Chapter {32} ~ 'Ur.'

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hey 😍😍
so ive been busy working on a personal story regarding the 26 chars between friends and I
Also working on the scara fic cause im genuinely planning it out properly 👍
i promise i haven't forgotten about this fic im just slowly updating 💀💀

E/N ~ :D

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2



"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

[ F/C ] = Favorite color

[ F/A ] = Favorite animal

'Example text.' = ???

[ U/N ] = Username

[ H/C ] = Hair colour

[ S/N ] = Ship name

[ N/N ] = Nick Name

<more will be added soon>



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For the first time in this fanfic, quite the abrupt change of scenery has taken place— as in better worded, a solid time skip. The calm winds that blew, the fresh air of spring. Except it wasn't, as much as we wish to have life perfect and sunshines.

Because it was fucking pouring down on everything, the first day of spring break to be held on such a note. Yet at least, the days following before now had been forgiving towards [ Y/N ] at the very least. They have the stargazing plan to look forward to— what's not to be happy about?

Either way, laying on the floor because the bed was overrated— [ Y/N ] scrolled mindlessly through their phone, resting-bitch-face coming in clutch since the first few early chapters whilst doing so. Anything to distract themselves from the awful loud raindrops. It wasn't bad when it was more light, but it truly felt like they had just stepped in America because, raindrops? More like gunshots.

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