Chapter 20 - Bear's POV

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I see Yrsa writhing beneath me. I'm not sure where this came from. I know we both said we wanted to wait, but tonight I just couldn't stop myself. She looked so sexy in my clothes that I just wanted to get her out of them. Now that we're here, and I'm about to take her virginity, I'm nervous. I know she has to be more nervous than I am.

"Yrsa, baby, are you sure about this," I ask, looking into her glossy eyes.

"Yes, Daddy. I'm sure."

I notice her breath is still quick and labored. Her pupils are dilated. I can tell she's not all there. I should have made sure it was okay before I just slammed her against the wall and kissed her then brought her to my room.

"Baby, take a minute to breathe," I say as I get off of her and untie her hands. "I want to make sure that you're all together before giving me an answer. I love you and I don't want to take. . ." I freeze.

"You love me," I hear her sweet voice ask.

"I do, Yrsa. I really do. I'm not just saying that because you're naked in my bed right now. From the depths of my heart and soul, I love you. I love the way you dance when you cook, I love when you scrunch your nose when I boop you, I love how much you love nature and animals. I love little you, big you, all of you. And I'm sure there's going to be so many more things I'll learn about you that I'll love too. You don't have to say it back. . ."

"I love you too," Yrsa says through sniffles.

"What," I say with a wide smile.

"I said I love you too," she giggles.

I instantly wrap Yrsa in my arms and hold her tight. I know we were both worried about falling too hard too fast, but you can't put a time limit on love. I would've liked to say it in a different situation, but it just slipped out. I would've taken her out for a nice dinner, to the park, and then gaze at the stars. But, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.


"Yes, babygirl?"

"Thank you."

"For what, princess."

"For double checking, being there when I need you, being my Daddy, and just everything you do. You mean the world to me. I hope you know that."

I give Yrsa a long kiss as I rub her back. She looks at me with soft eyes. I love her eyes. I'm so happy she's mine.

"You mean the world to me too, princess. That and more."

"I'm not going to lie, Daddy. I am nervous. I want my first to be you, without a doubt. I also want it to be tonight. I'm just scared."

"It's okay to be scared, princess. We don't have to rush. You take all the time that you need. What exactly are you scared of, baby?"

"I know it's going to hurt, and usually I like pain. I just don't know how this is going to feel. I'm also worried that you won't like it or you'll think I'm lying if I'm not 'tight enough', and so many other things," Yrsa says as her breath quickens.

"Hey, babygirl, deep breaths. In, out. In, out," I say as I breathe with her. "Now, I can't promise you that it's not going to hurt, but I can promise I will be as slow and as gentle as possible. Also, don't worry about that 'tight enough' bullshit. You're probably going to be a little tight, but if I've done my job right, you're going to feel slightly 'loose' and that's okay. Baby, trust me, I'm going to love it," I chuckle.

"Are you sure, Daddy."

"I'm very sure, sweetie. We can stop anytime you want. We don't have to do anything tonight either. It's completely up to you."

"Do you know how fucking sexy you are, right now?"

Before I could even speak, Yrsa pulls me into a passionate kiss. I bite her bottom lip and she lets out a soft moan. She moves her lips down to my neck. She kisses my neck softly before licking a stripe up to my ear. I let out a soft groan.

"I'm ready," she whispers in my ear.

I grip her chin softly. I pull her in for a long, soft, sweet kiss. I rub her back as I kiss down her neck. She whimpers as I do so. I leave a hickey on the sensitive spot of her neck. She grips my arm and moans softly.

I move down her body, planting soft kisses as I go. Her hands move to my hair. She tangles her fingers in my hair and lightly pulls. I nibble at her skin when she does so, earning a soft whimper from her. I lick a stripe from her stomach to her chest. I take one of her nipples into my mouth and gently suck and flick it with my tongue. Her breath heaves and quickens. She can't help but let out moans with every breath.

"P-please, Daddy," she whimpers.

"Please what, princess," I ask with a grin.

She whines as her face turns red. She turns her head away from me. I grip her face and make her look at me.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, baby. Tell Daddy what you want."

"I n-need your cock inside of me, Daddy. Please," she begs.

I chuckle before leaning my head down. I nibble on her ear lobe as I use my hand to massage her tits.

"Good girl," I whisper.

She pants at my words. Her face is such a deep shade of red. I take a minute to admire the sight beneath me. She's absolutely breath taking, begging me with her body. Her hair ruffled against the pillows and mouth slightly open. She's not able to process the amount of pleasure she's feeling.

I sit back on my knees between her legs. I use my other hand that was holding me up to massage her inner thigh. Her moans become less soft as I make my way up. She's panting, moaning, and bucking her hips. She's so fucking gorgeous.

I slowly run my finger against her core. She's so wet already. I bring my finger up to my mouth and lick where the stripe of her wetness was. Her eyes never come off of me as I do so. She lays there and waits for approval.

"You taste delicious, princess. You're so fucking wet for Daddy. Do you think you're ready, baby?"

She nods her head.

"Words, princess," I say as I squeeze the inside of her thigh.

"Yes, Daddy. I'm ready."

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