The Heir

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When Rin woke up, it was dark, cold and she hurt all over. Rin groaned and sat up rubbing the wound on her head.

"Good you're awake."  A fimilar female voice said coming out of the darkness.


"What, why." Rin said, barley above a whisper.

"You stole my beloved, Sesshomaru was meant to be mine, and he ended up with a filthy useless human." Kira said, leaning against the wall. Rin felt her blood run ice cold, she doesn't remember the last time she's been this afraid. All she could think of, is that Sesshomaru wouldn't find her in time, she wouldn't be able to return to him.

Kira came over, lifting Rin up by her hair, smelling her.

"You filthy wench!" She screamed before slamming her back down. Rin cried out as she felt her shoulder break against the hard concrete of her enclosure.

"H-help." She choked, she was hoping that he would show up, like he always did, he always showed up at the last moment, rescuing her from whatever had happened.

"I cant believe he did it, he planted his seed in you! he gave you his heir!" She yelled, Rin snapped out of her daze, heir? seed? she was pregnant! pregnant with Sesshomaru's baby! That gave her all the strength she needed to rise to her feet and fight for her life, not just hers but theirs.

"You think you can challenge me!" She screamed, she picked up Rin and in one swift movement sent her crashing against the wall. Rin didn't move, all she could think about was protecting this baby with her life. Regret washed over her life a waterfall, if she had just stayed put, none of this would have happened, Sesshomaru would have come for her adventually, her baby would be safe. Why did she have to disobey.

At this point she had lost all hope that anyone would come for her, she would die her alone, noone would ever know she was pregnant.

"Rin! Rin!" She heard a fimilar voice waking her out of her trance like state. Kagome, that was Kagome!

"Help!" She yelled as loudly as she could.

"Silence!" Kira said, kicking her again.

"Touch her again, and I will shoot." Rin opened her eyes slightly to see Kagome, arrow drawn towards Kira's heart.

"Hmph, a human priestess , what is with these demons keeping around humans!" She said lunging towards Kagome. Kagome was able to fire her arrow, piercing the demons shoulder.

"Rin!" Kagome said running over to the help the other while Kira screeched in pain. Rin knew they were short on time, they needed to get moving but she couldnt stand, she had no strength and she was injured.

"I-I cant move Kagome." Rin sobbed, she badly needed to help, but she just couldn't

"Its okay Rin, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are short behind, I can fend her off until then." She said standing up drawing another arrow.

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