Chapter 5 Thursday- The Truth Part 2 (Kurts POV)

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Somethings lightly tapping me which causes me to jerk off I mean jerk awake

KELLIN: Good morning

(I'm sprawled out in the limo)

ME: Hrgh?

RAZZ: We're back cmon let's get this movie STARTED YUH

(It's much darker out now despite me napping for like 20 mins idk fanfic)

I really don't wanna ruin the night, this is the happiest I've seen Razz in a while, boi but like I need to tell them the truth

(The doors pop open and I hop out first grabbing bags of goods we got from walmart, we all walk like material girls and are greeted by a smiling Vic Fuentes)

VIC: Heyyy guys, KELLIN! How was the trip??

Uh 😐

ME: It was great broski thanks for you're limo

VIC: I'm glad 🙂

RIVERS: Kurt and Kellin got lost lmaoaoao

VIC: Oh well I'm glad you're not dead


ME: Thanks

(We all leave Vic standing there with his cartoonish ass and limo, what a day we've had today)

FIRE: Omg so we got a ton of snacks

RIVERS: Fire insisted on buying ever kind of goldfish they had

(I look over at Kellin who still seems as bad as he did back in the bathroom)

FIRE: HEY you wanted to buy fucking cheese platters

RAZZ: For a sleepover??? Yeahhh Rivers don't be complaining

(We enter the hotel, the goddamn hotel and stumble through the hallways)

RIVERS: I'm sorry I was born in a fancy family where all we drank is cheese and wine, god

( I step closer to Kellin and grab his hand)

FIRE: Wine? like as a baby you were sipping wine

RAZZ: That's hella goofy man

(We walk down the halls more and eventually get to our room)

RIVERS: Roll eyes emoji

(Everyone enters the room except Kellin)

KELLIN: I'm gonna head back to my room, yeah I'll see you around

ME: Wait why? cum as you are and watch the movie with us, you're apart of this too

KELLIN: I don't wanna ruin things I've already done that enough lmao

(I pull him into the room, lock the door and throw the keys in the safe)

ME: Whoops, looks like you can't leave.. gee whiz

KELLIN: Okay okay I'm staying

(I plop down the bags I grabbed and reach inside for there contents)

ME: Ayo who the fork bought condoms

FIRE: Oh my bad I thought they were balloons

ME: And who bought lube??

FIRE: I thought that was cheez whiz i'm sorry

(Rivers grabs the lube and condoms)

RIVERS: Makes sense, well we can still blow up the condoms and make them balloons

(And so we do that, I grab condoms and start blowing them up tying them and with the force of gravity they float, how dandy)

RAZZ: Rivers you weren't wrong when you said Fire bought a lot of goldfish

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