{ Background Knowledge. }

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A/N ~ Lovely cover and banner for this fanfic was made by one of my editors SleepysZone

{ Best read in dark mode and any font or size <3 }

{ Best read in dark mode and any font or size <3 }

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[ Y/N ]. A person who seems pretty normal and well kept on the outside, but is a dying chaotic mess on the inside. They can be quite bipolar usually and have some huge mood swings from time to time. However it isn't that noticeable since most of these quick emotions change in their frantic mind. But when their at home and free to be themselves with their beloved online friend group, they let their chaotic aura out.

[ Y/N ] Took online-courses from P.K. Academy which is how they met their online friends in the first place. Since they had most online meetings and classes all together, they soon become well friends with each other.

However, after three years of staying in online-school from their middle school to high school, their parents decided to put them back into the in-person courses, since they worried a bit about all the all-nighters and lack of grass they've been touching. If it was up to them, they would of stayed in online-school just so that they could sleep in and pull more all-nighters, not like they wont stop pulling all nighters though.

[ Y/N ] Can be separated into two (or more even) different kinds of persona's. Usually when their outside or being forced to witness sun for the first time in a while, they'll have a well-mannered and calm personality, not wanting to start any conversations unless if someone starts it for them.

They usually don't care nor give much of a reaction when things happen. But on the inside of their mind, if something goes just the slightest off during their day, their mind becomes very uncontrollable and jittery, thinking about the small anxious thoughts like 'I should have put down A For number 7 on the quiz- GOD WHY DIDNT I FOLLOW MY GUT FEELING?! FUC-' or just, 'XXJSHAHAJAIAOAOO' when that happens.

However at home, when talking with their online friends they've known for since middle school, they can let out all the chaotic energy they've built up and become a very extroverted person. They can say whats on their mind, they let most of their mood swings happen, and stuff along what I had mentioned. However sometimes it may get a bit too chaotic. Like how one time they were playing 'Uno-Online' with their friends. Some happy bonding time, right?

However after stacking up the +2 cards for what seemed like forever between all of the four, [Y/N ] had ran out of 2+ cards and was forced to collect 24+ cards in the end while screaming multiple threats at their beloved friend 'Komi' (who was the last one to place the last +2) saying how, quote 'I WILL DELETE YOUR KNEECAPS, INVERT YOUR SPINE, AND PLAY IT LIKE A RIBCAGE' Kind of threat.

However they all know its just [ Y/N ]'s weird way to say 'Fuck-you-in-a-joking-matter-way-cause-I-don't-actually-mean-it-so-don't-take-it-seriously-but-keep-your-doors-and-windows-locked-bitch.' Kind of way, y'know?

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