Chapter 8 Saturday- The Beginning of the End (Kurt's POV)

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Bright and early

I'm woken to the feeling of being shook

ME: Hey good morning

(Above me is Rivers)

RIVERS: Mornin sleepyhead

(He puts his hand and out and helps me out of bed, Im still in loads of pain from Quellin yeeting me against a wall)

RIVERS: We need to be QUICK

(Rivers walks out of my room)

ME: Okay so we have our weapons, we have our plan, he wont see it cumming, we'll fight him till he's weak, strap him up and basically hold him hostage till he lets Kellin go and than... wait... than what? Do we kill him?

(Rivers leans up against the fridge and sighs)

ME: That would be wrong, right?

RIVERS: Kellin never told you the full story about who they are right?

(I raise my eyebrow)

RIVERS: Kurt, Kellin doesn't come from a really good family


(I raise my eyebrow even higher it's not on my face like phineas and ferb bruh those cartoon mfs)

RIVERS: Quellin isn't the only one who's flipped out like this before, he may be the most powerful but he isn't the only one who lurks around the hotel


ME: Why the hell didn't you tell me this earlier

(I pace around like)

RIVERS: We don't need to worry about them though, uhh it's because... well... that's a long story and we don't have much time

ME: Jesus Rivers

(I smh and walk to Razz and Fires room where they are both snoring)

ME: Chrissy wake up! I what- I mean Fire and Razz yeah

(I hop on their beds and jump around to wake them up)

FIRE: Grhsgh

RAZZ: Heyyy

(I sit down with a plop)

ME: Todays the day guys, we are gonna bring Kellin back ,and save the hotel, we are gonna be the wonderwall

(Razz and Fire sit up and nod powerfully, Rivers walks in with all the weapons we got from Vic)

RAZZ: Holy shit dude

(I walk up and grab the horse tranquilizer)

ME: This is not just a battle anymore

(I loaf it up i mean load it up with the horse juice idk)

ME: This means war.

(Rivers grabs the like sticky gun that shoots goo and hands it to Razz)

ME: The ping pong tournament will be happening at 12 meaning we have 2 hours to get ready

(Fire pulls the taser and pepper spray from Rivers arms and has a Johnny Knoxville moment)

ME: Fred is gonna get Quellin riled up which will cause him to be vulnerable to our attack

(Rivers puts the rest of the weapons on the bed and leaves the room)

ME: Since he'll be at his lowest point then, we will fight but not kill him

(Rivers emerges with the beautiful guitar, glistening in the hotel light)

ME: We will pry him for answers and get Kellin back safely

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