Chapter 11 Saturday - The Wait (Kurts POV)

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*short filler chapter ya*

i'm pacing around the bright room, ropes on the floor torn because that son of a brick

(suddenly the lights flicker and rivers body rises up)

ME: ...what the freak

(a smoky ghostlike thing flies out of his riding body RISING BODY HEL)


(the smoke figure turns and it's face gives a smile)

RIVERS: welp owo


RIVERS: immortality it runs in the weezer family

FIRE: that makes so much sense

fire said that to be goofy but we all know it makes no sense

RIVERS: thtas beside the point tho we NEED to find Quellin QUICK.

RAZZ: I agree ☝️

(i nodded and looked around the bright room and saw Kellin laying against the wall sleeping like a siren)

ME: this is a safe place right? or we could make it one

(rivers cum white face turns to me)

RIVERS: what are you implying? 🤔

ME: i think if we wanna finish this plan we need to get rest

(fire whips out his spectacles)

FIRE: indubitably said kurt because according to my calculations when you're tired, you can't function at your best. Sleep helps you think more clearly, have quicker reflexes and focus better. The fact is, when we look at well-rested people, they're operating at a different level than people trying to get by on 1 or 2 hours less nightly sleep, loss of sleep impairs your higher levels of reasoning, problem-solving and attention to detail

(Kellin awakes for one second)

KELLIN: stfu 🤫

(he goes back to sleep)

RIVERS: i guess you're right but we gotta wake up early to get a lead on

(i look around the bright room)

ME: EUREKA! Rivers youre a ghost right? GHOSTS DONT NEED TO SLEEP

i'm actauslly so smar

RIVERS: wait yeah i don't i'll guard you my kittens, it's what a good daddy does wink wink

(rivers winks and i shudder)

(i reach into my pocket and pull out a burrito and walk over to where kellin is laying)

ME: hey kells i got u some munchies

(he turns and smiles softly before taking the cheesy saucy meaty goodness)

KELLIN: thank you love

did he just call me love
my penis drops to my chest i mean my heart or something stomach

(i sit down next to him running my fingies through his matted hair trying to get the knots out)

KELLIN: i miss him kurt

(i pull him closer to me the lights dimming because rivers turned them off)

ME: i know i know i do too

(faint sounds of razz and fire arguing about roblox in the other corner)

KELLIN: i wish i could've seen him one last time or heard his voice

(i look into his dark pools)

ME: darling you'll be okay

(kellins gaze falls and he crys)

(i pull a long hard thing out of my pocket)

ME: here take this in your mouth it's good

(kellin question mark ❓)

KELLIN: kurt wtf us this

ME: it's a twinkie cause you're a twink

(he punches me playfully then grabs me and our lips collide)

(we make out and now hes taking off my guitar because it's always on my back because i'm kurt cobain)

FIRE: HEY! do you mind?

RAZZ: YEAH! stop that ruckus!

(we both giggle and kiss silently)

ME: Kellin?

(my right arm is draped around him while the other is rubbing his back)

KELLIN: yeah?

ME: what are you gonna do once we end Quellin?

(he shrugs but looks at my face piercing my eyes with his)

KELLIN: leave this place kurt i've been here for years i'll start a life a family...

ME: a family

(i pull him tighter to me while feeling the sleep weigh my eyelids down)

KELLIN: with... you

ME: me?

(from across the room razz yells)


(with his eyes closed kellin murmurs)

KELLIN: ohio we'd have a small cottage i'd be a burger king cook and you would be a stay at home mom... cats we'd have like 9 cats all named after slipknot members

ME: members

(my eyes close but my ears still open to kellins murmurs)

KELLIN: kurt we'd be spending our whole lives with each other forever

(i hear the sound of his smile *yes that's possible like the sound of teeth*)

ME: forever

(my face falls into a smile before i doze off)


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