the talk

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Rin was excitied to return to the village with Lord Sesshomaru, the village she called home for so long. Kagome was pregnant with her and Inuyasha's 4th child. Rin didn't know she was expecting but was happy to learn. Sesshomaru wasn't exactly comfortable being in the village but he put his own feelings beside to make Rin smile.

"Rin do you mind helping me for a little?" Kagome asked. Rin rose from her seat next to Sesshomaru and walked along side Kagome. They made their way down to the river bank and Kagome sat down, patting the grass next to her. Rin sat where her hand was and looked off.

"What did you need Kagome?" Rin asked facing her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you alone." She laughed. Rin sat quietly waiting for Kagome to continue.

"So Rin, are you happy?" She asked.

"Yes, so much, this is all I could want." She said, realizing she sounded like a school girl talking about her first crush. But to be fair Lord Sesshomaru was her first crush.

"That's great, have you and him talked about, you know the physical stuff yet?" Rin blushed at Kagome's question and looked away. She shook her had to embarassed to speak.

"Thats why I brought you out here, so I can talk to you about it, Im sure you have questions." Kagome smiled. Rin viewed her almost as a mother, so this conversation was hopefully going to be a little less awkward as it went on.

"I do actually, will it hurt? how will I know what to do, Im sure Lord Sesshomaru has being with other woman, as I haven't been with anyone, what If Im not good and he laughs." Rin blushed again. Kagome giggled and shook her head.

"I had the same fears as you, only difference is Inuyasha hadn't been with anyone." Kagome smiled.

"I thought, what about Lady Kikyo?" Rin asked.

"He was with her, but not sexually." Kagome said with a funny look crossing her face. Talking about Kikyo must still be hard for her.

"Now back to you, yes Rin it will probably hurt, a little or a lot, and you'll probably bleed. All that is perfectly normal, Sesshomaru probably knows this already and is expecting it." "Also, it will come natrually you'll figure it out, and IM sure he wont laugh at you." Kagome smiled. The prospect of it hurting scard her a little bit.

"Will it always hurt?" Rin asked.

Kagome shook her head. " No, it'll probably only hurt for the first little while, then it will actually start feeling really good, it's the best feeling Iv ever felt." Kagome said blushing. Rin could tell it made Kagome embarassed to talk about her sex life. In all honesty she didn't care to know what Inuyasha and Kagome did in their spare time. Taking the topic into a different derection Rin asked about the baby.

"So when is this one due?" She asked smiling.

"Im not sure, Kaede thinks any day now." She smiled back.

"Im not sure how you do it." Rin shook her head.

" Somedays, I dont either, but love has a lot to do with it." Kagome smiled.

"Besides, if Sango can do it with her 3 children then I can do it with 1." She laughed. Rin chuckled a little bit too thinking about Sango and Miroku's big family. Rin wondered if Lord Sesshomaru would want to have any children with her.

"Are you ready to go back?" Kagome asked, rising to her feet. Rin nodded and they headed back. All Rin could think about was her Lord and the upcoming wedding.

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