After what feels like forever

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Now that the flare has gone off, and we've gotten off the ship, possibly signaling the fire nation as was Sokka's fear. When we came back the kids came and surrounded us. They were all happy to see us, but Sokka was furious and fearful of us. He thought that we'd just sent a flare out to warn the fire nation where they were, and that they would be coming for us and would destroy the village and kill their people.

No, Sokka it wasn't like that, Katara defended. It was an accident, we walked right into a trap, and set off some booby traps that's all. We came back, we're here to protect you. Save it! This is all your fault! Sokka said pointing his finger at me specially. Sokka?! It's not like that Farrah and Aang wouldn't hurt us! Katara what you have just done was very dangerous getting on that ship. Her grandmother scolded her.

No, no please don't blame Katara, it WAS our fault we're the ones that told her it would be ok, that we were just gonna look around, we thought it was dead and empty, not to mention no one was on board. But when Sokka tries to banish us away, Katara says that she'll be banished too then and follows after us. Dragging us away from her tribe.

She says that we're taking her to the North Pole to teach her waterbending. But when it comes between us and her family we don't want her to have to choose, so we used our powers to leap onto Appa's head. Aang thanked her for penguin sledding with us, but that this would be goodbye.

But, where will you go? She asks us. Home to the airbender temple, and with that realization he realizes its been 100s of years since he's cleaned his room. MT: Now that I'm free, I think turning my head toward the horizon, and I can pretty much fly with my powers, that I can find Zuko and find a way to make him trust me again to see the real me, and we'll be friends again.

A couple of kids run up to us and cry that they don't want us to leave, and then with the flick of the reins Appa is moving North very slowly, but refuses to fly. Meanwhile once we leave, Sokka takes the boys and other children to practice fighting for battle as he too gets ready for battle putting on battle clothes and warrior face paint.

On the ship Zuko and his mean help him put his battle suit on, as the ship begins to sail closer and closer to the village. And where we are we see it coming and tell Appa to stay there, I want Aang to stay there too, but he follows. We don't want anything bad to happen to anyone even if they don't want our help, it is our job to help them.

When Zuko and his ship appear and dock, Sokka tries to fight with him, and is easily defeated, he is looking for Aang and probably me too, but he believes that he's probably an old man, but they had no idea who we were or that either of us were the avatar and think that they are hiding us somewhere. Where is she? They, where are they?! He questions in anger. I know they're here!

To Katara Aang and I had something that the village didn't and that was fun, and that Sokka didn't think we could defeat the fire nation by having fun. You'd be surprised by what you can and can't do with fun. And as Sokka and Zuko fight, after a little bit of fighting and some good blows in from Sokka but mostly Zuko, Aang and I take a penguin and slide it down with his glider, and Aang uses this distraction to sweep Zuko off his feet, as I fly into the air with the wind.

It's funny I should be sweeping Zuko off his feet, not my brother, but he had literally done so, had we never went our separate ways or rather had my spirit never gotten too cold, I could've stayed, grown up more with him, he wouldn't be after us, trying to capture us and worse case possibly kill us or rather possibly just Aang.

From the ship coming through a lot of the village has taken on a lot of damage, but as Aang still rides the penguin and I ride the air the children surround us, and are happy that we've returned. But then Zuko and his soldiers surround us. Zuko and my brother are in fight stance. I get into fight stance too, and a smirk appears on my face, as I begin to remember all the fighting lessons Azula had taught me when we were younger.

But in his own mind, and after showing off some of my moves she taught me for fire but with my airbending powers he begins to look me up and down with a confused but somewhat angry look on his face. Now dear, I may have asked you this before, but... Do you know where your body might be located. We'd be able to come get you. He recalls hearing his mother ask me when we were younger.

I've lost count on the years its been, if I hadn't been persevered in the ice that I'm in now, I might be a real ghost. Supposedly I've been trapped in here for a 100 years. A 100 years, a 100 years, years he hears like an echo. He remembers me saying in response to her. ZT: Didn't know where she was, persevered in ice for about a 100 years? Farrah? He thinks with a questioning look, then shakes his head. No it can't be his mumbles loud enough only he can hear.

I'm afraid that my spirit form may be getting weaker again. You might not see me again at least for another 4 years. But, Farrah that's like 10 years from now. He frowns remembering that, but no one can really tell since his face is hidden under the helmet. I'll always miss you Farrah, you're my best friend. I could never hurt you on purpose. He turns his head, and grunts, as he keeps trying to fight us.

You do know who I am right? And I've told you about my brother? Yeah, so? Zuzu you say you'll never hurt me and will always miss me because I'm your best friend, but my brother IS the avatar, and I should've been. The avatar the last one turned his back on the world when they needed him most, and for a 100 years the nations have been at war, your nation is taking over, you're supposed to be leading the troops to try and kill us.

You may say now it could never happen, but loneliness will turn to sadness, and sadness will become anger. Whether at me for being gone, or because of any of the avatars for not being around to serve and to protect. That you and your sister both will be after the both of us. In 4 years you'll be my age now. In human years once I'm free, we could both very well be both 16. Your sister will be 18. She and her friends. You can't promise me that you or you both won't turn into our enemies because I know that's what you'll soon become, so I won't make you promise not to. And I won't hold it against you.

He is not focused he remembers this as he fights, until he suddenly slams his weapon down growling in anger trying to rid of his emotional demons chasing him. ENOUGH! He screams. Y-you you're an airbender. Both of you? So, then you two are the Avatar? He questions. He doesn't want to believe it. Everyone is in shock when they hear the announcement.

When Zuko tries to blast his fire at Aang, I jump in front next to my brother, and shoot air back at him, our elements are like those scenes where two elements fire at each other at once or in Ghostbusters when they say don't cross the streams. Or whatever. Prince Zuko no! I call to him as my feet begin to slide and push me back. But Zuko grunts in anger still trying to fight us. Cause my brother you for sure will try to kill, or at least capture, but you'll always try to at least capture me.

I remember telling him that when I left, when my spirit was getting too cold. Stop! I call to him. Wait please?! I beg, if we go with you promise me that you'll leave these people alone. Katara begs us not to go. Zuko thinks about it, then nods. MT: I knew this would happen. His guards come and handcuff us. ZT: Not too tight he hopes in his mind hoping his wishes come through. Just don't hurt her he wishes and hopes, but him I don't care about he grunts.

Not too tight! He suddenly tells his guards. His guards give him a confused look, even Aang and I are confused, however tight you want on him is fine, but not on the girl. ZT: She's prettier in person. The guards lift their shoulders in question but do as they're told. Hand her off to me when you're through, but keep him in your own grasp. He warns. Once I'm trapped they throw me towards Zuko. He grabs my chained wrist. But is careful not to grab it too hard.

Katara begs us not to go, but Aang tells her we'll be ok. And to take care of Appa for us. She promises that she will. Yeah, we have nothing to worry about we'll be just fine. I say with a smirk evident in my voice not taking my eyes off the back of my old best friend's head. MT: Captured by my best friend, who is also currently my enemy I knew this would happen and I warned him too. I hear him *scuff* then watch him shake his head and then I *sigh* kind of sadly. I wish it had never came to this, but I know we'll be on the same team again soon, just not for a long time soon.

You know, I begin to whisper to him this will be your first capture just not your last. I tease. He stays silent. Be quiet he whisper shouts at me. I roll my eyes. This isn't the Zuko I'd grown up with, but he still has some kind of soft spot for me. He didn't want me to get hurt, he only tried to hurt Aang so far he's kept his promise. A promise we both know he'll have a hard time keeping.

When Katara wants to go after us, she begs Sokka to help her, and then he tries to go off to the canoe, and then they go to Appa instead and their grandmother tells them that now that they know we're the avatar and for whatever reason there are two of us, that now that they'd found us for a reason all our fates were now connected. But if what she says is true, I had found the fire natation for a reason, the wind had brought me to their home all those years ago for a reason, and I knew that mine and Zuko's fates would soon reconnect.

Zuko had been surprised that Aang was just a kid but Aang had reminded him that he was just a teenager. Same as my sister. But Zuko had shook his head in disbelief and had kept fighting him. Now we're at his mercy. Had we been younger again, I'd have no problem being at my best friend's mercy, but now that we were enemies and he didn't believe I could possibly be who we were all saying we were, or more like wouldn't believe 100% but he wanted to, he knew there was a reason why he didn't want his guards to hurt me, to be in charge of me himself.

He knew those moves recognized them as the fighting moves Azula had once taught me, but with air instead of fire. On the ship Aang's hands are tied behind his back and his staff rests in the other hand of Zuko's. He thinks that the glider will be a great gift for his father. Iroh believes he recognizes me. He tells his guards to take the Avatar to the prison hold and the staff to his quarters. When the guards try to take me from him he tells them.... Not her! The boy, her brother take the boy and the staff and put him away take the staff to my quarters.

And what would you like us to do with the second one? Iroh asks him. I smile and wave at him as best I can. He squints at me and tries to decide if I am who I say I am or not. That's a great catch you've got there. She's not a fish uncle. You know what I mean Prince Zuko. He takes the glider and hands it off to another guard. Wait, he calls after him. Take this one too, when the guards look like they're taking me where Aang was brought he turns to them and tells them.... Not to the prison hold! Take her to my quarters with the staff.

MT: I'm in trouble. I think biting my lip in fear, not really sure what he had planned for me. But don't uh don't.... ZT: Don't hurt her. Uh don't ruff her up to bad, she might be some use to me. I have captured both the avatars my father will be proud. ZT: And might be happy to see her. They were once friends at some point. He reminds himself. IT: She's prettier in person, I can see why Zuko likes her. He nods his head and takes me himself.

Set a course for the fire nation I'm going home, he tells his guards. Iroh follows the guard to Zuko's quarters. Psst, Iroh. It's me Farrah. I know he whispers back, and might I say in person you look like you've grown into a lovely young lady. In reality you should maybe be older than me. I should yes, but not when you're stuck in the ice and it keeps you from aging. Yes, you don't look a day over 16. You're prettier in person, its nice to get a good look at you in your human form.

I think Zuko does or part of him does believe you are you but a part of him doesn't want to believe it. He's kept his promise so far. I'd offer you tea and something to eat, but I don't want to go against Zuko's wishes. I'm just glad no guards are here to hear us talking. Yes, that is a good thing. He nods. But we must keep up appearances. I know Iroh, and I told him that I'd never blame him and would forgive him. He's missed you everyday.

He looks for the avatar or rather your brother everyday, but I think really in his heart and I know better that its you he really has been looking for based on the clues you'd left when you disappeared those years ago. He said he'd never hurt me, but I can't ask him to make that promise it looks as though I was right he became lonely and sad and it turned into anger. I told him before I left that I'd always love him, and that someday he could promise me he did too, but not now and not for a while until we'll be friends again.

I know how this goes I've seen it, dreamt it, but it makes me sad that Azula will always now be my enemy when she's the one that taught me how to fight all those years ago. You look good yourself. You really don't look that old. You're still in great shape too. I just wish we didn't have to be enemies. I said sadly. Deep down he too wishes that, he asked you how you could say something so cruel and untrue but here you are captured at his mercy.

If only we were little kids playing games in the backyard again and that would mean something entirely different. I giggled. I like your company Iroh. Thank you Farrah. Where Aang is at he tells the guards that he was sure they'd never fought an airbender and thinks he can take them both with his hands tied behind his back, and with his powers he does that, and he runs off trying his best to get away.

Another guard calls for Zuko and tells him that the avatar has escaped. Since they are guards and not his uncle he knows it is Aang who is running off and about. With Katara and Sokka Katara is trying to encourage Appa to fly because Sokka doesn't believe he can, and tells Appa that Aang and I need his help. And then when Sokka finally says the magic word Appa decides now is the time to start flying.

And they come after the ship as fast as he will go. Aang is still running around the ship and comes across at least 3 soldiers, Iroh decides that I can be alone since I can't go anywhere and if it were truly up to me maybe I wouldn't even want to even though for me it might be all that much more fun to keep getting captured and uncaptured time and time again, and decides to go take a nap.

Good talking with you, I'm gonna go take a nap, I suggest you do the same young one. Sometime later he is fast asleep and Aang has somehow gotten his bonds undone, and comes to find myself and his staff. I find some paper and something to write with, and leave a note in a place I know only Zuko will know to look once we are free.

Note: Dear Zuzu, you did it you found me and captured me, I told you this wouldn't be the last time you'd capture me, but Aang and I have escaped now with the help of our friends but I think a part of me knows if you weren't trying to capture us and your dad didn't want us for dead that you would be happy to see me and maybe you still were, but you've kept your promise so far, you made sure I wasn't hurt, that a part of you knew it was me, and you would never let me go, whether because I'm your "enemy" or because you've missed me and want me to stay, I'll miss you everyday Zuzu just like you promised me you would all those years ago even though it was only 4 ;) I will always love you Zuzu just like I promised before, but once again you can't promise that at least not now, not until we're friends again. XOXO love Farrah the avatar glitch and your life long best friend forever even if you can't currently be mine I will always be yours.

I sat there and hid it away and waited for Aang to come get me. Writing was a bit difficult, and hurt my wrists writing it, but it was all worth it when Aang came and will have been worth it when Zuko reads it. Knowing that I'd meant every word. Aang took his staff and was able to free me of my bonds now that he was free as we ran around the ship.

I had decided that in the end the best way was to secretly stick it into his pocket knowing that he knew we'd escaped, and would be waiting for us. We came to a room and then the door closed behind us. Zuko had locked us in with him. It appears I have underestimated you both. You I didn't know the skills of, but you.... No, that's your story to tell. Farrah what is he talking about? Aang asks me.

Never mind that, I'll tell you later I promise. And you were always good at keeping them. But never made one you knew you couldn't keep, except the ones you wanted to keep but couldn't but I'd promise not to hold against you. Hm this sounds familiar, but the roles have been switched. We all fight, but as I watch his fight patterns he's trying to hit Aang, but trying to miss me on purpose.

He's keeping his promise. Even though I knew that would be impossible, that I knew even without meaning to he might hit me. Like this? I'd asked her. Yeah, but put a little more force into it. She'd told me. Fire isn't gentle, it's mostly for defending yourself. Come on Farrah you got this. She told me. Fire needs air to work doesn't it? She asked me. Well yeah. I'd told her. I remember Azula teaching me that. That fire isn't gentle but needs air to work. I didn't want Zuko to hit Aang either.

It had been a good fight between the two. We escape up to top deck of the ship. Aang has his staff and turns it into a glider, I jump up and use the wind to make me hover. When Aang tries to get away Zuko grabs his ankle. They fight for a while. Both: Don't come down here I don't want you getting hurt. Aang is my brother and is worried about me even though I was worried about him since he's the younger sibling. I'd fought Zuko before, not to hurt each other but I still had which was more easier said than done when in my ghost like avatar state.

But then when Aang goes overboard, I dive down to save him. By this point Appa and our friends have arrived to try and help us. Aang starts looking like he was gonna drown. Zuko peers over the side he was worried about me but couldn't show it to anyone except maybe me, but like Iroh said he would have to keep up appearances. But now we were entering the avatar state, our arrows glow, when we emerge....

Everyone gawks at us in awe. ZT: I've seen her in her ghost like spirt avatar state before but not like this. And this time with both of us in this state and waterbending like it was something we meant to do. MT: Body I know you're in a different kind of avatar state, but you can't hurt Zuko. Now that we both are in the avatar state we work together like we are one to cover the boat in water.

Then we fall to the deck losing our power becoming unconscious. We're drained. But that had been some serious waterbending on both our parts. ZT: Come on Farrah wake up, get up. He thinks and hopes. What he really wants to do is rush to my aid and help me, but he knows he needs to be the villain at least for now even though a part of him doesn't want to. Appa is on the deck we are happy to see Sokka and Katara there to help us. Zuko is trapped under the water/ice damage we just made. But grabs a hold of Aang's staff.

Sokka is this time successful in fighting him and he falls overboard, but is able to grab a hold of a part to pull him back up. Katara has helped a little by trying out her own waterbending powers and they both had helped us get onto Appa. With a bunch of the crew frozen in place as Sokka boards Appa he uses the magic word to make him fly. Iroh comes out, and sees us all taking off. I wave down, bye Iroh nice seeing you again sorry about the boat, remind Zuzu that he's got something in his pocket. I blow a kiss and then turn back around Iroh shakes his head in my direction.

Well Prince Zuko at least the good news is, is that one of the avatars is the fire lord's friends from childhood and that the other is her kid brother. They're just children. Yeah, but children that did this to my ship! Well hey at least I was wrong, she wasn't just a ghost. And she was prettier in person. Well a broken clock is said to be right at least twice in a day. ZT: And you're not wrong about either. But, that being said neither of them will be underestimated ever again, but I knew better than to underestimate Farrah, my sister trained her herself.

She left you something in your pocket. He points out. He feels his pocket. And pulls the note out after demanding that his crew dig the ship out and follow us after they finish digging themselves out. He reads the note, then flips to the back. P.S. just thought I'd let you know that your name was the first word out of my mouth after being fully awaken in a 100 years. I'm sure we'll run into each other soon. ;) He folds it and puts it back into his pocket.

ZT: That's why I can never hurt you on purpose and tried to avoid hitting you at all, I told you I'd always miss you, and I keep my promises, because I can promise your impossible promise as much as it kills me to say this but my sister was right, I do want you to be my girlfriend and I do love you. I just wish the circumstances were different he mumbles under his breath only loud enough for himself to hear.

With us, Katara asks us how we did that. But we don't really have an answer for her, aside from that we just did. Sokka and Aang ask me about my story about the fire nation. Before we tell any stories, Katara says putting her hand up. Aang Farrah why didn't any of you tell us you were the avatar? Yeah and why are there two of you? Sokka asks us.

Because I was supposed to be the next avatar and then Aang was born, I'm a glitch avatar I can go into two different states of the avatar state, this was my first time in that form usually a ghost version of me see through but solid form of me comes and leaves my body, but not this time. IDK why. Aang? Katara asks him. I never wanted to be the avatar. He tells her.

But Farrah Aang the world has been waiting for an avatar for a long time now to end this war. And how do you suppose we do that? He asks her. Well, I start we're supposed to learn water, then earth, then fire and master them all. Somehow anyways, and somehow because of that we're supposed to take down the fire nation and put an end to the war. Well, that's great because that means that we can all 3 learn waterbending together once we get to the North Pole. Sure, but first we have some serious business to attend to, Aang says pointing out at least 3 different places and then explains what each of those places were.

Ok, now that we've got a plan and a place in mind, and somehow Appa knows exactly where we're going and when.... Farrah story time. Ok, I *sigh* running a hand behind my head. Good thing its a long ride because its a long complicated story. We've got time. Yeah, sure looks like it. This is how it all began.

But I won't tell that all again, you'll have to figure out the rest on the way as long as you keep reading that is.

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