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She was soo late.

Chaeyoung runs out of her house like a bat out of hell.

She was supposed to reach her office five minutes ago. She had a meeting she couldn't miss.

Chaeyoung starts driving like a mad woman. She was borderline past the speed limit. But that was okay. Priorities. Meeting. Meeting. Meeting.

Her phone rings with Jisoo's call, "I'm there. I'm almost there. I'm so sorry."

"Come fast Chaeyoung-ah!!!"

She had no other choice, she stepped on the pedal. She was surprised she didn't fly off her seat.

She was almost there. But today was not her day apparently. She hears the siren before she spots the flashing lights in her rearview mirror.

For a second she contemplated ignoring the cop and just keep going. But no, she wasn't stupid. God, what was she thinking? Stupid fucking meeting.

She pulls over and not even a minute later, a cop comes knocking on her window.

God this was mortifying.

She cringes and lowers her window.

A muscular arm is perched on the hood of her car and a second later a handsome face came into view. See... if this was any other day she would spend a whole minute ogling his amazing features but today just wasn't that day.

"Yes, officer? What is it that you want?"She mentally smacks her head at the choice of her words.

He raises his eyebrows. "I think you know why you got pulled over."

For a whole five seconds, she debates whether to play dumb but now was not the time. "Listen, Officer, I'm having an emergency. I'm late to this meeting and I will get so much shit if I don't reach there soon.", she whines.

Jungkook stares at the pretty lady in the car. "Too bad. That's not my problem." And just to annoy her, as slowly as possible he asks for her license and registration and finally writes the slowest speeding ticket in history. It was a dick move, he knew this. But Jungkook couldn't help it.

The priceless look on her face. She looked so mad. She reminded him of a chihuahua. Tiny but super pissed.

He tried not to smile. He felt evil for doing this but like he said, not his problem.

Jungkook had to admit though, even when she was shooting lasers at him, she looked especially attractive.

Just before she takes off, she mutters, "Fuck you asshole." making him smile.

Safe to say that her boss wasn't happy that day.


"And that stupid cop. I swear to you, I saw him holding back a smile.", Chaeyoung says putting on her mascara.

"Chaeyoung you must have imagined that. There's no way a cop would intentionally do that."

"No unnie I'm telling you, he just wanted to make me mad."

"You're overthinking."

"Whatever.", She shakes her head to clear out her thoughts of the unfavorable man. "Not giving him any more thought. What's done is done.", She turns to Lisa and asks, "How do I look?"

"Bitch you look edible. Your date is gonna swoon let me you. I will take you out right here right now."

Chaeyoung blushes and says, "Might just take you up on that offer. What if the guy is a creep like last time?"

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