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It was like everything was falling into place.

Opportunities just kept presenting themselves.

This was gonna be easier than she thought. Ryujin thinks with a conspiratory smile.

Today their homeroom teacher had announced that there'll be a field trip soon. Everyone knew the teachers accompanying them would be the same as last year which included both Ms. Park and Mr.Jeon. This was perfect.

And as if the whole thing couldn't be more perfect, Ms.Manoban was the trip coordinator.

This plan was going to go smoother than butter.(don't come for me I thought it was funny ╥﹏╥ )

Ryujin got along quite well with the Thai teacher. She was one of Chaeyoung's closest friends and her roommate. Whenever Ryujin visited Chae she would also hangout with them.

She suddenly felt lightheaded with all the great ideas that kept cooking up in her head.

First step was to find said Thai teacher.


Lisa was enjoying the chocolate one of her students gave her when she felt an arm drape around her shoulders.

"Unnie!", She hears a sugary sweet voice call out.

"You can't call me that in school you little hellion.", she reproaches the girl with adoration.

"Ayy. It's just us here. Who's gonna hear us?", Ryujin replies.

Lisa gives her a suspicious look.

"What is this weird feeling I'm getting?"

"What feeling?", she feigns innocence.

"Like I'm about to be bribed." Lisa smiles and crosses her arms.

"Well then you'll be right.", she says straightforwardly while Lisa laughs at the girl's boldness.

"Fine. What do you want?", Lisa gives in.

Ryujin excitedly jumps up to whisper something in her ear.

When she finishes, Lisa stares at her in shock. "WHAT?! You want me to do what??"

"It's all part of my plan. This will bring them together, I just know it."

"Little missy, what makes you think I'll follow with such a preposterous idea?"

"Unnie!! This is for the best. Don't you want them to end up together?"

"Of Course I do. But that doesn't mean I have to meddle in their affairs. They should figure it out themselves in their own time."

"But they've been doing nothing for the past two years."

"Right, but they'll figure it out. Plus, it would be irresponsible of me to do this. If Chae finds out, your cousin will kill me."

"Hmm.. I see.. I didn't want to pull this card but you've given me no choice.", Ryujin said solemnly.

Lisa raises her eyebrows at the dramatic show the girl was putting on.

"I know about the betting pool. Everyone does. And I also know you've betted that they'd get together by the end of this school year. But then with the way things are going right now.... Do you really think they'll get together by then?", Ryujin asks.

Lisa's eyes widened in realization. "Omo. My money!! You're right. Holyshit!" Lisa grabs Ryujin by the shoulders and gives her a little shake. "What do you want me to do?"

"What about being responsible?", Ryujin laughs.

"Responsible? I don't know her." Lisa flips her hair.

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