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Rin was up before day break and quietly left the hut. Everyone was asleep in the village so she knew she had a little time, glancing back at the home she has known for most her adult life, she took a deep breath and walked towards the forest.

The pitch black of the night startled the human, she couldn't see much, or hear much besides the occasional crack of a tree branch. Rin was starting to question her decision, I mean she knew the Lord would come back to her, so why was she so impatient . By the time the sun rose over the lands, she was very deep into the wooded area, afraid to admit it but she was lost. Sure enough the others would be awake by now, and would know of her departure, they would come looking for her.

Rin spotted a nice grassy area and she decided to sit down and rest for a while, she needed to rethink her plan. Sesshomaru was gone, and she had no clue where to even begin to look for him, she should have stayed in the village and allowed him to return to her. A louder noise had drug her out of the cloud of her mind, it sounded like footsteps, someone was coming up on her.

Rin quickly rose to her feet, facing the direction of the steps, ready to face anything.

"You were a lot easier to track down then I anticipated, I thought for sure I was going to be picking a fight with a worthy opponent, but you walked right into me instead." A large male figure appeared before her, she recognized he was not human like herself, but she  knew he meant her harm.

"Who, who are you!" She shouted, she knew she was absolutely no match for this foe, he was a demon after all. He towered over her, and she felt her blood go cold, was this what her lord was protecting her from, was this why he wanted her to stay safe in the village, where she was completely protected.

"I owe you no explanation girl, but my orders were to take you out, and that I will." Rin turned to run, figuring that could be the stupidest option, but her only one.

Very quickly she was caught,she felt a pain rip through her skull as the male struck her, she knew this was it for her.

Her last thoughts where her Lord, Sesshomaru, the man she loved.

Jaken, her companion, the one she spent so much time with.

Kagome, Inuyasha, Kaede, the family she always wanted but never had.

"Im sorry." was the last thing she mummbled before her world went dark.

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