Are You a Good Witch, or a Bad Witch?

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A/N: yes, I'm going to name each chapter title something witchy. Or will try to at least.

Thor peeled his t-shirt off and tossed it into the washing machine with the rest of a load of laundry and measured out the detergent. After finishing up with feeding, burping and changing both boys, they'd finally fallen into a deep sleep. But not before Modi spit up a little on his shirt.

He chuckled to himself as he shut the lid and started a wash cycle. "The mighty Thor, slayer of beasts and washer of clothes."

But he'd have it no other way. The last several weeks with Dean, Magni and Modi had been some of the very best of his entire life. Even being woken at all hours didn't bother him. Truthfully, he enjoyed the entire experience. How funny it was to him that he'd once coveted the title of King of Asgard when now the most important and cherished titles were husband and father.

With the boys fast asleep, Thor went into the kitchen to fix himself some lunch. He'd just finished making his sandwich when his cell phone began to ring. Thinking it was likely Dean, he picked up the phone to see that it wasn't Dean calling him.

"Stark! How are you today? Well, I hope?"

"Oh, I'm good," Tony said. "But what's going on with Dean?"

"Dean? He's gone to visit Wanda."

"Uh, he must have taken a detour. Have you seen the news?"

Thor's heart dropped as fear hit him. "No, I have been tending to the boys."

"He and Doctor Strange just fought a huge monster together in New York. Kicked its ass all over the place! You'd be jealous..."

Thor, who had opened up the news app on his phone, stared at the images of Dean flying around and hurling bolts of light at a gigantic monster. "Tony, I must go; I need to call Dean."

Thor hung up and promptly dialed his husband.

The orchard was breathtakingly beautiful and serene. Dean smiled as he and Strange entered it. Seeing such peaceful surroundings gave him hope that he would find Wanda well. She deserves to be surrounded by all of this beauty and tranquility, he thought.

Together, Dean and Strange approached the charming little cabin on the land.

"She doesn't appear to be inside," Strange said after they knocked and waited at the front door.

"Maybe out in the orchard," Dean suggested.

They walked around and began to explore their surroundings. Dean peered out into the trees to see the shape of a woman far off in the distance. The two of them walked along until they were upon her. She stood with her back to them, clipping apple blossoms from a tree and placing them in a basket. Dean smiled at the visual of her braided hair, blue jeans and flannel. As they drew closer, she stopped clipping and lowered the garden shears.

"Hey, Wanda," Dean said with a warm smile.

"Dean," Wanda said. She remained facing away from them so Dean didn't see the look of anger that crossed her face. When she turned around, it was with a smile.

"How are you?" Dean asked as he embraced her, hugging her tight. "You look great."

"I'm well," Wanda said. "And thank you. Congratulations, by the way," she said. No one but her could tell how hard it was to deliver those words without a snarl.

"Thanks," Dean said with a smile he couldn't hide. "It's...been incredible."

Come to mock me, have you? Wanda thought darkly.

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