Chapter { 2 } ~ Late Night Texts.

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If you're confused about the friend group and who's in it, let me quickly explain.
Komi the loud one. Yumeni the quiet one. Aiyatsu the mother figure. Yukii the older sibling figure.
That's kinda the best way to explain it or so-
Remember that cause it'll be somewhat important

E/N ~ :D
Completely unrelated but do u ever just think of a scenario in a random place and then you get to a good part but you want to save that good part for when you're going to fall asleep then you try and keep yourself from spoiling the next scene but you can't get it out of your head and end up spoiling the scene anyways? Even worse is when you finally spoil the scene for yourself and then you feel content and go on with your day but then when it's night time you completely forget the scenario and then you just sit there trying to remember what the scene was about but fail miserably and then you either cry yourself to sleep/go to sleep in misery or you try and think of another scenario to help yourself sleep?

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2


"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

<more will be added soon>



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After that whole situation had occurred yesterday, [ Y/N ] luckily didn't have so much to worry about the next day. Why you may ask? Well here's your answer. Usually when a new transfer student or a new face comes into P.K. Academy, people usually swarm around them for the first day out of pure curiosity and interest. But what happens to the students the next day?

They act as though nothing has happened right after. Sure, maybe a few people may still be interested and ask a few questions, but that's really all. Which brings us to the reason why [ Y/N ] was sighing in relief. Although, [ Y/N ] still talked to people. 'People' as in their seat mate. The nice girl who lent them a pencil.

The two friends didn't really do much other than have small talk or mini conversations that Aiura had come up with to pass the time. When their day slowly came to an end, they had become a bit closer. [ Y/N ] felt more comfortable around her.

The conversations they had together? Well, here's a few [ Y/N ] can recall right now if their memory served them right.


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