Chapter 4 Thursday- The Truth Part 1 (Kurts POV)

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HEY YALLL author here um so basically this chapter is still silly and has shenanigans but it goes deep heeeheeeheheheheh yass so have fun peace out ✌️

(Bruh I wake up in a puddle of drool)

RIVERS: Good morning kitten

(Rivers is standing over my bed happily)

ME: Hey Cuomo whats crack a lackin??

RIVERS: Tbh I slept like a baby

ME: Noice are Razz and Fire still asleep?

RIVERS: Yep we should wake em up

ME: That would be silly, lets do it

(We reach into a random closet and pull out a tuba and saxophone because what hotel doesn't have a tuba and saxophone smh)

HONKK HONKK idk what sound they make lmaoing


ME: Gottem 😝

RAZZ: Hey Rivers!! Were sorry we forgor about you last night

RIVERS: Its okay I'm used to it

(We all hug Rivers because he has no friends 😢 say it ain't so... but we love him heart emoticon)

FIRE: HEY! aren't we gonna have a movie night today


ME: We need supplies we got nothing except tubas, saxophones and sweaty clothes

RIVERS: That won't do, we need to yassify the room

ME: Yass? Yass a what???

(Rivers suddenly floats in the air elegantly)

RIVERS: Yaaassssifffyy~

ME: Okay

RAZZ: Its when you make something slayyy

ME: I don't understand

FIRE: Like vagina

ME: Ohhh okay

RAZZ: But before that we need to pick a movie

RIVERS: You're right hmm OH WAIT, this is a bit of a stretch but I know down the street from here theres a Walmart with many cool movies

ME: Dope we can hitch a ride in a limo and get back quick!

FIRES: Maybe while we're there we can get snacks

RIVERS: Hell yeah lets gooo

(We uncluster from our circle and head out the hotel door, I walk close behind Fire and Rivers and Razz walks behind me)

(We get to the exit of the hotel but Razz taps me)

RAZZ: Hey Kurt, did you hear that??

ME: No what??

RAZZ: Oh it sounded like a scream of some sort

ME: Huh. Idk you've been listening to too much metal

RAZZ: You're right oh well

(We walk up to the valet parking thingy and see an emo brown hair man)

VIC: Hey I'm Vic Fuentes what would you hotties like today

RIVERS: One limo please

VIC: Fresh... hey wait! I know you guys, my bestie Kellin talked about you four

FIRE: He didn't talk about you to us

VIC: Heh well here's your limo

(A limo drives over to us and he hands us a keys with a wink)

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