The next morning.

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The morning after her first night as the wife of the Lord was amazing, she layed on her new husbands chest, one arm behind his head and the other wrapped tightly around her hips. She lifted her head up to get a better look at his face, his eyes meeting her.

"How are you this morning Rin?" He asked, trying to read her face. Rin blushed a deep red, knowing that he meant was she hurt after loosing her verginity lastnight.

"Im, uh. hm. Im not sure." She said honestly, she hasn't moved so she doesn't know if parts of her hurt or not. She sat up and streteched her arms over her head. She could feel a little stifness, and some tenderness between her legs but other then that she felt amazing.

"Honestly I feel amazing." She said, almost like sex had changed her and made her a whole new woman. She looked at her Lord who was rising out of bed and dressing. Rin followed insuit, knowing that today she would have the offical ceremony making her the Lady of the West and officaly announcing her as Lord Sesshomaru's Wife. Lord Sesshomaru left before Rin was fully dressed. Leaving the chambers herself, she followed the scent of food cooking like she had done hundreds of times before. Meeting the Old Demon in the dining area.

"Goodmorning Lady Rin." She smiled , putting a plate of food infront of her.

"Goodmorning Ms. Arekiyo." Rin flashed a smile up, then turned to eat. She hadn't gotten much food in her before her nerves ingulfed her. Rin rose after a while and set off to get dressed in her Cermonial robes.

Sesshomaru stood on the balcony proudly with his new bride by his side. The ceremony passed quickly to his pleasure. He turned to go inside with Rin by his side.
hearing commotion coming from the floor below he quickly went to find out what the issue was.

"Where is the LORD?" He heard a fimilar voice scream, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Kira? Why was she here?

"Rin stay put in our bedroom." He instructed, the look on his face told her that there was no room for arguments. She turned and left. Knowing by the sound that things could get ugly and quick, he commanded one of the bigger demons living on his land to stand guard near the room. Sesshomaru made his way into the front room and faced a very angry Kira.

"You bastered." She lunged at him, he quickly side stepped letting her fall to the ground.

"You choose to marry a HUMAN over marrying a full fledge dog demon like yourself, and start a great blood line." She screamed at him. He just stood silent staring at her. He choose love in the end.

"I choose to marry the woman who is my mate." He explained to her. Her face twisted from anger to pain.

"I thought we had something." She whispered.

"No, you were simply a plan our parents had tried to force apon us." He said, his face as cold as ever. He waved her off and turned to leave. Kira turned to leave aswell not bothering to argue anymore her plan was set in motion.

Kira made her way to the castle, and met with the group of men she was looking for outside.

"I want that Rin girl DEAD you hear me, I dont care how its done, but DEAD, I want her gone. Bring me proof you have done the job and you will be greatly rewarded." She said,

"Yes My Lady." They said in union. Kira had to get rid of Rin, if she wanted any chance at getting her Dog Demon Lord, and any chance at greating a clan greater then any had imagined.

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