Chapter {7.5} ~ Locked Out.

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E/N ~ :D

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2



"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

[ F/C ] = Favorite color

<more will be added soon>



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After a fun day of hanging out with an old friend, and a much more new one, [ Y/N ] was happy with themselves at how much they were able to socially participate in for today. They skipped with the groceries bag in both of their hands all the way back home, getting ready to crash down into their bed and have a huge napping session.

Once finally making it back without much of a trouble for once, this almost felt a bit too good for [ Y/N ]. Almost too lucky to be true. Maybe it was just them being paranoid or skeptic, but nothing ever went right for them. And especially never for this long. However, no complaints here, as [ Y/N ] hummed a happy made-up tune while walking up towards their front door.

'Ah.. What a nice day it's been.' They smiled with content before placing the groceries bags on the floor to search for their keys inside their bag. The keys that were supposed to be inside [ Y/N ]'s bag that is. They started mildly worrying about the first few seconds when they couldn't locate their key before sweating profusely and being on the verge of a mental breakdown.

'WHERE ARE MY KEYS?!' Ah yes, the item that [ Y/N ] felt as if they had forgotten to take. Something very important. Their house keys. They had ended up leaving their keys inside on the sofa, forgetting to place it inside the bag instead. And since they felt rushed because Aiyatsu was quite, literally standing, in front of their home, they had felt like they had no time to double check.

And look at where that stupid decision lead them to. Being locked out of your own goddamn home. What a nice situation, am I right or am I right? [ Y/N ] tried calming themselves down, taking deep breaths and kept telling themselves that it was all going to be just fine. And that this problem could be resolved.

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