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Chaeyoung secretly smiles at her phone. Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing from the anticipation.

She waits five minutes before casually getting up from her cubicle and strolling towards the control room that was free of any CCTV cameras and ducks inside.

She walks to the far corner of the room. A second later she hears footsteps trying to sneak up behind her. She smiles and turns at the last minute.

"Fuck!", Jungkook clutches his heart, and Chaeyoung giggles, feeling victorious.

"How do you always do that?", Jungkook asks, dragging her against his chest, his nose buried in her hair, missing the way she smelled.

She puts a coy hand on the crook of his neck. " A lady never tells."

Jungkook cocks his brow at her cockiness, "Is that right?", he murmurs against the shell of her ear. She shivers in return but nods anyways.

"But I think you can persuade me to reveal it.", Chaeyoung teases.

"Ahh... Then I have to surely do my best."

"Hmm.. and you'll have to do it in 15 minutes cause I have to get back to work mister."

"Fifteen minutes is more than enough to make you scream my name."

"Don't be so sure. I'm a hard woman to please."

Jungkook trails a hand between her thighs stops at the juncture of her legs and looks into her eyes. She was already watching him with a mischief glint in her eyes.

"What's this Chaeyoung-ah?"

She shrugs and flutters her eyelashes innocently. "I don't know what you mean."

Jungkook pokes his tongue inside his cheek and brings the finger that was grazing her core and rubs it under his lips as if contemplating something. Jungkook watches a flash of pure desire burn in her eyes. He pushes her back to lean against the wall while he drops to his knees. 

Jungkook strokes his hand along her legs and up her thighs, taking the hem of her dress with him until it reveals her bare pussy.

"You came like this to work?", Jungkook knocks her legs apart, his arms settling on each thigh and he moves in between them, his face mere inches from her wet heat.

"Jungkook.", she whimpered, the anticipation killing her.

"You didn't wear any panties... What if someone saw this? This is for me and me alone.", Jungkook says cupping her mound. "Are you trying to provoke me?"

Chaeyoung sighs at the contact, "What are you gonna do about it?"

Jungkook rubs his nose along her inner thigh, not quite giving her what she needs but not completely withholding either.

"Jungkook.", she whispers in warning. "You said it yourself, we have to make this quick or so help me god we are not getting out of this room."

Jungkook chuckles, Ahh his girlfriend was so impatient. He looks dead in her eyes before dropping his mouth to her right thigh and biting it. Hard.

She squeaks in surprise. "Don't play games now Kook!", she hisses at him. 

"But you love it when I play with you."

Chayeoung starts pulling at his collar, trying to get him to put his mouth on her. On any other day, she wouldn't mind foreplay. But not now. She wanted him and she wanted him now. Foreplay be damned.

Jungkook sensing that she was at the end of the rope he slowly, reverently, laps at her pussy. "Fucking finally!", Chaeyoung hisses.

Jungkook smiles against her clit before covering his mouth over that tiny little bud and starts sucking. Chaeyoung gratefully drops her head against the wall and watches in fascination as he eats her out in their office building. Jungkook slowly pushes his finger into her hole while simultaneously flicking her clit with his tongue.

With every little noise, she made Jungkook could feel himself getting harder.

He adds one more finger and enjoys feeling her fisting his hair and pushing him closer to her cunt.

Jungkook gladly licks up every drop of arousal that leaks as she gets wetter and wetter with his administrations.

Jungkook pulls back and smiles when he hears Chaeyoung whining in protest. He waits till she looks him in the eye and he pulls out his fingers before inserting them in his mouth to lick it clean and moans as he does so. Chaeyoung's mouth part in surprise and excitement. Just as he pulls his fingers out he dives his mouth back into her heat, This time licking more urgently than before causing Chaeyoung's thighs to clamp against his face. Jungkook grabs her legs and hooks them over his shoulder and pulls her closer. Chaeyoung scrambles to hold onto something, her mind spiraling out of control. She throws her hand back and holds onto the box that was mounted on the wall and pushes her lower half against his mouth more forcefully as he continues to devour her.

"Jungkook!!", she moans and her whole body starts to convulse. One hand tightens on Jungkook's hair and the other furiously grips onto the box as her body arcs up as waves of pleasure hit her. She screws her eyes shut and explodes with his mouth still buried between her legs. Chaeyoung opens her eyes and she sags on the wall in amazement. That was one hell of an orgasm. So good that she'd blacked out.

But as she blinks her eyes, something pulls at the back of her mind. It was only when Jungkook curses that she realizes something is wrong. "Babe, we have to get out of here."

"Huh?", Chaeyoung says, her mind still cloudy.

Jungkook grabs her hand that was holding onto the box in the dark. That's when she realizes she didn't blackout from an orgasm. She caused the fucking blackout. Her eyes widened in horror. Shit, they were in the control room and she just pulled at the main power supply. "Holyshit!"

"Shhh... It's okay. Come on, let's get out of here before someone sees us.", Jungkook kisses her shoulder and helps her fix her dress before they sneak outside just as someone comes rushing to the room with a flashlight.


Jennie swiftly types the document and looks at the time. Fuck yes! She could go home as soon as she finished this stupid report. A determined look crosses her eyes as she increases her speed and just as she was at the last line, the computer screen goes black. In her shock, it takes her a second to realize the whole building has blacked out.

"MY FUCKING REPORT!!!!", She didn't care if she was still in her office and that Jennie turn to Chaeyoung who just returned to her seat. "Everything okay unnie?", she asks innocently. "No, everything is not fucking okay. The fucking power went down and I didn't save this stupid report.", Jennie says banging on the keyboard. Chaeyoung cautiously holds her hand in hers, "Let's not break the keyboard. It didn't cause the blackout.", she says with an awkward chuckle. A second later when Jungkook takes his seat, in his cubicle, the one opposite to Chaeyoung 's, and another voice chips in, "You're right. The keyboard didn't do anything.", Jimin says smirking, "Bet you these two fucked like bunnies and caused a blackout."

Chaeyoung sputters in her seat, "WH-WHAT?"

Jungkook sits frozen while Jennie looks confused.

"Jimin-ssi what are-", Jungkook doesn't get to finish before Jimin interrupts him, "You don't get to lie your way out of this, I saw you two with my own eyes. And, this isn't the first time I've seen you two sneak off either."

Chaeyoung sits there in mortification, grateful that the building had a blackout so no one would take note of her beet-red cheeks.

Jungkook falls back onto his chair. Guess they weren't as discreet as they thought.

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