Chapter 7 Friday- The Plan (Kurts POV)

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my vision is slowly restoring

the ringing in my ears is still quite present

sounds like Kellin trying to sing

(surrounding me is Rivers, Razz, Fire and wait.. where's Kellin??!!)

RAZZ: Guys I think Kurt's awake

(They all look down at me)

RIVERS: Kurt can you hear me???

my eyes are trying to readjust to the brightness of reality

ME: Where's Kellin???

(Rivers sighs and looks off)

ME: Answer me.

RIVERS: Im sorry Kurt-

ME: Stop saying fucking sorry

RIVERS: Quellin... We think he took him or something


RIVERS: When we got to you he was gone and you were lying there in a puddle of blood and Kellin... he just wasn't there I tried calling him...


FIRE: Me and Rivers searched the hotel for a couple hours and Razz stayed with you but he's nowhere

he can't just be nowhere

ME: I feel Quellin inside me...

(The three look at me really confused, Fire suppresses laughing)

ME: I worded that wrong.

FIRE: Sure did 😂

ME: When Quellin approached me I just couldn't move like something was keeping me dead still

(They lean closer, I sit up from where I was laying on my bed, the window is open and the sun is setting, bittersweet)

ME: Thats not just it though, he threw me against the wall with so much power it was... inhuman... and he didn't throw me with his hands

(Razz sits down on the bed next to me)

ME: Look, whatever Quellin can do, we don't stand a chance, we need to give up and resort to this life of being stuck forever and e-

(Razz slaps me gah damn)

RAZZ: SHUT UP KURT I know you're feeling low because Quellin is super powerful but the Kurt I know would never give up, and never let me down. Kellin!!! He said there was something about us? that were different and.. and that we can save everyone here? we can Kurt were going to, if theres a possibility that Kellin is out there and alive he would've wanted this.

(Razz hugs me, Rivers and Fire both hug me too for a minute were just there)

(I stand up and look everyone up and down)

ME: If we're gonna do this, we need a plan

RIVERS: Well... this is gonna sound super far fetched but bear with me (bear 🐻 help)

(I raise an eyebrow like no bitches b)

RIVERS: We could bait Quellin into coming back for a fight, kick his ass and then get Kellin?

FIRE: That sounds really risky

RAZZ: I agree with Fire...

ME: Lets do it

(They all look at me like I'm a maniac man 👨)

ME: Anyone got a better idea?

(Cricket noises)

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