°•{~Chapter 1~}•°

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Third POV

"Kachan get your ass down here. By yourself, no one else"

"OK I'm coming, I'm sorry it may take lo—"

Izuku cut Katsuki off, not letting Katsuki finish his sentence before hanging up. Izuku had come back in Katsuki's life half a year ago. When Izuku saw Katsuki at the top of the hero board, ranking in at the top ten, it pissed him off that some loud mouth was able to get to the top because of a cool flashy quirk.

 So, when Izuku finally found Katsuki, he was originally going to kill him, becoming his number one enemy. But what he didn't expect was Katsuki being all soft toward him. When Katsuki saw him, he balled his eyes out, basically he was hardly even able to breathe in between sobs holding onto Izuku. 

Izuku on the other hand saw this as an opportunity to have his own little hero puppet, it was perfect. Katsuki promised him he'd do anything to prove he's changed, and fix Izuku's 'broken life'.

When Izuku called Katsuki, he had just come out of the shower after a long day of hard work. He'd spent half the day behind a desk then the other half out on patrol, now he had to run across Musutafu to go help Izuku. He wasn't upset with it at all, this was his way of repaying for all the shitty things he's done to Deku. 

"I'm here! I'm here!"

Katsuki said running into the alleyway, he knew he only had twenty minutes to get to the location Izuku sent him, or he'd get punished.

"Great, I was just about to leave." Izuku said, smiling to Bakugo.

"Now that you're here, do something with the body." Izuku commanded, pointing to the corpse on the ground.

"..A-Again..?" Katsuki questioned, Izuku had been calling him over every so often to hide a body or remove any evidence of Izuku killing random people.

"Is there a problem, I thought you were trying to help me, Kachan." Izuku retorted.

"Deku- no Izuku I... I can't do this any more..." Katsuki said in a small voice.

"Calling me Deku again, because I'm a useless, quirkless, loser right Bakugo?." 

Izuku responded, staring down Katsuki. Izuku had grown a lot after middle school, and so had Katsuki, but Izuku grew a lot taller than him. Katsuki hated when Izuku wouldn't use his nickname, it showed how far they were drifting, and he didn't want that.

"N-No, that's not what I—"

"Nope! It's just fine, I'll do this myself. I knew you could never change, just the same murderous damn bully. Always thinking he's on top of every one, which is why people slowly leave you." 

Izuku said, poking Katsuki in the chest, belittling him. So many people had told him his anger issues were too much, but his mom called him weak if he didn't act the way he did. It hurt Katsuki every time someone said something about it, but it's his fault, he told him self he just wasn't perfect yet. But every time he'd do something for Izuku, he'd praise him, always making him feel like he was close to enough. 

"No wait, I'm sorry. I'll just turn in the body everyone still thinks you're dead, so it'll be fine. Please just don't leave me, I promise I have changed!"

 Katsuki begged pulling at the back of Izuku's suit. Izuku loved this how weak Bakugo acted, the way his little puppet always came back. Izuku turned to Katsuki holding his chin up making eye contact with him.

"Thank you sweetheart." Izuku said kissing his cheek.

"I'll come by your house tomorrow, get something for the two of us to eat, okay?" 

Izuku said pulling Katsuki by the waist into a tight hug. Katsuki nodded his head in response hugging Izuku back. Izuku let go of him, holding his arms in a tight grip.

"I'll be off now, make sure I don't have any cops on my tail."

Izuku said before leaving. Katsuki turned to the body, dialling a number.

《°•~Call start~•°》

"Hello Bakugo, is something wrong you don't usually call me."

"Yeah, four eyes, I found a dead body."

"What! Are you sure they're dead? Did you check their pulse?"

"I'm not fucking stupid four eyes, I'd check the pulse if their head and hand were still attached to their body." Katsuki said, looking down at the dismembered body.

"....Okay, where are you, I'll send someone down there."

"I'm at xxx-xxx In the alleyway near the run down coffee shop."

"What are you doing down there? Isn't your house on the other side of town?" Iida questioned

"Uhh.. I-I went on a run after I got off work."

"I applaud your training effort, but don't over do yourself."

"I'll be fucking fine! I know my damn body."

"Alright, alright, calm down, I'll be there in a bit."

《°•~Call end~•°》


The first two chapters are short. I'll be posting every other day.

Word count(840)

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