oven. I'll get it! Zuko says breaking away from my hug and pulling me into the kitchen as he takes it out and passes it to me. Careful it's hot. He warns me. No kidding I giggle.

Check this out. I take it and do the tornado move I learned and spin the cake. Take a seat everyone now that I've cooled it down the best part is in the gooey center. Where'd you learn to do that? At my home. One of the monks taught me. Dig in. This fruit cake is delicious. Zuko replies shoving a bite in his mouth. Don't talk while you eat his mother reminds him. Sorry he apologizes swallowing his piece of food.

Zuko.... Hm? He turns to me. I lick my thumb and clean the jam off his face. Oh thanks. No problem I shrug. You two are so cute together. Now, now Azula you've teased them enough for now. Iroh do you have tea for us? His mother asks him. Oh yes here you all are. Thank you it tastes wonderful Iroh. I'll be back again probably tomorrow but for now this is goodnight. Goodnight they wave me off. Sweet dreams Zuko and his sister call after me.

I turn and smirk blowing a kiss towards him. My kiss turning into a cloud of a heart as it fades into his face. See ya tomorrow. I wave. Wind take me home. I giggle as she picks me up and I float on her breeze carrying me back to the air temple. The flashbacks all end....

After our flashbacks are over we rush off to the air sanctuary. The two others follow behind us. Where are you going? They ask us. The sanctuary there's someone who we're ready to meet. But Aang if there is someone in there they would've probably be dead by now. We survived a 100 years in an iceberg he reminds Katara. That's true. You don't happen to have a key to this place do you? Sokka asks us.

We don't need one its all in the skill of airbending. I tell him. We use our skills to open the doors and we go inside looking for all or anyone that we could talk to about any of this avatar business. Inside Zhao's tent however he finds it pathetic that a 12 year old boy and his 16 year old sibling had caused that damage to the ship.

They were both underestimated and it won't happen again. No you're right it won't because you will not get a second chance! Zuko is alarmed by this. ZT: No I have to find her if Zhao goes after them he'll hurt her or worse kill her. But Commander Zhao I have been looking for the avatar for 4 years and.... Both those years in which you have failed and both those boys are mine now. ZT: I never said both were boys. He thinks rubbing hand behind his head.

He growls at him and clutches his fist as he tries to go after Zhao but his soldiers get in the way. Hold on a sec. You just said 4 years. No I said 2 just the two years I was out a sea! He lies. Were you or were you not on your own kind of mission aside from these past two years to look for the avatar? It's only been two it just feels longer! Like how 4 years can feel like 10! Keep them here he tells his soldiers.

Inside where we all are a light opens and down the pathway we see many statues but not a real person anywhere in sight. They're just statues. Look at this, this one is an airbender just like us Aang. And this one is a waterbender like me Katara points out, and this one is an earthbender and this last one is a firebender like Zuko and his family I point out. That's the one before us avatar Roku. They're avatars of the past our past lives. It's the avatar cycle.

I knew there was a reason I didn't trust you when we first met. Sokka scolds. Then there is another light and a shadow appears. We all turn and hide trying to figure out who or what it is. When it's a lemur I come out of hiding and pet him and tell him I'd like him to be my new pet. But because Sokka is so hungry he wants to eat him. The lemur flees in fright as we chase after it.

Once again in Zhao's tent he claims that his ships are ready to depart and once he leaves Zuko and Iroh will be free to leave as well. Are you worried I'd be able to stop you?! Zuko questions in anger. Stop me ha that's impossible! I'll show you I'll find the avatar and capture them both again before you capture any of them! Prince Zuko that is enough! Iroh demands.

I've got all my warships and you have nothing, no home no allies and you're nothing more than just the banished prince. A failure to your father and to your nation. That's not true! Not even your own father wants you, if he did he would've let you come home years ago avatar or no avatar and even if you could capture the avatar and try to restore your honor try to retake your place you'd still be seen as a failure in your father's eyes. ZT: That's not true home is where the heart is and aside from my uncle my only other "ally" I have she said she'd always be my friend even if I couldn't always be hers, but she is my ally at least in my heart.

You even have the scar to prove it! Zuko hears this and yells in frustration moving closer to his face. Do you want a matching one?! Is that a challenge?! He asks to duel Zhao at sunset that night, but Iroh warns him that he shouldn't forget what happened the last time he challenged a master at a duel. But he can never forget.

The scene continuously switches back and forth it switches back to us again. With our airbending powers we could easily chase after the lemur as Sokka face plummeted into the snow. We follow the lemur into a room this room is different than the others parts are covered in debris and then we turn and see skeletons with the fire navy uniforms on, and then one with a wooden necklace. No! I whisper in fear and in shock mixed with sadness.

It was clear that Aang felt the same. One of those that had been killed was Gyatso. Aang is angry and in tears he melts to the ground falling on his knees with his head in his hands. I try to reach out to him, but I'm crying too. I place a hand on his shoulder then my knees begin to get all weak and wobbly. Sorrow overtakes me. We both now enter the avatar state as our arrows glow a blueish white color, in the other room where Katara was all the statues do the same as us, she is worried about us and comes to find us.

She asks Sokka what happened and then tells him that she'll try and calm us down. A bright light beacons off of us somehow alerting pretty much the rest of the world that we were back that we had awaken. Including a fire sage. He runs to go tell the fire lord. That he must know about this right away.

Meanwhile in formation and duel attire, Zuko and Zhao are ready to face off in their duel. Iroh reminds Zuko of his basic fire training that they will be his greatest weapons. My face comes into his mind he is more determined than ever to beat Zhao to make sure he can't win. That he'd be the one to come after us. After a long battle Iroh reminds him to use basics to take out his root. He finally is able to defeat Zhao but Zhao believes it is disgraceful for him not to take him out and finish the job.

Before Zuko can get hurt while his back is turned after his victory Iroh jumps into the way protecting him that even in exile if this is how Zhao acts when defeated then Zuko is more honorable then he is even after being exiled from his father and the nation. They leave the fighting arena. And he thanks them for the tea. Did you really mean that uncle? He asks him. Iroh tells him yes that, that kind of tea is his favorite. Zuko smiles knowing what he really meant.

They walk back to the ship and ascend to the deck as they pull away from the dock. Zuko has now just earned the right to hunt us down. This is both very good and very, very bad. As long as it is Zuko and not anyone else, that could be looked at in two different ways. Meanwhile Aang and I are still ascended in the air floating in our avatar state forms causing destruction. Aang Farrah we know how hard it is to lose a loved one I went through the same thing when my mother died, Monk Gyatso might be dead and the other airbenders might be gone but you still have a family.

You still have each other and you have Sokka and myself, and Appa too. And Farrah maybe someday again even Zuko if he ever stops being our enemy it sounds like he wasn't always going to be, and you know him better than we do. But we're you're family now. We begin to descend and lose power as we get closer and closer to the ground. We won't let anything happen to you we promise. Sokka tells us.

At our side Sokka and Katara appear by our sides and hold our weak and tired bodies in their arms. MT: But I do wish it was Zuko's arms I was in I smile weakly as I think that. We're so sorry. Aang apologizes. It wasn't either of your faults. Katara reminded us. If the fire nation found this temple they've probably already found the others as well. I guess this means that since you're right that the other airbenders are gone that Farrah we truly are the last of our kind.

We all group hug Aang and I are exhausted. While Sokka and Katara pack everything up to head to our next destination Aang and I stay together trying to collect ourselves and reserve our energy after that whole mess. They're right Aang, we at least still have each other. We throw our arms around each other with sad smiles on our faces. That's a strange way of saying I love you, but I love you too cloud child. I smile wiping my tears from my face as I pat his shoulder.

Everything's all packed up. Ready to go? I guess it's just that how is Roku supposed to help either of us if we can't talk to him. We're sure you'll find a way. Come on let's go. As we head out the flying lemur comes to Sokka and offers him fruit. Awe Sokka it looks like you made a little friend. Can't talk must eat! He says shoving food in his mouth.

The little lemur climbs onto me and I shift fidgeting. H-hey I giggle. That tickles. His furry tail wraps around my head sitting in the crease of my neck as I reach up and pet his head. He's taking a liking to you hasn't he? Aang asks me, scratching behind his ears. Yeah I guess so.

Listen little guy you me my brother Aang and Appa are all what's left of this place and you're coming home with me. Sokka Katara say hello to the newest member of the family. What are you guys gonna name him? MT: Zuko Jr. I smile biting my lip trying to keep myself from blushing. Momo but his middle name can be Zuko if you want it to be just so you don't miss your friend too much.

I playfully shove him to the side. I don't think that's gonna be a problem Aang he's gonna be chasing us all over the world trying to capture us. I remind him climbing onto Appa's back with Momo sitting on my shoulder curled up next to me. Besides even if I'll always be his friend the only time Zuko will be my friend again at least for now is in my heart and in my memories. As we leave Aang and I look at the air temple with sad looks on our faces.

As we leave into the sunset I turn my head as my cheeks grow warm, but shake the thought out of my head petting Momo's head as he makes a purring like noise. Welcome to the family little guy. I smile kissing his nose. Momo chitters quietly as he curls himself up into a ball resting in the crease of my neck as we begin our travel to our next destination.

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