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"What are you thinking?", Chaeyoung asks, tracing his features with her finger tips.

He gives her a small smile before answering, "I'm thinking fate brought you into my life."

It's been three months since their discovery.


"Mhmm.", he murmurs in agreement, tracing her lips.

"What are the odds that you of all people would move in here? You, who can see ghosts... who can see me. And then you volunteering at the hospital I'm admitted in. All of it just feels unreal to me. I feel like fate pushed you towards me after seeing what a lonely, miserable fuck I had become."

Chaeyoung's eyes shine with unshed tears as she leans forward and captures his lips in hers.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me, Park Chaeyoung and I will love and treasure you for as long as you let me."


Chaeyoung was waiting for the popcorn to start bursting when suddenly Jungkook picks her up from behind and starts swinging her.

In a fit of giggles she says, "Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Put me down."

He turns her in his arms and starts placing small kisses in the crook of her neck.

Chaeyoung opens her eyes when she feels him move away suddenly.

He was looking down at his hands and that was when she notices his hands starting to fade away.

She goes to grab at him only to be met with thin air.

Jungkook shoots her a terrified expression which she was sure mirrored her own.

"Jungkook!" She starts frantically trying to grab him but fails.

She watches in horror as he fades to nothingness while she could only stare.

She feels sobs wracking her body as she lowers herself onto the ground.

Was he- Was he gone?

No that can't be.

Just as she hears the popcorns popping in her periphery, her legs kick out before her brain could and she runs to her car and drives to the hospital.

There were only two reasons as two why he would disappear. Either he woke up or... or he-

No, Chaeyoung didn't want to think that it was the second possibility.

She can't lose him now just when she'd found him.

It was empty. His bed was empty.

Her legs gave out under her and she crumpled to the ground once again.

They moved him. He- he was gone.

She didn't know how long she lay there curled up on the floor before one of the nurses dragged her to a standing position.

She was walking out of the ward with staggering steps when she hears someone call her name.

"Chaeyoung-ah.", she hears a broken whisper.

Shakily, through her tears, she makes out the silhouette of Jungkook.

She noticed how he was panting as if he had just run a marathon.

With a broken cry she falls into his arms where he catches her before they both fall to the ground on their knees.

"I thought I lost you.", she sobs into his neck, pulling him closer, scared that he would disappear again.

"They moved me to a private ward when I woke up. I knew you would come for me. I knew you would be here." He says clutching her hair, cradling her warmth in his arms.

"I can't believe you're real.", she says looking into his tear stricken doe eyes.

"I'm here baby and I'm not going anywhere.", he says, kissing her deeply, tasting their salty tears, grateful that they were here, together.

A nurse stands beside the coupe who was blocking the entrance with her hands on her hips and sighs out, " I just got the girl off the ground, now she brought another one."


Jungkook was discharged from the hospital three weeks later and was in the process of moving his things back into his apartment that he now shared with Chaeyoung.

"I think that was the last box." Chaeyoung says after she unpacks said box.

She walks into Jungkook's open arms and rests her head on his chest, listening to his steadily beating heart before placing a kiss there.

Chaeyoung enjoys the solid warmth that her boyfriend provided and smiles up at him.

"I love you." Jungkook beams down at her.

"Not as much as I love you." she replies with a wink.

"No, I'm pretty sure I love you more."

"Really? Then show me how much you love me more.", she says with a teasing smile.

Jungkook laughs as he places a kiss on her before picking her up and guiding her legs to straddle him and walks into their bedroom all the while not breaking their kiss.

The old landlady curiously looks up at the ceiling wondering what all the noises were about.

She thought the haunting finally stopped when the sweet girl upstairs moved in and ended up staying longer than the others. But with all these noises, she's not so sure anymore.

She shakes her head and goes back to reading her newspaper as she ignores the noises from upstairs.

Oh well looks like the ghost is back again.


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