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Jungkook was accompanying Father Vincent for his daily walk in the park. Kids were running around chasing dogs while others were being chased.

Jungkook laughs at the sight. Just then a dog runs into Father Vincent's robes, making him stumble and almost fall.

Jungkook takes hold of the older man's hand to steady him. "Hank-iee no!!", a voice calls out.

"Omo, Father, I'm so sorry! Hank gets too excited sometimes when we come out to the park." Chaeyoung apologetically grabs Hank into her arms and hugs him to her.

Jungkook stays stock still. This was the first time he was seeing her after her last confessional and he couldn't help the blush that made its way to his face.

He turns away quickly to avoid both Father Vincent and Chaeyoung's gaze lest they catch his burning face.

"Oh this is your dog Chaeyoung? It's fine, dear child. It's good to see him having fun.", Father Vincent tells her.

She laughs in embarrassment. Jungkook turns back to the duo once he was sure he pulled his face back into a neutral mask.

Chaeyoung was engaged in a conversation with Father Vincent and didn't spare him a single glance. But despite her lack of interest in him, Jungkook didn't feel bad since his mind was telling him that she was well aware of his presence and was purposely avoiding eye contact. Her confessionals were giving him an insight into her thoughts and actions towards him. She didn't want to look at him too hard in case he would find out. Yes, Jungkook sounded a little full of himself if he really thought about it but he was certain that the blonde girl's focus was solely on him.

After what feels like an eternity, Chaeyoung finally turns to him and sends him an impersonal smile. Jungkook's brow crunches. Well, he didn't think he minded the blatant ignoring but, let's be honest, it was starting to bother him a bit. Just then the angel sent which was her dog jumps from her arm and takes off into the distance. "Oh father, I have to go. Hank seems to be in a mood today.", after a quick bye she takes off after her dog.

This was his chance, To do what? He didn't know. But he felt like this was the perfect opportunity to get to know her more.

"Father, I'll go help her.", Father Vincent innocently nods at Jungkook, permitting him to leave.

When Chaeyoung sees Jungkook come after her she smiles in triumph.

"Good job Hank-eu!", Chaeyoung feeds him a treat from her pocket and pets him.

Jungkook jogs over to the place he saw Chaeyoung to see her crouched down with her dog in her arms.

Chaeyoung doesn't forget to put on a show of acting surprised at seeing Jungkook.

"Oh Father, you didn't have to follow us.", she says.

"I don't mind. But it seems like you didn't need my help after all.", Jungkook crouches down beside her and pets Hank who was in her arms.

Unknowingly her body turns towards his and her little action doesn't go unnoticed by him, bringing a smile to his face. "How old is he?"

"He's turning three this December."

Jungkook buries his fingers into Hank's fur and lifts him from Chaeyoung's arms. He didn't know what pushed him to say these next words but it was out of his mouth before he could properly think about it. "Do you want to walk him together? And maybe get ice cream?"

Chaeyoung gapes at him, genuinely not expecting him to ask her. Looks like her plan was working a little too well. Not that she was complaining. She hopes she didn't sound too eager when she says, "YES!"

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