Chapter 3 Wednesday- The Bridge (Kurts POV)

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(We waited until morning at our room for Fire to finally wake up)

FIRE: What happened

ME: Quellin choked you

FIRE: That's kinda hot, wait why would he choke me

RAZZ: He was made that you won the yodeling tournament!


(Fire rises into the sky proudly and suddenly out of nowhere the golden dildo appears)
(We gasp)

FIRE: The golden dildo...

(Rivers walks into our room)

RIVERS: Oh wee ooo golly you're finally awake

FIRE: What happened after I blacked out Kurt?

ME: Quellin kinda ran off and we haven't seen him since, maybe we should leave, I'm not sure it's safe here

RIVERS: NO don't leave you can't you got first class tickets for the JONATHAN DAVIS rollercoaster it's perfectly safe here

(Razz steps forward and puts their foot down)

RAZZ: We won't leave then, but if anything else happens we will

RIVERS: You guys are safe don't worry now let's go do something fun, hey! I heard there's a truck tour around the mountains in 2 hours

ME: Totally tubular, we can go get lunch first

(We strut down the halls in slow motion until we get to a water slide and hop down)
(It leads us to an outdoor plaza where we see a familiar face)

KELLIN *screeches*: HEY I heard what happened

FIRE: I'm aight I still got the dildo

KELLIN: I'm glad, I haven't heard from Quellin in a while though

RAZZ: I bet he's oaky, we're kinda scared of him

RIVERS: Anyways let's go get some grubs

(We leave Kellin and walk over to this tent thing out on the patio, there's a really short man with black hair and eyeliner)

BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG: Hey motherfuckers welcome to the make your own mountain dew shack

(He plays a guitar riff)

RIVERS: This'll do

(We walk over to the line of colored bottles which all have different flavors, I grab a weezer blue and weezer green colored one, mix them and slurp it down)

ME: Mmm tastes like coochie

(Fire grabs red and yellow bottle, Razz grabs a purple and orange bottle, and Rivers gets a burgundy colored bottle)
(We walk to some benches on the patio and drink our scrumptious fluids)

ME: That was so bussin I'm gonna get another

(I walk over to the Mountain Dew Shack, something behind me catches my eye, a rustling, it's probably nothing)
(The short guy with the black hair looks at me and squints)

BILLIE: Hey aren't you fucking Kurt Cobain? The fucking lawyer guy always in those fucking advertisingments

ME: That's me

BILLIE: I knew I fucking recognized you somewhere

(Billie daps me up, and hands me a shining purple bottle)

BILLIE: This is an unreleased flavor that only a couple fucking people have had, it's called Lean

ME: Thank you so much Billie Joel

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