Chapter { 1 } ~ Invited.

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Sorry this chapter took a while to make it out, i've been busy procrastinating shit and stuff again- Anyways enjoy <33


:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2


"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

<more will be added soon>



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After that whole incident between Aiura and [ Y/N ], class went by quite quickly. [ Y/N ] could already confidently say that their day was going great so far. Which was not going to be the case for them soon enough.

Right after the lesson had been taught, [ Y/N ] hoped to have a peaceful nap, since they were already tired from all the all-nighters they've been pulling.

But going back on track to the setting of the story, nothing seems to ever go right for [ Y/N ]. Which led them to this exact situation. They ended up getting crowded by curious students who wanted their questions answered.

However, [ Y/N ] never handled people all that well, so they were constantly struggling to answer all the questions thrown at them while under pressure. But the crowd soon dispersed due to a very tall and somewhat scary figure.

"Hey you!" A loud voice could be heard behind the students. Most of the people around [ Y/N ] either shuttered in fear, or groaned in some kind of annoyance. [ Y/N ] could honestly thank the person for scattering the crowd though.

The guy who barged in appeared to have a weird haircut and a butt-chin. Despite of the guy's weird look, [ Y/N ] could care less about appearance. After all, they'd rather just make a friend with someone who's nice, even if it's the bare-minimum.

"Hm?" They responded to the guy, now fully looking up at them. [ Y/N ] could admit one thing, which was they were just a tad bit scared of them. But that feeling soon disappeared after they spoke up again. "Me and my Pal's are all going out for ramen, you wanna join us?"

Now, here's a quick reminder if you could not remember. [ Y/N ] can never say no to someone because they've always felt bad. I mean they can say no when they really don't want to, but this small request is a different situation.

Their honest answer would be 'I'm sorry, my schedule is already full, maybe next time?' Well, that would be a lie since all they would've done was stay at home to procrastinate stuff but anyways-

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