Chapter {38} ~ Bros Before Hoes.

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ive been working on my insta art account more so im sorry I haven't been active on here, but trust me when I say I'm always working on the next chapters !! Just very slowly :, )
This chapter isn't much in my opinion but I'll make up for it don't worry 👍
highschool being a bitch rn so im also busy with that but anyways enjoy pookies 🗣️🗣️🗣️

E/N ~ :D

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2



"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

[ F/C ] = Favorite color

[ F/A ] = Favorite animal

'Example text.' = ???

[ U/N ] = Username

[ H/C ] = Hair color

[ S/N ] = Ship name

[ N/N ] = Nick Name

[ H/C ] = Hair Color

[ F/F ] = Favorite Flavor

<more will be added soon>



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"How long before they join the call?" Yukii's monotone voice rang out as Komi immediately jumped in to say their answer. "I dunno. Probably like ten minutes?" They shrugged, seeming to be clicking open something on their side of the screen.

"I bet on it being a whole era, actually." Aiyatsu chuckled, partaking in this little guessing game as a pass time til [ Y/N ] would actually join the voice chat.

What was the occasion? Well of course, forcing the god forsaken inconsistent [ Y/N ] to go online again as it's been a good month since. The next reason? Celebrating a milestone for hitting 90k. "Guy's, I have a new drinking game. Take a shot every time [ U/N ] is late to a scheduled stream." Komi joked, yet it was short lived.

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