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Hey, I don't own ANY of the characters. Sorry for jumping back and forth from Sesshomaru to Rins p.o.v so much, just like to keep it intresting. Enjoy and as always review!

It was over a month and he still couldn't bring himself to go visit her. Sesshomaru sat on the edge of his bed, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. Rin consumed most all of his thoughts, she would begin to get very upset. The very thought of her sadness sent an unfamiler pain twisting into his stone cold heart.

"Sesshomaru, come back and lay down." He felt two hands slid down his naked chest,not the hands he was longing for. He turned his head ever so slightly to face the woman, Kira the daughter to the Lord of the South. He turned fully now to put himself ontop of her. Hearing her moaning out his name, feeling her body under his felt completly wrong. Why, why was this Sesshomaru feeling like this, why does he feel this guilt , like he's betraying someone else. This wasn't the first time he had sex with Kira, but deffiently the first time he felt wrong about it. Sesshomaru looked down meeting the gaze of this woman,pushing all thoughts of everything else out of his head, he let his pure animal instinct take over.


Rin was sitting alone in the field, as she did for the last few days, hoping that her Lord would show up. Why hadn't he come she thought, he never misses a visit.
Tears pooled over the brim of her eyes and fell on her knees. She missed him, she needed him. Nightfall came, and she curled up into a tiny ball, crying and hoping that he would come.

"Rin? Rin? Hey are you alright?" Inuyasha said, coming up and kneeling beside her. Kagome got worried when she hadn't come for dinner, and sent him to find her knowing he could smell her scent. Rin sat up and faced the half-demon, he could see the red puffyness around her eyes, and could tell she was really upset.

"Rin?" Inuyasha said, a look of concern came over his usually hard face.

"In-In-In, why hasn't he-he-he come." Rin blubbered, to upset to actually speak properly. She felt embarassed falling apart like this infront of him, but she just didnt have it in her to hold it together. Inuyasha scooped up the 17 year old and carried her back to his home. At some point, she drified off, because when her eyes opened, their was sunlight pooling in.

"Rin feeling any better?" Kagome said with a look of worry on her face. Inuyasha must have told her what had happened lastnight. Rin felt so damn foolish for allowing herself to get so upset. It's not like she expected her Lord to love her, he is after all a great demon who despised humans.

"Im, Im okay." She croaked out, her voice dry. Kagome handed her some water and she drank, feeling herself getting better.

"Where are the kids? Inuyasha?" Rin asked, noticing how quite the home was.

"The kids are with Sango and Miroku, I thought it would give us a chance to talk, and Inuyasha, I'm not to sure he left before I was even awake." She smiled.

"Talked about what?" Rin said sitting up.

"Rin, do you love Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked.

"Of course, he sav-" Rin wasn't even able to get the words out before Kagome cut her off.

"You know that's not what I mean." She said.

Rin sighed.

"Yes, I love him, Im inlove with him."

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