The Final battle, Kagome saves the day

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*This chapter will be Kagome's P.O.V since Rin is down for the count*

Kagome shot arrow after arrow, pouring all her will into them, she needed to fend her off while she waited for the others. Inuyasha where could you be?

"Die girl!" Kira said as she lunged Kagome again. This time Kagome back stepped, missing and falling over.

"Get off!" Kagome yelled, sticking her hand up and blowing her back, similar to her first fight with Mistress Centipede. Kagome fell to her knees turning to insure Rin was okay. She grabbed her bow and arrow aiming again at Kira, this time releasing all her spiritual energy striking her down once and for all.

Kira let out the loudest shrillest screech before turning into nothing but dust and ash. Kagome fell to her knees panting. Kagome had just given birth a few months ago, so her body still trying to snap back was not prepared for the energy it took to take her out.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled running into the room with Sesshomaru hot on his heels.

"Inuyasha." She panted looking up at her dogged eared husband.

"What happened to Kira?" Sesshomaru asked, not seeing the female demon anywhere.

"I-I got rid of her, she's gone." Kagome whispered before her world went black.

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