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Sesshomaru spent enough time trying to locate Kira and her army, he decided to return to Rin. Although he would never admit it to anyone, he hasn't even fully admited it to himself, but being away from Rin made him feel a certain emotion he is not accustomed too, one he cant even describe.

He made it to the human village before nightfall, althought he could smell her, the scent was fading quickly.

"Half-breed, where is Rin?" He asked when he came apon Inuyasha and his group.

"I thought we were past the name calling, regardless, she is gone we have not been able to locate her." He said. Gone, what does he mean gone! she can not be gone, he left her here to be protected and they let her get away! A low snarl left his lips as he did everything in his power not to lunge forward and rip Inuyasha's heart out.

"Sesshomaru, please, we are setting out tonight to locate her." Kagome said, more the anything she wanted to keep the peace.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken yelled, running from the forest.

"What is it Jaken?" He asked turning to the small demon.

"Rin has been kidnapped by someone in Kira's army! her scent was all over him!" He yelled, Sesshomaru's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"Lets go Jaken." He said turning away from the group, he was set on locating Rin and returning her to the safety of him.

"Wait we will come too, you'll be needing us espically if Rin is injured." Kagome pleaded with the other.

"Do as you wish." With that Sesshomaru set off, silently praying that Rin was alive and well.

He swore to himself to rip the head off of the captor, and of Kira.

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