The Start

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Rin sat up in her bed, her nerves running through her. Today was the day she would marry her Lord, tommorow she would have the offical crowning making her the lady of the land. She stood up and headed towards the window, the rising sun pouring through. A quick knock on her door made her jump.

"Come in." She turned, tighting the robe around herself.

"Good morning Rin." Lord Sesshomaru said stepping into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Good morning my Lord." Rin said smiling. Her Lord looked just as beautiful as ever, his silver hair flowing down his back, she was in complete aw of him.

"Are you prepared for today?" He asked, meeting her gaze. She gave him a quick nod. She was ready for today, but more nervous for tonight.

" I will leave you to get ready." He said, turning and to leave.

"Wait, uh Lord Sesshomaru." She said, biting her lip, not knowing if she should bring up her concerns.

"What is it Rin?" He said, back still towards her.

"I was wondering, are you ready for today?" She said, deciding to avoid her real concerns.

"Dont ask such silly things." He said walking out.

Sesshomaru sat in his chambers, silently getting ready for the wedding ceremony. He changed into his best outfit and took one last glance in the mirror before making his way to the ceremony hall. Entering into the hall all the chatter had fell quiet. Rin had decided against a lavish wedding, opting for a smaller one with people she was closest with. Kagome,Inuyasha, the demon slayer and the monk who Rin insisted would marry them, the old woman who had taken her in and the demon slayers younger brother was the among the people that were invited. He himself didn't invite anyone but his mother,he hadn't made any friends or really know anyone worthy of inviting. He stood on the left side of the monk, waiting for Rin. His sensitive hearing picked up on her footsteps coming down the hall. He stood straight up as soon as walked into the room. His breath caught in her throat, she was beautiful. Her dark black hair pinned up, and the white kamono looked elegant against her pale skin. She was certainly a sight to behold. He met her half way taking her hand in his and walking upto the monk.

The ceremony was short, which is something she was happy for. The rest of the eveining was spent in a small party. Before she knew it everyone was biding her goodbye.
When the last of her friends left she turned to face her husband.

"Thank you for everything today." She smiled up at him. His face was blank like always.

"You dont need to thank me, what's mine is now yours." He said, his hand gestering around him. She liked the sound of that.

"I think, Im ready for bed." She said, blushing. She was feeling a mixture of nerves and excitment at the idea of going to bed with her Lord. She knew that tonight would be the first night where should have every part of him to herself. He took her by the hand and led her to a different part of the castle, she could only assume would be his chambers, as she's never been down that far before. He pushed open the huge wooden doors leading to his room. Rin was taken back, his room was huge, and beautiful. He had a huge bed in the corner, a bookshelf covered with books and art work. The window that took up one whole wall is what really caught her eye.

"Do you want to lie down?" He asked, walking over to the bed. She nodded, but mentioned she would need to change. He pointed to another small room that was a bathroom of sorts. She quickly undressed and redressed into her nighttime dress. Her nerves playing on her.

"He's waiting." She said to herself, knowing that even he would hear her. She turned and walked out to the man she loved.

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