Chapter {31} ~ Past.

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The scaramouche/wanderer fic will be out soon 👍
I highly recommend you read it since it ties back to this fic as well!
Sorry for having infrequent posts I've been working nonstop on the other fanfic and a few other projects I have planned 💀

E/N ~ :D

:D = Editor SleepyZone — :) = Editor #2



"___" - Someone talking

'___' Someone's thoughts

"___" Telepathically communicating

[ F/F ] = Favorite food

[ F/C ] = Favorite color

[ F/A ] = Favorite animal

'Example text.' = ???

[ U/N ] = Username

[ H/C ] = Hair colour

[ S/N ] = Ship name

[ N/N ] = Nick Name

<more will be added soon>



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"[ N/N ]! Wake up, you're gonna miss the stars!" A girl's voice called out to [ Y/N ] shaking their friend as they slowly stirred awake with groggy eyes and a faint mumble, "huh..? Miss what..?"

The other girl huffed in response but soon followed a gentle laugh as well once seeing the other wake up now, rubbing their eyes. "You promise me we'd watch the shooting stars together! It happens every year around this part of Japan— that's why we literally begged our parents in the first place, remember?"

Finally having it click in their mind, [ Y/N ] chuckled softly with an apologetic smile, scratching the back of their neck with a sheepish expression. "Haha— sorry.. I guess my memory was being kinda foggy again.."

"Huh.. Well— I'm sure it's fine! Have you been writing in your notebook like how I recommend to you, [ N/N ]?" They checked up with them, sitting crisscrossed with a happy smile as she leaned in. "O-Oh— yeah, I have! I just.. Don't feel like I have a lot to write about as of late."

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