{ The Prolouge. }

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Ayyy for once i'm not procrastinating on a chapter! Anyways enjoy <33

[ Y/N ] uses They/them. BUT, [ Y/N ]'s bodytype is female, you can change that however since we don't mention it often 👍

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2


"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/C ] Favorite color

<more will be added soon>



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It was so peaceful and calming to sit in the grass as the wind slowly breezed by every once in a while. The sound of leaves rustling from the big tree behind them, the small noises of birds chirping in the background. Everything was perfect in their mind. Everything was going as planned–

[ Y/N ] had suddenly got up from bed in a shocked state after waking up to a sudden Discord call from their phone next to them on their nightstand. They groaned in frustration and picked up their phone.

[ Y/N ] was about to throw it across the room before pausing and trying to calm down. After stretching a bit and rubbing their eyes to fully wake up from their drowsy state, they answered the caller, wondering what they wanted.

"Hello?—" [ Y/N ] spoke with a tired voice. After waiting for a few seconds another voice came from the other line of the call.

"Oh, Did I just wake you up? Sorry about that, [ Y/N ]-" Apologized the sweet voice. "No no it's okay! I  should be up by now anyways. Thank you I guess Aiyatsu."

[ Y/N ] tried staying positive but their morning was slowly on their way to being completely ruined. "Oh that's happy to hear! Just wanted to say a quick good luck for you having to switch back into in-person courses!" Aiyatsu exclaimed before continuing, "Don't forget to bring everything you need. A pen, pencil, an eraser, your–"

They were cut off by a louder voice across the call, "You sound like her mother Aiyatsu! I'm sure that [ Y/N ] can handle themselves." Komi cut off. "Awh, that may have been the nicest thing you've said to me–"

Now [ Y/N ] was the one to be cut off this time, "Just kidding, I bet five dollars you'd get lost within the first few minutes in the building loser." Komi snickered.

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